Chapter 3

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Jamie straightened up and leaned in towards me, throwing her hand over my mouth right as footsteps came walking in.

"Cas?" I heard Sophie's voice and my stomach immediately dropped. Someone else had come in with her, but I wasn't sure who it was. I looked at Jamie, ready to fess up to Sophie and blow our cover, but she shook her head at me. She kept her hand tight against my mouth.

"Hm," Sophie continued, "guess she's not in here...who knows where she went."

I heard Sophie come into the stall next to us as I struggled to keep still and quiet. Jamie kept her one hand over my mouth, but the other moved back to my throbbing pussy. My eyes grew wide realizing what she was doing, and she slowly slid one finger inside of me.

I let a soft moan escape as her finger pushed inside of me. Her hand pressed harder against my mouth, trying to keep me quiet.

"Everything okay over there?" I heard Sophie ask. I closed my eyes and did my best to suppress my moans as I heard Jamie answer, "all good over here, thanks love."

She moved her finger in and out of my wet pussy, quickening her pace and making it harder and harder to stay quiet. I bit down on her hand, feeling the pleasure start to build up at a rapid pace.

We heard the 2 girls leave the bathroom and Jamie's hand moved away from my mouth, finally letting my groans escape.

"That was close," Jamie said with a grin, her mouth replacing her hand that had been keeping me quiet. Her kisses deepened and I felt her slide a 2nd finger inside of me.

"Fuck Jamie," I groaned against her lips, "I'm so close." Her lips hovered over mine as her fingers slid quickly in and out of me.

"Cum for me Cas," Jamie softly said. Her thumb moved over my sensitive clit while her fingers continued to fuck me. That touch almost immediately put me over the edge.

I wrapped my arm around the back of Jamie's neck. Arching my back and grasping on to her hair as the wave of ecstasy washed over me.

My body trembled as I came down from the leg shaking orgasm. My lips found Jamie's and kissed her deeply as her fingers slowly pulled out of my wet slit.

Jamie pulled back slightly, her forehead resting against mine. "I thought you were just here with your friend?" She teased and I could feel the smile spread across her lips.

"I changed my mind," I said with a laugh. She quickly stood up and grabbed my hand, helping me up and handing me my clothes.

"Better not keep your friend waiting too much longer," Jamie said, taking my chin in her hand and planting one last kiss on my lips.

A wave of guilt and reality washed over me when she said those words. I had no idea how this had just happened. But there was no denying that I had enjoyed it.

I quickly began putting my clothes back on as Jamie went to slip out of the stall. She turned towards me before she shut the door again, "See you around Cas." She winked and walked out of the bathroom.


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