A ''simple stretch''

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Grian pov:

I felt my back and wings starting to get sore, 'I need to got out and stretch my wings' I went to the door to see if there was anyone and there was Keralis, "Umm, Keralis?" I felt a bit dumb for ask this but I need to stretch my wings other wise I might cause damage to myself as the tips of my feathers are some what sharp, "What is it?" I looked to the door to see keralis looking at me "I umm... Need to stretch my wings and prone them as to get rid of any lose feathers" I started twisting my thumbs as Keralis spoke up "Why can't you do it in there?" I gave an awkward smile "Too small of a room" a short and sweet reason he then moved I couldn't really see what he was doing do to the door. Soon False, Cub and X arrived and the door was opened. "So you need to stretch your wings?" I nodded to Cubs question. X and Cub walked behind me and False moved her head as to say move. So I did as I was told. as We got outside I immediately sat down onto the grass and stretch my wings out as I stretched my back at the same time. After a few minutes I moved my wings around to the front of me and looked for any out of place or lose feathers. I stood up and opened my wings to full length. As I did discomfort shook me, I had lose or out of place feathers in the worst part, "Umm... Could someone help me I got a few out of place or lose feathers by the base of my wings" I said I looked to the HEP members outside with me. Then out of nowhere Scar spoke up "I will" I turned so that my back facing him and I felt his hands gently grab the base of my wings and I slightly jumped as he did (If you know why I did then you know), he then sorted out the feathers that was cause me discomfort.

"Is that better?" I moved my wings and nodded, "Could I have a quick fly?" I asked and X equipped his elytra, as people know that X is the only other person who could keep up with me when flying. "I will stay by your side so that you cannot get away" He narrowed his eyes as he finished his sentence. I nodded as I took off, I did a quick loop around and found away to get X away from me. Unlike X I can managed to go through small gaps and get really fast from a free fall dive, so I took my chances by flying quite high up and stopped to wait for X to catch up. "What are you up to?" I felt a smile grow on my face as I spoke, "Getting my way out of this situation X, try and keep up" as I finished I stopped flapping my wings as X got his communicator out and shouted into it, "HE'S GETTING WAY" as he started his descent to keep up with me, as I was drawing near to the entrance of the meeting room I spread my wings and  flew through meeting room. On the other side I saw Cub but as well as room to fly by him and again took my chances and went through those gaps. I turned to see all of the HEP members and- Mumbo? now chasing me, "Grian, you won't be able to get away" Mumbo shouted, I shook my head and I turned so that I can see where I was going, I could hear HEP cheering X on and I gathered his was closing in, this chase won't last for much longer, I swerved to open water and dived down to it, I watched the water get closer and closer, as soon as I was close enough I pulled away and flew along the water, I knew that X and HEP wouldn't dive down after me and the elytra's need time before they can react to such a close fall, and they're the worst to dry off.

I stayed close to the water and watched the shadows of HEP to see when I can divert to land to give my wings a rest, I turned back to the shopping district and HEP stayed onto of me. They knew I was going to land at some point.  as I could pass out from being tired and lend up in the sea. so I needed a plan now. I can't give up and let them catch me, cause then the won't let me out again because of this, the shopping district came into view, I need to lose them on foot. I flew up and landed, and started running and my knees buckled slightly under my weight, half of HEP landed to catch me on foot as the other Half kept to the sky's. I kept the chase on foot, as we ran I could hear shouting, and my breath getting heavy, I needed somewhere to hide in for a bit. I took a sudden turn and was heading to town hall. 'I need to lose them now or they could get my in a corner' As I looked over my shoulder to see who was chasing me, I watched as the HEP who was in the sky land, I suddenly collided into someone and they grabbed me, I look to see who it was, hoping it wasn't a HEP member, and I was pleased to see Etho, "Now" He then looked at  HEP as the resistance and Doc? slowed down the resistance, "Come on, we need to get you to safty" I nodded as Etho ran to the beach, "We saw you running and where you was going, and I said that we should wait their for you, the others will ctach up soon, they know what their doing" I nodded as I was too tired to talk.

We got to the beach and Etho placed a boat, "Hope in, We're not going to fly as your probably too tired to do so" I got into the boat as Etho rode us to wards a giant mushroom like castle, I saw the resistors and Doc fly to the land as me and Etho got closer to the coast, once we got there Impulse picked me up and took me inside the building, he then placed me into a giant seat, I'm guessing it's mine. "There we go" I looked to Impulse and smiled as I felt myself sink into the seat. "I'll go make some tea, who would like some?" Stress asked as everyone sat down in there seats. I felt like I was going to fall asleep and I thought to speak before so,  "Thanks guys, I'm to tired and I'm just going to sleep" I saw the others nod before I fell a sleep.

Doc pov:

I watched as the others sighed as Grian fell asleep in his seat, everyone left the room ot the kitchen that they built in I got up and placed a bed in the main room and went to grian and picked him up so I could place him into the bed, I placed the covers over him and walked away so I could join the others. I walked in and Stress gave me a drink. "I moved him so, now he's in a bed" the others nodded or smiled, "He must of though of his escape in a second" I looked at Xb "Yeah, and he probably was flying for a long time, cause he's fast asleep right now" I said, I took a sip of my drink. "Is it me, or was Scar really submissive? Like we didn't seem to ant to take control of the fight or anything, he just stood at a distance" Impulse asked looked to everyone other than Etho as he was focused on Grian. "Yeah... Do you think he might have a crush on G or something?" Ren added, "Well lets not worry about Scar we've got Grian and that was our main goal" Etho said quite rudely, but then he's probably tired from all of this. "Fair enough" I took out my communicator and looked at the time, it was only past mid-day so I thought not to do anymore with my raid farm and chose to stay the night. "What should we do now? We've got Grian" I said as it started to get awkward, "I guess we can wait for G to wake up and make sure he's ok" We all went into that main room and spoke quietly as not to wake up G. Etho eventually drifted of to sleep, I got another bed out and placed it near G and Impulse put Etho into the bed.

*+1492 words*+

Is that the most words I've done? And I've done two povs!? well I just need to get this of my chest- I had written ' black roses' to now during my brake from Wattpad due to the factor of I got all my inspiration to do so much out of nowhere, but it's probably because I was worried about getting chapters out on time or something like that, hence why there's been a sudden amount of chapter published. So now I will take a much, much needed brake, by the time you've read this I might have done the rest of the book.

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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