Now what?

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Mumbo pov:

I was sat in my seat with in the HEP HQ, I couldn't stop thinking about how Scar had starting the enemy and even chose to defend him. As I was pondering, False walking in and sat opposite to me. "Mumbo?" I looked to the blond and nodded, showing that she can continue, "What do you think will happen. Our leader is... With the bloody enemy and will only refuse to fight him, no matter the cost" I looked over to Scar seat. All I could do was sigh and shrug. "We'll have to wait and see, and if anything, I think Bdubs would hurt the most..." False nodded to my response. "I'm going to head home, I need to finish my base, see you later" False then flew away.

I sat in the Grass zone for a bit longer thinking about, someone who I deeply cared for. How the heck he hasn't taken my hints is a question no one but him can answer. But I knew he like someone else and I don't want to ruin things up for him. I got up and chose to go home and to to be ready for tomorrow.


When I got up, I could hear knocking at my door, so as any half-asleep adult I got up and chose to see who it was, I saw Cub, he didn't seem very pleased. "Come in, come in" I moved aside as the other walked in. "Thanks..." I closed the door. "You can sit down you know" I said as I walked passed Cub, and went to get a drink, "Would you like a drink?" I offered and Cub shook his head, "I'm good thanks..." I finished making my drink and sat down this Cub. "How, can I be of help?" Cub took a deep breath before speaking, "Well, as we all know, Scar and... Grian... are dating, so Scar will not harm Grian even if he's the enemy, and Scar's called a truce till they can find away to see who wins, so I thought to come and let you know" I nodded to Cub's statement. "Do you know how Bdubs taking it?" Cub shook his head, "Since, Scar informed us with the news, He's be locked away in his base. I believe that Scar would be the only one who could get him out, but since Grian's in the picture, it would most likely be the hardest thing to do." I could only agree with Cub. We spoke for a bit longer.

Just before Cub was leaving Bdubs arrived. I welcomed him in and gave him a drink as he seemed to be out of breath. "You alright mate?" I asked as Cub placed and arm around Bdubs in a tempt to comfort the small moss man. "I can't get over the fact that Scar picked someone who riveled against him over his right hand man, who knows him better..." Bdubs seemed like he was going to cry, so me and Cub gave him a hug. "Eh, I felt kind of annoyed wh- Ummm.... N-never mind" Bdubs and Cub looked at me as if there was something big was going to be said, "What?" I asked, "Who was you going to say?" Bdubs asked, now seeming more like himself. "No one, honest" I rolled my eyes, "I thought you were meant to be sad" I sounded quite cocky, bold or sassy as I spoke. "Well all he needs is something to take his mind of things, and boom he's Bdubs" Cub said being somewhat dramatic. "HAY! I'm not that easily pleased" Bdubs retorted. "Whatever you say..." Cub replied, as I rolled my eyes.

Soon the other two left, as I was left to sit in my base, thinking about things and future redstone contraptions I could make. Possible traps to pull on Grian, since he has been stealing from my farms... Again... I thought on how not to have it too much of a problem as now Scar is with the thieving man. I knew that I would be killed if Scar found out. So how to prank Grian is something off a harder task now... 'Scar you're making things harder for me' I got off my seating and paced back and forth, thinking of ways to get back at Grian for all of his stupid egg pranks...


Bdubs pov:

I was sat in my base, thinking deeper into thought about how Scar obviously didn't like me the same way I did to him. I was taking a bigger toll on my heart, as I was never going to the responce I want... More and more thoughts filled my head, and the more there was the more my heart ached, the only thing I could think of was getting Grian out of the picture, and start a new with Scar... But I knew I won't do it as Grian is a nice guy. he doesn't acctually mean harm or anything. Nor did he knew that I liked Scar, I soon fell deep in my thoughts to the point I couldn't hear anything around me but what was going on in my. But I wasn't fased, it wasn't the first tie this happed. before, the harsh truth came out I was always like this when thinking about Scar and how things could go well for the two of us.

I was suddenly brought back to reality, with a shock. False had come over, worried then calm. "False, what are you doing here?" I asked as she looked over at me, "I came to see if you were alright, Scar had called for a meeting, and your usually the first to reply and arrive to them, but we were worried about you, as you was late and at first we thought you got side tracked or something then after the meeting I said I would came and see you" False had her hand on the back of her neck. "Oh... Sorry if I made you worry about me, what was the meeting about?" False seemed unsure with my question, "It's about how the war will conclude..." I gestured for the blond to sit, and she did, "Could you please tell me what happened in the meeting?" I asked, "Yeah, so..."


False told me all about how we're going to end the war. I was happy, but I wasn't going to make a game. But rather watch from the side lines. Not long after False left Etho came tumbling in, "What happened?" I asked knowing my awnser, as soon as I asked my question. "I tried air diving into your base..." I rolled my eyes as I went to help the ninja. "Sorry, if I scared ya" I shook my head, "To be honest, you crashing into my base doesn't scare me as much as it used to" I said, as I nugged Etho.

As we were talking, I felt myself feeling better now that Etho was here, all I could think of is him and I felt as if the world had just fixed itself. I was confused but I chose to ignore it as I have my friend here with me, making sure that I have a good laugh. Soon, the sun started setting and Etho ask if he could staying at mine for tonight and I was more then happy for him to stay.

*+1225 words+*

Holy mother of cheesus, sorry if the wait was a bit long for your liking but I was dealing with a few problems in the real world. Anywho, two povs, how fun I was strugaling to keep it going for Mumbo so I had to change to someone else, but all I'll say is please make sure that you:

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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