⚠ not a chapter ⚠

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You don't need to read this if you don't want to but please read the last two notes thx

Just a few things to say;


there's another book in the making it's vone by me and a friend; That_Gh0sty

We've been working on it for a bit and when it comes to publishing it we hope you like it :)


If you like to give any ideas for the next chapter that would be nice as, I've been struggling to think of what to do next, you can either just give a title name and I'll go by that or you can give point and a title for the next chapter, thank you if you do, if you just want to vote for one you can that can help me picking the next chapter, if your suggesting then note that if I'm ever suck again I'll always come back here and pick another one.


I'll be taking a bit of a break after Christmas, as I have mock exams and because of this there won't be a new chapter till nearly the end of January madey February, though yes it took me like a month to get the 5th chapter out, but this will be probably the biggest time gap between chapters, but yeah heads up for that.


Thanks ever so much for enjoy this and all the support you've been giving, it's helped me. To add I think this as helped me in way as I'm hopefully making other people happy (sorry if this sounds rude) without being there and I really hope that this does bring a smile to your face.

That's all :)

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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