Chapter 7

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She stepped back, leaving me frozen where I stood, shooting me a wink over her shoulder as she walked out of my office.

Just when I thought things could be somewhat normal...damn her.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do, and still couldn't figure out what I was feeling for this girl. I needed someone's advice...I had to tell Sophie.

I thankfully avoided seeing Jamie for the rest of the day, and I prepared myself to call Sophie on the way home.

"Hey Cas what's up!" Hearing her peppy voice on the other end of the phone calmed me down at least a tiny bit.

"Hey Soph," I hesitated, trying to find the right way to tell her everything that had happened.

"Are you okay?" She could obviously sense the stress in my voice.

"Yeah I just um, I have something I need to tell you," I paused for a second before continuing. "And you can't get mad at me for not telling you when it happened."

There was a moment of silence before she responded, "okay well now you're just worrying me, spill."

I took a deep breath, I knew I'd feel better once I talked to her about this. I just had to get it out first.

"So you know that girl on Saturday that wanted you to give me her number?" I started.

"Yes...I recall," Sophie responded. I could hear the questioning tone of her voice and could tell she was trying to figure out where this was going.

"Okay well I - I mean we uh - well we hooked up in the bathroom that night." I held my breath through the silence on the other end of the phone, before Sophie finally responded.

"You WHAT now?!" She thankfully didn't sound mad, just shocked.

"Um, yeah we definitely hooked up. I don't know what happened Soph."

The next words out of her mouth gave me a smile that I didn't realize how badly I needed.


I shook my head as I smiled, always so good with words she was.

"Sophie...I appreciate the vote of confidence but that's not exactly why I'm telling you this."

"Right right," Sophie gathered her thoughts and continued. "So uhhh...what the fuck Cas?"

"SOPHIE!" I quickly said, "you're not exactly helping!"

"WELL, sorry I'm in just a little bit of shock!" She said back.

I sighed, not even sure where to go with this. After a quick moment, Sophie broke the silence again. "I mean, you've never been curious about girls before, have you?"

"No, definitely not. That's one of the many reasons why I'm so damn confused."

"Damn Cas," Sophie paused for a minute before continuing her thought. "Don't get mad at me for asking this, but how drunk were you??"

I let out a laugh before responding, "unfortunately I wasn't...that would be the easy explanation for this."

I sighed again, "But Soph that's not even the worst part of this predicament."

"Worse??" She said, "I don't know, this doesn't sound like a problem to me."

"Sophie come on, I'm serious!"

"Okay I'm sorry, I got it out of my system!" She said apologetically.

"I walked in to work this morning and she got in the damn elevator with me. SHE'S the other lawyer on this case I just started."

"Oh shit," Sophie quietly said on the other end of the phone.

"Yup," I said, "she apparently works on the same damn floor as me and now we're on the same case 2 days after we hooked up."

"Shit Cas, that is rough. Do you, you know, like, have feelings for her?" Sophie asked. This was the question I'd been dreading because I honestly had no idea how to answer.

"No!" I quickly said, but then I hesitated. "Well, I don't know actually."

Sophie paused to think about my answer, I could almost hear her wheels turning as she tried to come up with a good solution.

"Well maybe," she started, "maybe you can just try to keep it professional with her for now and see where it takes you."

"That'll be a lot easier said than done if she doesn't stop teasing me," I quickly replied.

"Ooo a sexy office romance," Sophie quickly quipped back.

"Shut up Soph," I laughed. "I just got home so I gotta go, but I'll keep you updated."

"Yeah you better this time!" She yelled back at me on the phone.

"Byeeee," I responded and quickly hung up the phone. No matter how sarcastic she had been, I was so glad she knew about everything now.


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