Chapter 24

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A few weeks went by and it seemed like we had made it through the case without any problems. Jamie and I were still being careful, but we thought we were in the clear.

I was getting ready to leave the office one night, when my boss stopped me and asked to talk to me. Jamie had been waiting right outside the doors, so I held a finger up to let her know I'd be there in a minute.

"Hey Jason," I said as I stepped into his office, "you needed to see me?"

"Come in and have a seat," he said in a monotone voice.

He was making me a little nervous, but I calmly went and sat at the chair at his desk opposite of him.

He sighed and looked up at me, "why didn't you disclose your relationship with the opposing counsel on our last case Cas?"

Shit, this was not good.

"I..well I, we," I stumbled over my words, trying not to panic. "The case was almost over so I guess we just um, we thought it would be fine."

My hands fidgeted in my lap as I waited to hear what he would say.

He shook his head and rubbed his hand over his face. "The client isn't happy about this Cas. I'm sorry but I think it's best that you transfer to one of our other offices."

I felt my stomach drop as he said this, "I'm sorry...what?" I asked.

"This could turn out a lot worse for everyone involved if we don't do it this way," Jason said. "The other firm has said that it either needs to be this or they fire Jamie."

My eyes grew wide at his ultimatum. How the hell was any of this fair?

"I'm going to need you to go to our office in California," Jason continued.

"California??" I repeated back to him, "that's on the other side of the country, I can't - "

"Cas," he put his hand up to cut me off, "I'm sorry but unless you want this to turn out much worse for both you and Miss Callahan, this is what you need to do. You're lucky you're both not getting disbarred and losing your jobs."

I sat there and let the reality sink in, knowing there was nothing else I could do about it at this point. "Alright," I said quietly, "sorry for the problems this has caused Jason."

He gave me a slight nod and said, "we'll discuss your transfer later this week."

I got up in a daze and slowly walked out of his office. Jamie was waiting for me and could obviously sense that something was wrong.

"Cas, what happened?" She asked, "are you okay?"

"Jamie," I said as I shook my head, "they know."


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