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Etho pov;

I was walking through some woods as I heard footsteps. I quickly climbed up the nearest tree and lingered in the branches. After some time I could see who was walking, it was Bdubs, I opted to get down from the tree and tease the small mossy boy. "What brings you to my resting place?" I said as I landed onto the grass "wha!! Etho!" Bdubs seemed like he was going to punch me but I put my hands up before things became a problem. "Woah, dude all I'm not going to do anything. It's just that, Scar and Grian seem of, and as your Scar's right hand man, I thought to ask you about him"

Bdubs looked at me as I was being suspicious, but then he eased a bit noticing how I didn't seem like there was others with me. "Right... Well ever since you left Scar has been... Off, late to meetings and always in his office. I'm suspecting that it's just about finding the Mycelium HQ, but eh... I don't really know"

"Yeah, Grian's been at his base ever since I left you guys, me and Impulse have been putting it off as it being, him planning out a large plan or something. Then that idea was ruled out as two or three nights ago, me and the other resisters raided his house and stayed the night"

Bdubs then seemed to have a light bulb moment. "Both of their actions have been since, Grian was in his office... Could they have something going on?" He then put his left hand on his chin as the right rested on his hip. Then he looked up to me as to say 'what do you think?' "I guess, but all we can do is speculate it" Bdubs then nodded to my response.

"You know... Grian seems to not enjoy this war thing" Bdubs looked up to me in a bit of confusion, "But he was the one who started it... Right?" I looked down at the mossie company, though he couldn't tell I had a slight smile on my face, "Eh, not quite. He started it for fun, then when we took the throne, Scar-" "Mayor Scar, to you" I rolled my eyes and continued, "Mayor Scar declared war" After u was finished, I placed a Shulker box down, wich consisted of my food.

"Oh... So the war is in a way, petty?" Bdubs asked "I guess... I don't really, know" Before Bdubs could speak, his communicator went of. "Oh shoot... I'm going to head of now, I was on my way to see Scar... See ya around Etho!" The waved as he ran of... 'Small but a big ego and loyalty for Scar' I laughed to myself and walked to the shopping district.


As I walked past the entrance to the HQ, I was originally going to back home but decided to see if Grian was in there. I made sure no one could see me.

When I landed on the table I saw that Grian, was sat on the mycelium source block. "Mother spore!" Grian's head shot up and he looked over his shoulder. "One of my many little shrooms" All of us resistors had developed this joke, that when me or any of us calls Grian 'Mother spore' on its own, he then calls us his 'Little shooms'.

"What can I do for ya Etho?" Grian asked hopping of the source block. "Nothing much, just came to see if you were here, doing any work. But thankfully you wasn't.... As I don't want to fight a small parrot to day" He and I both knew I was joking as, if I did annoy someone I would imitatly apologise for it. "Excuse me!  I would easily lose a battle against you, no doubt about it". We both laughed.

As we ascended the bubble column, I remembered about the sleep over and how Grian disappeared. As we got out I turned to Grian and placed my hands in his shoulders. "Please awnser properly... Where was you in the morning after the resistors sleep over?" I didn't grab hard on his shoulders, but he seemed uncomfortable. "Listen G, you don't need to force yourself to say, if you don't want to say thats fine with me."

Even though yes I have a mask on, I gave him a smile for cunfort. "Your not the best with the mask on..." Grian had his head tillted with his iconic smile on. "With what?" Grian gave a small laugh before responding to my question. "Conforting people". I gave a dramatic gasp to what G said. "Why I never! I try and be a good friend and this is what I get? Unbelievable!" I smiled slightly as Grian laughed. "Ok, fine you win."

Grian collected himself and told me where he was. "I decided, to resist the urge to wake all of you up, and went on a walk around the jungle" All of us in the resistance knows when Grians lieing as his ears would go slightly red. "Grian, please, there's only me here..." Fram Grian's reaction I could tell that he wasn't expecting me to see right through him. "Well... I went to Scar's... But only to talk to him about the war, and I've managed to get it so that we can all shop and sell things in the shopping district." This time it was the truth. "Wasn't so hard now was it?" I replied, Grian nodded.

"Come on, to the surface we go!" I grabbed Grians wrist and dragged him the the bubble elevator, the pushed him in before entering myself. Once we both got out and to land I got scolded by Grian but he just lended up laughing. "Seriously? You can't even keep a straight face!". But I understood why he was laughing and I joined in as well.


"So... What would we do if HEP finds the base?" I asked, Grian pulled his knees to his chest, resting he head on his knees. "Dunno... I guess if it happens unexpectedly then behind the clock on the mayoral Hall. But then if we go in and they find it, we're raiding places to get our mycelium back. And for both build a new HQ but above ground instead" I looked over at him. He seemed a bit upset.


"Your doing great"

*+1066 words+*

SELF CONFIDENCE!!!! Now we know where Grian went :)

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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