Love's in the air

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Doc pov:

I was sat in my seat within the resistors new HQ, I thinking how everyone, had someone they seemed to get along well with, even if their the enemy... Like Etho and Bdubs seemed to act like the perfect couple along side of Mumbo and Iskall, those two redstoners are really the only two hermits who knows how to make a Grian-prof redstone machine. While I was daydreaming I didn't realised that Ren had walked in, as I was brought back to reality as the other had sneezed, "Bless you" I said, while looking to wards the other.

"Thanks" I nodded to Ren's responded as I watch him walk to the kitchen. 'What an odd sneeze... But it was kind of cute...' I shook my head as I didn't know what I was thinking about. Looking down to the desk I saw some burn marks like an explosion had caught the table. I was quite confused on how they got there. "Hay, Ren?" I turned my head to face him as he walked into the room taking a mouth full of his drink, "Yeah?" He came up to the side of me "What's with the table looking so burnt for TNT explosions?" Ren looked at the table a bit closer, "Ah yeah dude, well... When HEP exploded their way into the old base, the explosions might have caught the table." when he finished talking, he took a another mouth full of his drink. "What you got?" I had turned my body so that it was fully facing the other.

"Eh, it's just... water" Ren looked at the cup then to me, "Why..? Want some?" He asked I nodded, I was a bit confused as well as worried as he started to slur while he spoke. he gave me his drink and I had a sip and instantly spat it out, "That's not water! That's Vodka!" Ren shrugged, "I mean... it tastes... like water... J... Just s...slightly... Met...Metallic" I looked at the other confused as well as concerned. "W...What?" Ren seemed a bit tipsy now that he had more to drink. "Vodka doesn't tastes like water, my guy... Außerdem betrinkst du dich..." I took full advantage of being the only German on hermitcraft, Ren finished his drink before spoke "W-What... Did you... *hic*... Say?" I rolled my eyes, before getting up and moving Ren so that he was leaning on me "W...What... You Man..?" Again I rolled my eyes, "We're going back to your base, you need sleep" 

Ren tried pushing me off, but since he was drunk he couldn't get me off of him, "Come on, lets go" I started to walk and quickly realised that it probable be easier to carry him to his base, as well as going through the nether. "Ich denke, ich trage dich dann zurück zu deiner Basis..." I saw Ren slowly drifting of to sleep. 'Great now your sleeping' I thought to myself as I picked him up (bridle style) and started to walk to the portal, in the base. Eventually I managed to get him into his bed and I chose to stay the night and found some seating and fell asleep on it.


I woke up to the sound of a dog wincing, I got up and went to Ren's bedroom and saw him hands on head whining, "You got drunk, yesterday" I said as I walked into the room and sat down onto Ren's bed. "W-When did you get here?" Ren had now only got on hand on his head as he tried to look at me. "Oh, I stayed the night, sorry" I had one hand on the back of my neck, "But I had to make sure you wouldn't hurt yourself in the night as you, like I said, got drunk" Ren could only nod this time around, "Would you like some water?" I asked expecting the other to nod, which he did "Alrighty, don't get up till I'm back" I got up and went to make him a drink. "Warum mag ich diesen Mann so sehr? Er hat sich buchstäblich selbst vergeudet. Aber wer kann die Liebe aufhalten? Doc... Du sprichst mit dir selbst..."


Me and Ren where just sat down, talking, I could feel my heart starting to race as we started to talk about crushes and how its possible that Scar and Grian could be dating the other. I saw how Ren's face was slowly turning red, "You alright the mate?" I asked as he seemed confused but... timid..? "Umm yeah.." I saw how his face went a brighter red, I didn't want to make it worse and chose to change the subject, "When do you think the war will end?" I moved my head so I was facing my robotic limbs, "Eh, dunno, depends on how badly Grian pins for Scar, I guess" I looked back to Ren. "Sorry about this, but How come do you have robotic limbs, I don't really recall you ever needing them" I felt myself stiffen, "Y-You don't have to awnser if you don't want to, it's just me being nosie" I nodded, "Nah, it's fine, I've had them since I was young, I don't really remeber why I have them other than, it was to save my life, if I didn't get them" I had moved my hand while speaking. "Oh... I guess it's good job you did, other wise we wouldn't have such a goat like you Doc" I felt my face heat up, I nodded to Ren's comment. "I guess"


While I was sat in my base, I heard a knock at my door, I went to see who it was and it was Ren. "Come in, come in" I stood aside while speaking, Ren rushed in as he did. Though it was unexpected, I was more then happy that he was here, "How can I be of serves to ya?" Ren turned to face me, he was extremely red in the face, "Ummm... I guess... Ummm..." I closed the door behind me as I walked to ward Ren who was getting redder as I got closer. "Ren, are you drunk again?" He shook his head, "Th-That was last week, I'm not this time" Ren seemed to be able to keep eye contact with while he spoke. "L-Listen dude, I need to get this of my chest before I implode, you see... I've liked you for along time, not just in a friend way... But in a ummm... Crush way... I was wodering if... ummm... You feel the same?" I Ren looked up at me. I smiled softly at the other and moved closer to him,

"I must be in a dream... I've liked you since I first saw you." I moved my hands so that they were holding Ren;s hands. "C-Can I have a... Kiss?" Ren asked quite sheepishly, I gave him one of the forehead, "I umm... Meant the umm... Lips" I rolled and moved my right hand so it was on his face, then I gave him a kiss on the lips.

"I guess, we're boyfriends now?"

"Mhm, we are"

*+1180 words+*

OMFG, This was gay as hell... Sorry if it wasn't what you were expcting, but eh, we need more gay in this already gay book. Anywho... Things will get slow as I can't think of much more to add other than the end and how Grian and Scar will tell their friends, so yeah...

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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