New home?

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Grian pov;

I was sat on the source block pondering weather I should call a meeting or not, then as I was walking to the bubble elevator, out of nowhere there was a lot weight on my shoulders, I then realised it was Etho and Impulse "Your not pushing that button Grian" Etho spoke in a somewhat serious tone, "I wasn't! Just because I was staring at it for a duration of time doesn't mean I want to press it!" The Ren joined the conversation "G, Your known for pressing buttons and you tend to look at them for long periods of time" Ren wasn't wrong "But I wasn't I'm telling you" now everyone in the resistance was present "Then what was you doing?" I looked over at Xb "The bubble elevator, you need to go past the button to get to it" Etho and Impulse let me go and appoligised, "By the way, did you all do something to a HEP building the other night?" everyone nodded, "I just wanna know, who made the HEP HQ a llama?" Jevin looked at everyone when he looked at me I started to laugh, "Wait- Grian you did!?" I nodded as I continued to laugh, "I think we we're all thinking it was a llama, like come on make your HQ look eco-friendly but don't make it into an animal shape" Stress I smiling and soon was everyone, since we all knew that I had done something with in reason and it was understandable.

Soon all our laughing was cut short as there was explosions happening "Umm guys, what was that noise?" I looked to wards the vault as it seems that the noise is coming from that direction, two more went off I knew what was going on immediately "GET THE SOURCE BLOCK!" me, Etho and Jevin ran to it and got some block, some of the others went to grab other mycelium blocks that was in the chests, I ran around to what I could grab, "GRIAN WE NEED TO LEAVE!" I heard Etho shout, "GO ON WITH OUT ME!" I ran into a room and got any mycelium blocks I could find, Etho and Ren,  ran back to me to get some of the block from me, as we ran to the elevator, one more explosion went off and it sounded to be outside of the vault, I shouted to the other two "GTHERES A BIG ENOUGH ROOM BEHIND THE CLOCK IN TOWN HALL FOR ALL OF US TO FIT BEHIND!" as I pushed Ren and Etho  so that they were closer to the bubble elevator and they nodded to what I said then they went up, the last explotion happened, I was thrown into the wall that was previously hidden by the source block, then everything went black.


I woke up to see a mossy ceiling and I noticed that I was in a bed, "Where am I?" I sat up and rubbed the back of my head before someone spoke up "Your in prison" I looked to see False by the door , I was confused and upset as HEP has now got what they wanted, they had the upper hand and take advantage of me being here to get the others. I looked down to the bed to see that my lower torso covered in bandages, "You collided with the wall opposite of where we got in. You were badly injured and needed medical help, luckily Wels knew how to use bandages and sort the injuries you sustained." False was blunt and cold while she spoke to me. "Thanks, I guess..." I laid my head on to the wall behind me. 'Now I need to find a way out' I looked around me room and nothing seemed to be out of place, other than a door, witch is currently guarded by False, I eventually zoned out as they made sure that nothing was out of place or allow me to get out.

I was brought back to reality by locks opening I looked to wards the door to see Wels and Scar walk, in and I looked behind them to see False walk away, "Can I changed your bandages?" I looked at Wels and nodded he then wanted me to lift my arms for easier access to the bandages, I looked over at Scar and saw how he seemed satisfied with my current state. Wels was done with the bandages and left the room as Scar closed the door behind him. "What is it?" I sounded cold and part of me wanted to apologise to how rude it sounded as the other part didn't as he was happy with my situation "Well, I guess its that I need to have a word with you" I lifted one eyebrow "Ok..?" I did feel my face warm up as I did still have this liking to him for some reason, "So, one, who made the HEP tower look like a llama?" I smiled a bit, and pointed to me "Well how dare you, two, why do you hate us? We're only trying to make the shopping district look nice" He looked at me and it felt like my heart was racing, 'GRIAN! This is no time for falling for the mayor- YOUR ENEMY!' "Well? why are you doing the things your doing?" I knew why we where doing this but I didn't want to say why "None of your business" I turned my body so that I was facing away from the other.  "Grian, Please theres ways we can make things work but the only way it will work is by talking" I turned to Scar "I won't say what the intentions are until we win" I then looked away from Scar" I felt Scar sit down on the other end of the bed. "Grian please, I-" I looked at Scar who seemed to be suddenly red in the face "What's wrong with you?" Scar seemed to look at me "Nothing, that concerns you... Right now" I didn't hear the last thing Scar said "What was that?" Scar got up and left the room, and I saw Tango stand by the door. after I heard locks being locked.

*+1036 words+*

AAAAAA I was so tempted to have a kiss in this but I refuse to! But it will come... Eventually... I don't know when I will but they will kiss at some point.

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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