Midnight takeover

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Impulse pov;

I was head off to G's house as me and the other resisters have decided to raid Grian's base and sleep for the night. As most of the time he overworks himself. I landed outside of the hobbit hole door and wait for the others to arrive, for our surprise sleepover. 'Full grown adults having a surprise sleepover... I mean yeah it's normal for adults to have sleepovers but I don't think this is normal'.

Eventually everyone arrived and I knocked on the door. "GRIAN!!" As I called out his name I could here Xb and Etho trying not to laugh. "Boys... I know it's fun, we're not just doing this for fun but tp helping Grian with a better sleep routine" Stress whispered telling Xb and Etho off. "Amma shout again... GRIAN! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE AND OPEN THIS DOOR!" We watched as lights came on and fast, heavy foot steps echoed through the build.

"Wha- why are you all here?" I gave Grian a smile, "We decided that we're sleeping here as you need to take a brake from work!" Grian didn't seem happy, but he moved aside to allow us through. "But why?" I looked back over at G "Because we care for you, yes your the leader of this resistance, your also our friend, so let us look out for you" Everyone behind me nodded, hummed or said yeah

As we did Grian smiled and shook his head "I'm pleased I got friends like you lot..." We all smiled and Etho had to be Etho by getting cocky by saying "Yeah, I know I'm the best" he then lent on my shoulder as he looked at his nails "Off..." I didn't turn my head to Etho, either way he stopped leaning on my shoulder, then jokingly put his hands to say he surrounds "Haha, very funny... Anywho, What should we boss?"

"I guess we can watch films. No horror... I cannot deal with them right now!" Grian pointed his finger to Etho as everyone knows that horror is the only thing that Etho really watchs and recommends. "Ok ok, but attest can we watch the conjuring?" All of us just sighed and laughed a bit as there was never one moment where Etho wouldn't want to watch horror movies.

"What? It's a good movie!" He looked at us ever so confused. "It's not that, it's just that you can never go two days without one horror movie" I said with the proudest smile on my face. "Well I never" Etho replied with a stereotypical British accent and putting his hands on his hips in a joking manner.

"Really..?" Etho looked at Grian dead in the eyes "yes..." Everyone then started laughing has Grian gave a small nervous laugh at Ethos' response and how he said it. "Why did you have to say it like that?" Stress added, as if nothing happened Etho turned to her with a smile "What are you on about?"

'What the- Is that even Etho!?' I thought to myself. It was weird how he just changed his emotion like that... But then again it's rare he does it or show much emotion anyway... "W-well how about we watch the horror first then finish of with some good one?" I suggest to brake the silence that filled the room. As I looked from one person to another once I got to G, he seemed to be heads in the clouds. "Hay, G you good there?" He then seemed to shake himself back to reality. "Huh? Pardon?"

I cloud tell that he wasn't paying attention. "You zoned for a moment... What were you saying?" I saw from the corner of my Ren standing up then walked to the side of Grian. "Dude, tell us, is there someone on your mind?" As soon as Ren finished Grians' head fell and looked away. Probably to hide his face, wich we can presume that he's blushing. Jev then spoke up "Oh my god. Mother spore has a crush on someone! Who is it? Tell us!"

Grian pushed Ren of him and turned way from us all "I'm not even sure if it's a crush or what!" I could feels Etho's smile on his face. "I think I might know who it is but I won't say who... I don't want to have a lot of birds around my base..." We all looked at Etho slightly confused. Grian then spoke up "How do you?" Etho shrugged "I'm not saying stuff I'm probably ganna get a target on my head if I did so... Yeah to make it easier for me I'm not saying"


Soon we had finished some movies we all started talking. We were planning on attack plans but Grian seemed to not be bothered while we were planning. "Grian! Your zoning out again!" Grian looked up at me confused "Oh ummm... Sorry, I've had alot on my mind especially with the war"

"Mhm... Right if you say so boss." I rolled my eyes and gave suggestions. But the factor of Grian having a crush on someone seemed to far out of place. I didn't want to ponder on it too much and ultimately decided to wait till I get home.


The next morning came and everyone but Grian was in the room all of them were still asleep and the intrusive thoughts won. I shouted at the top of my lungs "GET YOUR BUTTS UP AND OUT OF BED!!" I laughed and fell to the floor, as everyone suddenly shot up or screamed then I felt a particular slime stand above me. "Very funny... Also were Grian?" I sat up collected myself. "Dunno, woke up and he wasn't here. And yeah I then chose to wake you guys up" I felt daggers from all over the room. "Well, I mean it beats Grian waking us up..." Everyone looked at Xb.

"Listen the man, has a very high pitch chirp, that he will use to wake people us if they fall asleep..." Telling by Xb's look he has delt with it first hand. We all got changed and looked around the hobbit base. Calling for Grian and we all eventually gave up, Stress wrote a letter for Grian letting him know that we're leaving.

*+1051 words+*

For goodness sake... I'm trying not to drift away from the story, by going off topic. If you've been waiting for this sorry for the delay.

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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