Overnight talk

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Scar pov;

I was sat atop of the ladders to Larry's shell, I was thinking about what Cleo had said to me. Soon a well know blond appeared from within the bushes, then Jellie jumped down to him, and I followed after realising that she did. "How can I help you?" Grain sounded bitter, I knew it was for good reason, I took a deep breath, "Look, I'm sorry for what I did to you the other day, but HEP had put pressure on me to do it, as they said if I didn't they will get you and the spores even if there's a truce and so I said it... So please just know that I'm sorry for what I did and that I don't care if you will ever forgive me you can hate me for as long as you like but please... I'm deeply sorry" I looked into Grians eyes, I noticed that he was slightly red in the face, "Grian? You ok? Hello? Scar to Grian!" Grian then shook his head "sorry, I just spaced out, It's fine I guess but I don't think my little spores are happy with you at all but hay their not here right now" the he gave me hug and then went of home, I'm guessing


I was sat next to Grian as we were watching a movie, then I looked over to Grian and our eyes locked and I felt my face warm up then we were slowly leaning to the other closing our eyes and then our lips met, then the feel of falling over came me, I opened my eyes to darkness.

I then I sat up quickly, 'The heck was that?'. I got myself together the best I could, I got out of bed and found a wizard rob and ran to my portal to go to Cleo's base.


"CLEO!" I was shouting as I didn't know where she was, "CLEO!", Soon I saw her, "Scar? what are you doing here and why so late?" I cached my breath before I spoke up, "I need to talk to you..."

We went inside and Cleo gave me a drink, "So what is it?" she asked, "I had this dream where I was kissing... Grian... It felt passionate and as if it was right? then I woke up" I looked from my drink then to Cleo confused. "Well do you like him like that?" She had no grin on or anything as if she hitting to much she wanted to know and show that I'm in a place of safety. "Well at the start of the war no I didn't, then I started hating him because he was being problematic as usual, yes but he was a thorn in my side, then when he spoke to me about the shops I felt warm in the face... I was like that till now and... I don't know any more if I do or not"

Cleo placed her hand on my chin and had me face her, she had a soft smile on and then pulled me into a hug, without warning I sunk into the hug and cried slightly, "How about you focuse on the war as best as you can and not worrie about your feelings, you can always talk to me about it and if it help I can talk to Grian, but all I want you to do is keep going and if this feeling get stronger for Grian and then try and convince HEP to give up with the war and call a truce, how does that sound?" Cleo pushed me and held me by my shoulders, I nodded, "Thanks Cleo, I can always count on you for advise about anything." She smiled and gave me on more hug, "I better get leaving" I stood up and went to the door, waved goodbye and went home.


I found Jellie and Picked her up and put her into her bed next to mine, I took my rob off and went looked into the mirror. I could see all of my scars from fights I got into, 'At least none of them look to be infected or anything, look at those muscles Scar all that working out paid off, but I'll still need to keep fit as do Jellie' I walked over to the now sleeping Jellie and softly kissed her on her head and went to bed.


Cub was talking about profits and future plans for the shopping district I had Jellie purring on my lap as I stroked her, I smiled at her as she so gosh darn cute for a little old lady. "SCAR!" I quickly looked up t see Cub slightly annoyed and the other HEP members looking at me. "What? Can I not smile at my own cat?" Cub sighed before speaking "Your not paying attention you need to pay attention as this important" I closed my eyes as I sighed then spoke up "Listen, You are tyring your hardest but I think at the moment we should be on the defence and wait for them to attack us before we do any more... They are aware that we will arrest them if they're spotted so they'll be trying to avoid us as best as they can, while to keep their shops running and making their mega bases, so we don't need to worry about them right at this moment, now I think I'll leave and you guys and keep talking about things as Jellie needs her bath and grooming time" I picked Jellie up, Just before I was about to leave X grabbed my shoulder, "Scar, we need to be ready for when they do attack so we need a plan ready for when they do." I looked down at Jellie and sighed "Guys, they wont bother till they know they have a good enough reason to do so" I left before anyone else says anything.


I was making me and Jellie food while I did I was humming a melody, then I heard a knock at the door, I took off my apron I got to the door and open it to see Bdubs, "scar!" I moved aside as Bdubs gestured down the ladder, I watched as each HEP member entered Larry. "What do you need?" I closed the door and went back to making food for me and Jellie, "We need a pla-" Tango was about to say before I cut him off "We are staying in defence, I don't want to hear anymore suggestions for an attack plan or anything, all we are going to do I add defences to any of our builds" I was fed up with the plans for attack, "I have a plan ready but it can only happen when they attack us at this current moment, so stop with plans for attacking at this current time" I could see that on each of the HEPs faces that the noticed how annoyed I was about all this planning. "Sorry Scar but we need to-" I cut of False, "I'm sorry but no they have-" This time I was stopped part way through a sentence by Keralis "They have attacked Scar, they did it over night" I looked at Keralis slightly shocked, "How have they exactly?" then X showed me pictures of what they did "They've vandalised few of our buildings" I looked at the others with a smile on my face "What's the plan?"

*+1242 Words+*

Ok, so I think you guys know what will be happening next, I think it might be gay but then it might not be at the same time, we will have to wait

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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