Questions and answers

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Scar pov:

I was pacing back and forth in my office as my thoughts filled my head... Its been about a month since Etho and Bdubs announced that they were dating. This did help reinsure me that Bdubs doesn't like me, but he still cause a few problems for me and Grian. Then I keep getting asked by hermits what me and HEP are going to do with the unordinary number of unnormal flowers. But I don't know what to do. They're safe to touch that's all I know but I'm not sure why they're... spawning?

I was brought back to reality by a familiar voice called from my door, "Scar, Love you ok?" I turned to see Stress, "Yes I'm fine, I'm just thinking about things..." I had turned my gaze from Stress to my window over looking out over the shopping district. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, "You're overwhelmed, I can tell... Grian would do the same thing you are when he was, back to the days of the resistance." I looked over my shoulder to Stress and gave her a soft smile, "Yeah, he does it now and again at home" I looked back out the window and took a deep breath, "Can you keep a secret?" I didn't move my gave from the window, "Of course, what type of friend would I be if I didn't?" I chuckled before telling her.

After I told Stress, she was all for me with what I had told her, "I won't say a thing, everyone's been wondering when you'll do it, so it's nice to know that you're ready" I chuckled as I put my hand on the back of my neck, then some one else spoke up, "I've just got to add, it's about time your doing it!" I turned to see Cub stood in the door way. Looking pleased with what he said, "What do you mean by that?" I ask to see what he will say. "Well, maybe because the seasons coming to an end and that you still hadn't asked him... Its nearly been a year Scar, you were going to have to ask him sooner or later" I took a pause will breathing, I mean Cub was right, it's been a year here on Hermitcraft 7... But like he said it's sooner or later I need to ask him. I looked up to the two in my office, "I'm going to need help, but we're going to need X for it so..." I told them every part of the plan to them and we got X and a few other hermits in on the plan too.

Eventually, we got the set up ready and it was about a day or two from when I was going to ask the question. I got the hermits who helped me on this go tell the others but one, as me and X went to get one of the many mods sorted out so I can do this properly. "Scar, you sure you want to do this now mate?" I looked at X in the eyes, "More than ever... I need to ask him as soon as possible... Plus I've already asked him if he wanted to spend some time together, without working on things and he did say yes to it already... So there's no turning back now" X gave me a nod and he set the code in officially.


Grian pov:

I was sat outside mine and Scars base waiting for him. After about an hour Ren turned up, "Hay G! Woah you look fancy mate, going on a date with Scar?" I sighed quit heavily "Yeah, but I think he got side tracked with something and had forgotten so, I might just head in" Before I could do any thing Ren reached his hand out, "Listen mate, if Scar says he want to do something then he does, and since you two are a couple, I think that will only give him more reason to be her G" I took his hand as he pulled me up. "Come on, les go some where and Scar will be asking where you are" I nodded. Ren activated his elytra and we both took off. 

We eventually came across some unfamiliar land... But I looked around and noticed that it was terraformed by hermits, though which is unclear, I can normally tell who did it as there's often one key difference but this time it was new. I saw Ren go over to some glowberries and I as I got closer, my vision went dark and I felt someone push me in as they did they whispered, "Good luck" or something along those lines, once I was steady I felt someone grab my hands before I could feel what was covering my vision. "Just wait a second love." Scar spoke up a soft smile grew on my face but also annoyance, "What's going on Scar?" I asked hoping for an answer, "Just wait till I say you can do any thing, ok?" I could hear that Scar was nervous, but before I could do anything he's already let go of my hands and I heard footsteps around me. Just as I had entered a flash flood of thoughts Scar broke me out before I could drown in them, "You can take the blindfold of now" so that's what it was a blindfold, so I did as I was told and saw Scar dressed up smart and he was down on one knee, I felt my heart race, I scanned around the environment to see a lush like cave, made by hermits. "Who made all of this?" I asked in aw, "It was all of us terraforming hermits who did it" I looked over at Scar quickly, "No wonder why I couldn't tell who did it." Scar laughed a bit before clearing his through, "Grian, we've been dating for nearly half the year, and in that time I managed to find the person I needed in my life, and who I really was. And I'm pleased that it was you... But sadly, I don't want to be boyfriends any more but rather..." He pulled out a small black box and took one final deep breath, "Be my fiancé, Grian, Will you marry me?" I put my hands onto my face in shock. I took a deep breath, "Not going to lie but you made me panic for a second, I thought you were going to break up with me... But no you wanted my hand in marriage, and to that I say... Yes! Of course I'll marry you Scar!" Scar jumped up and kissed me on the lips, as he did the other hermits jumped out and cheered for our new phase in life. Scar broke the kiss and placed the engagement ring on my finger. "It's really beautiful Scar" I said as I looked at it, "Just like you" He added, I moved so that I was laying my head on his left shoulder as he held onto me, while the other hermits ran rampant our us, not ruining our moment together. Eventually, we went and had a party after the chaos died down and spent the reast of the day there.

Me and Scar sat on a cliff edge looking out into the sunset. I had my head resting on Scars shoulder as Scar wrapped his arm around me, as the other was holding my right hand. Now we needed to plan our wedding then go into the next season with a fresh start together.

3rd pov:

As the sunset glazed the sky purple, red and orange over Hermitcraft, everyone was enjoy the company they preferred, Ren and Doc in each other's arms curled up in bed, waiting for the next season to properly base together. Etho and Bdubs talking redstone and just cuddled up to one another, Mumbo with his redstone, Iskall and Stress having a good laugh. Cleo tesing Joe. Whels and False practising their pvp. Cub with his large amount of diamonds. The brothers catching up with one another and annoying each other. Xb and Beef just talking with each other. Tango and Impulse going over some cool ideas that they could go for in season 8. Jevin collecting the mass amount of slime he has all over his place. Keralis writing all the joy he had on this world so he had memories for the next. TFC, deep in his mine minning till his pickaxe needed to be fixed. And then Scar and Grian, curled up with one one another, with Jellie and Professor. Beak asleep in the arranged beds. Eventually the whole server fell asleep, and silence fell apone Hermitcraft.

The end.


*+1453 words+*

Yep, ik I said I'd get the next few chapters done, but I think a sweet end would be fine, I'd propberbly get lost some where ant it's fall to parts so I'm keeping it there... Also sorry if you thought it was a q+a thing, but if you want to ask me questions you can, but if they are personal ones then don't be surpried if I don't awnser your question, also I don't seem to get notified if often for some strange reason, my notifiction is one soo yeah... so it might be awhile before I reply to your questions. Anyway for one final time; 

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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