Chapter 8

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I got up for work the next morning determined to not let Jamie distract me today.

Just keep it professional, and see what happens. I repeated Sophie's words to myself as I got ready.

I had decided to rip the bandaid off with Callan last night and break up with him after everything that had happened. I'm sure that would be the thing to defer my attention today.

I felt bad that I didn't tell him the whole truth, but there was also a sense of relief.

When I got to work that morning, I headed towards the elevator as usual. Of course Jamie was the only other person in it when I stepped on. I couldn't get away from this girl.

I quietly stood there as the elevator rose up to the next floor.

"What, I don't even get a good morning now?"

I turned around to face Jamie and saw her smiling at me.

"Good Morning Jamie," I said politely. "I'm just trying to not let myself get too distracted today."

Just as her usual seductive smirk spread across her face, the elevator doors opened again and a large group shuffled in. They squeezed everyone in, causing the elevator to become VERY cramped.

I got pushed almost all the way to the back, and was essentially face to face with Jamie now. I tried to turn back around quickly, but there just wasn't enough room.

"It's just a short elevator ride Cas," Jamie said quietly so only I could hear. "You'll be fine." Her blue eyes stayed locked on mine, and I couldn't look away.

Being this close to her again brought me right back to that night at the club. Her scent was intoxicating and I didn't want to move away. I still wasn't sure what this was between us, but I realized that I had to find out.

The elevator came to a stop on the next floor up, and the large group got out, leaving Jamie and I alone again.

"You know they all just left, right?" Jamie asked me as I stood there, fixed in front of her. "You've got quite a bit more room to not be distracted by now."

I kept my eyes on her, feeling my gaze periodically dart down to her lips. Instead of backing up, I took another step forward. Our bodies were almost pressed together now, and we were both slowly moving in.

"You know," I said against her lips, "I think I am going to need to conduct some more experiments."


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