Untold truth

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Scar pov:

I was sat in my office looking out of the window. It was getting late but I had fallen behind on my work and I needed to catch up on it. I had told Grain I was going to be in my office over night, so he could do what he wanted. I was taken out of my thoughts as I heard knocking at my door, I turned to see a Mossy Bdubs, "Bdubs! Come in, come in, How are you?" Bdubs looked around my office as he's trying to find someone or something, I shrugged it off and I was happy to see him as I hardly see Bdubs outside of the mayors office after me and Grian told HEP about our relationship, "Yeah, I'm fine! How are you?" He seemed to be happy, he'd usually get straight to business when I spoke up... Again I shrugged it off, "I'm good, What are those papers about? Do you need me to sighn them?" Bdubs looked to the papers in his hands and hid them behind his back, "I forgot to leave them in my office." I noticed how his face was turning red, "Are you sure you're ok? You're ever so red in the face" I got up and got Bdubs a drink and gave it to him, "Thanks... Ummm I came to tell you something..." Bdubs looked behind him, I followed his gaze to see Cub and False, they hadn't noticed me looking at them, as they gave Bdubs a thumbs up. I brought me gaze back to Bdubs, "Listen, Scar... Ummm... I know that you're in a dedicated relation-" "Bdubs... If this is a confession that you like me or love me, please just let me go... You would if you truly did love me..." I cut Bdubs of, then I looked over at the other two, to notice that they were gone. "Where did they g-" Bdubs randomly kissed me on the lips as Grian walked in, "What the heck?!" Grian seemed to be on the verge of tears, I pushed Bdubs off of me, I wiped my mouth as I looked at Bdubs, who had a smirk on his face, "You're a good kisser, Scar" I felt my heart sink... "Bdubs..." Bdubs looked at me "Yes?" I resisted the urge to hit Bdubs across the face so that I could wipe the smirk off of it, "Leave the office and tell Cub and False to come in here... Grian please stay, I'll explain"

Bdubs left the room, and Grian seemed annoyed and confused. "Grian, he kissed me... He's had a crush on me for along time, and he constantly confessed his feeling for me and I told him the same thing, 'If he truly loves me he would let me go' or something similar to those lines, everyone knows I love you and I would never brake your heart... Please Grain don't leave me" I held onto the other and hugged him, "Scar... I-" "You don't need to speak, please don't make Bdubs or myself the villain, I know Bdubs should have a consequence for what he did, but I think there's more at play here" Grian pushed me off I didn't attempt to hug him more or anything, "Scar, I don't know if I should believe you..." I sighed and looked at the other, "Then don't, I'll try to make it up to you... As people say, 'Actions speak louder then words'... So if you would let me show my love" I offored my hand out, Grain took my hand and looked at me, "Ok... I guess you don't need to now... You've already shown that you love me..." I pulled Grian into a hug, and gave him a kiss on his head.

I looked up to see Cub and False at the door, "Now you two... Tell me the truth, who encouraged Bdubs to kiss me and why you had it so Grian saw it happened, and make him believe I was cheating on him?" I stood with my arms crossed as Grian sat in my office chair, "He told us that he was going to confess his feelings and Grian was just walking in as we left, we heard Grian shout and then we came to you door, to hear what had happened. Please trust us, we didn't know Bdubs would kiss you! Everyone in HEP knows that you love Grian to the moon and back..." The two bowed down to show that they were sorry. "Grian, what do you say?" He seemed to scan the two for any sighs that they were lying, "I'll let them off the hook, they're telling the truth" I looked back to Cub and False, "I guess it's final, I'll let it slide, but please don't encourage him to do that, I've told him time and time before, that I don't like him." The two nodded and walked out of my office. I looked over at Grina, "I'm guessing I'm ganna have to fiht you for my seat?"  Grian nodded, I walked over to the chair and turned it so that it was facing me. Then I picked Grian up bridle style and turned to sit down with Grian on my lap. "No fair..." Grian mumbled under his breath, "Will I don't care if it wasn't fair, I need to do work, so you can sit with me till I'm done, you can even take a nap on me if you wanted" I kissed Grian on his head and got back to work.


It was dawn just as I finished my work, I picked Grian up who was sleeping and I oppted to go through the nether, soon I got back to large mansion and went to our bedroom and I got myself and Grian changed and I tucked Grian into bed before clambering my why into bed and then cuddled up to Grian. I eventually fell asleep.

When I woke up I noticed that Grain was gone, but then I wasn't bothered as I did go to bed at dawn, I got my communiactor and checked the time, '12:35 pm... I'm getting up... I need food' I got myself out of bed and got changed, I looked around for Grian but I couldn't see him so I thought that he was busy somewhere, I got some food and noticed a note on the door, 'Just left to get some tnt, so we can go look for some netherite, -love Grian' I laughed at the note, I got my gair for going to the nether and waited for Grian to return. As I waited Bdubs showed up, "Please make it quick, me and Grian are going to the nether" I looked at the mossy other, "Look I'm sorry, I kissed you because I couldn't resist the urge any longer, and it was bad timing with Grian..." "But you kissed me without permission, that's not acceptable, just leave Bdubs... I nearly lost Grian because of you... You not letting me go!" I turned away so that I wasn't facing Bdubs, "I'm sorry Scar... I-I'll leave" I heard fireworks go off. I felt bad but he nearly ruind something that I hold close to my heart.

Eventually Grian came back and we went to the nether to get some netherite. We gathered enough for full netherite armer and tools.

*+1227 words+*

Holly heck done another in a short(ish) amount of time! I've got a question... This may or moy not alter things in the book... Who ships Etho and Bdubs? This question may or may not be foreshadowing things further on in the book... Ummm... Also! Bdubs is not a villain, I just wanted to add drama into this...

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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