Planning first

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Grian pov;

I was sat apone the rocket shop, with the other resisters waiting for Scar's speech to the other hermits. Me and the resistors knows that what he's going to be talking about; as it's most likely to be us, after raiding the fake base. And getting info about us, I sighed then spoke up

"I won't be surprised if its revealing us and making us "public enemy" or whatever other titles they can give us" As I finished the sentence I looked over at the others.

"As longs as they don't close our shops, I would say were fine" Stress wasn't wrong and we all agreed with her,

Suddenly the crowd cheered and we all looked. As Scar walked onto the stage.

"Here we go" Etho said as he did, I pulled my knees up to my chest and I heard hums and yeahs from behind me.

We watched as Scar took a breath and had his iconic smile on first.

"Good day, citizens of Hermitcraft! I've called this for one reason... I'm please to say, we know who the resistors are..."

He's smile faded quicker then his smiles grows on his face.

"I won't name and shame, anyway they know who the are and I'll have their shops closed, and they will be hunted down them down and we'll have them arrested... Oh! And their not allowed to step into the shopping district" as if it was nothing Scar had his iconic smile on his face.

"Now on that note... Have a good everyone, good bye!" Scar waved as he walked of the stage

I stood up Suddenly and brought attention to myself, I looked down to were our dear mayor walked of to. With a disgusted look on my face.

"So, why don't we all go home and rest, then meet up at our fake base and plot the next plan... And make it obvious that your going in, the hermits will quickly as we won't be coming here" I looked in the direction of the fake base, then to the others.

"Are you sure?" I felt Xb's hand on my shoulder. I gave him a nod and smiled.

"See ya on the other side guys" as I finished I fell backwards and caught myself and flew off, and went back home.


I was getting my dinner sorted out ready, as I heard thunder followed by a flash. 'Grate a storm at least I'm not doing anything outside' I thought to myself. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I walk over to it, when I open the door I see a shocking wet mayor.

"Can I-" Before he could finish I butted in "Yeah, as long as you promise not to cause problems otherwise your out, got it?" I got a nod in response, so I moved a side to let him in. He then slightly ran in.

"Thanks, and I won't try and arrest you" I closed the door, I turned to see Scar just behind me, I jumped

"Scar, why are you just standing there?" I looked up at him trying not to laugh as his hair was covering his eyes. "Oh, sorry, do you have any blankets?" I nodded and pointed him to the fire place that he can sit by to warm up and to dry off "Thanks Grian"

I walked over to my wardrobe with all my blankets in and took out on of my larger ones. I walked back to Scar and gave him the blanket. "That's one of my bigger ones" I then sat down beside him with a gap between us. I watched the fire dance and listened to the tapping from the rain and the cracking from the fire. I could feel myself falling asleep.

"Tired?" I looked over at Scar. Even though we're friends..? He still kept the factor of he's the mayor and I'm a threat to him as being Mother spore. "Yeah... Its just so peaceful right now" I looked back to the fireplace.

"I can agree with you there, by the way is it OK if I stay while the storm passes" Scar said with a sigh as he stood up and sat down. "Yeah, I'm of the get ready for bed... I'm more than ready to go to sleep" I stood up and looked over at Scar. Then walked to my room.

After I got changed and went back into the front room, I saw Scar slowly drifting of to sleep.

"If your going to sleep my seating then atleast get changed out of your mayor cloths, it'll do you better" I said quite bluntly as I sat down.

"Yeah... Is it ok if I get changed in your bathroom?" I gave Scar a nod, he thanked me and went to get changed...

'I hope I don't deal with buff Scar... That would be awkward...' I was lost in thought then Scar spoke up braking me out of my thoughts "Sorry about this, my elitra broke on the way back home and you were closer, so I thought jist to stay while the storm passes..." I looked over at him, to see him shirtless and I immediately looked away "Right but, not being rude, now ya tell me why your here"

Scar sat down beside me (again with a gap) and slowly started to hum a song. I listened to the song and it was one I remember from my childhood... 'Is this Hanging tree?' Scar looked over at me 'did I say that allowed!?'

"What's wrong?" Scar said leaning in and whipped my tears away "Oh! Nothing it's just that, the song you were humming is what my mother used to sing when I was a kid" I looked away and over to an old picture with my parents and little me in, I gave a soft smile as I did.

"Well I heard it from Tango, he would often often hum it, while he did is work in the meeting room or his floor" Scar said as he sat back down. I turned to him and looked back to the picture. "I mean, it's not like it's a song that my mother sang, it was known but not alot of people listened to it." As I turned my head back to Scar he seemed sympathetic. Questions the filled my head as if a flash flood happened.

"Sorry, does it mean alot to you?" When Scar spoke it broke my question and all I could do was nod. "I'm going to bed... You can stay the night if it can help you in any way, but if you do leave just write a note to say so... For some reason, if I open up to people, I don't like it when the Suddenly leave"

Before I could leave the room, I felt Scar grab my arm. "Thanks, and I promise not to tell a soul, even though we're at war... I'm still going to keep it a secret, if it helps" I smiled and nodded, then Scar let go of my arm and I went to sleep.

*+1188 words+*

YAY PART ONE IS DONE!!! Now go get food and a drink, and have a good rest of your day, afternoon, evening or night.

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