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Etho pov;

I was pacing in the room Grian told me and ren to go to, "Etho, please you need to calm down." Stress grabbed my arm as she spoke to me "We're all i the same boat as you, so try your best to calm down" I sighed as I looked at Stress, "We need to get a new HQ and help to get Grian back" I looked from Stress to each of the other resistors, who nodded to me. "Well... Where are we going to go? We need to find somewhere to stay" Everyone looked at Xb, "We can't hid anywhere else, HEP has probably looked everywhere under the shopping district, as they found the fake on and now the real one, the heck are we going to do?" Jevin had a point, they have probable check every inch under the shopping district and it doesn't help that Decked out takes up most of the under ground space. "Why don't we make it above ground but off the island so that we're not at risk of getting arrested as we're not in the shopping district?" Impulse added to the conversation, "I mean technically, we're not in the restricted zone of the war and we can plan knowing that we don't need to worry about much, so I can see it working" I agreed with Impulse quite strongly as he has a point, and everyone in the war agreed that it would stay in the shopping district.


We managed to make a land mass for our new HQ and we got ourselves a light to get call for assistance. I was on the grass trying to set the light so that we can turn it on, "Etho, why don't we wait to sort it out, we can try and find where they're keeping Grian and then ask him for help to get him out" I stopped what I was doing and looked over to Impulse. "We need an extra pair of hands, plus I don't think Stress would make herself look nice for Iskall if she was behind bars" I felt Stress walk behind me and I was scared in a way as she can hit a punch if she's angered enough, "Parden?" I took a deep breath before I spoke up "You wouldn't be able to look nice for Iskall as you won't have access to your hair curlers, or anything else you would use to look nice" she then placed her hand on my shoulder, I looked at Impulse as he slowly walked over to Xb "I don't make myself look nice for one of my male friends but rather for fun, do you understand?" I nodded, "B-but my point still stands" Stress's grip tightened but it wasn't hurting at the moment "It might well do but I can managed even if I have a lack of items so I can still make myself look nice, and I think False would agree with me, looking nice is everything, even a little bit of make up" I looked down to the ground then to her hand, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed" I felt her grip loosen and she mood changed "Good, don't do it again" she then walked into the new mushroom build.

I felt my soul leave my body, "I'm never going to recover from this" after I finished I could hear laughing "What's so funny?"  I looked at the boys, "You, Stress scared the crap out of ya!" I was embarrassed as I'm seen as someone who can keep their act together, and then I terrified of Stress "Can you blame me?! Stress is strong as heck, if she wanted she would happily brake a bone if I said something in a light-hearted way" The boys agreed but then I guess it's funny, I shook my head and got back to what I was doing. "Geez, you don't know when to stop do you, Etho?" I looked in the general direction of Jevin then huffed before, again, I went back to what I was doing, as I was determined to get Grian back before this group goes into chaos, though yes we're already chaotic it could cause this group to brake and all of us could lend up behind bars, as we need to help one another.

I messed up the wiring a few time and I was more than ready to raid the HEP HQ now then get help from the GoatMan, but I have to wait, I don't want to go in there with out help. I'm bound for jail if I do. "Etho dear, you need to come in, it's warmer and you need a brake from that, your over working yourself" I looked over at Stress and left what I was doing at the stage it was and went into the new HQ. I sat down at my seat and placed my arms on the table then rested my head on them, as I looked at the chair we made for Grian. I felt part of my heart sink as he was the entire reason for me being here. He knows how to be chaotic but be mindful of others and make sure no one is left out of the fun. "When do you want to get him back? He's really the only one who can keep this group under control" I said as I sat up to look at the others. "Lets wait a week or so, as it is Grian we're talking about, he can brake redstone contraptions in the most weird ways, surly he can manage a prison escape" Jevin spoke as everyone nodded, "Though yes that's true, from how loud the explosions sounded he could be seriously hurt and won't be able to get out with in a week, and if there's broken bones then it can take months before he escapes, that's why I'm determined to get him out n-" I was cut off by Stress "Etho, love, You need a brake, we all want him back but if we go in there blind we can lend up behind bars ourselves, plus we don't know where they're keeping him" Stress walked over to me and placed her hand on mine. I sighed and nodded, "We can plan in the mean time and get GoatMan to help us out" I looked from one resistor to the next as they nodded.

Me, Impulse and Ren went back outside to finish of the Goat signal. "There... We... Go!" I said as I got the last things done. "Right my dudes, lets turn it on" Me and Impulse nodded and stood back so that Ren could turn it on. "Now we wait" Impulse said as the light stood in the clouds. Not even a minute after turning it on Doc showed up "You called?" I nodded and gestured to the HQ and Doc. me. Ren and Impulse went in to talk about a plan to get Grian back.

*+1163 words*+

OMFG! Right so umm... This was fun, now back to our favourite lov- I mean favourite enemies...

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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