The matter on hand

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Scar pov;

As I sat up I felt a pounding in my head. I looked around me to realise that I had slept the night at Grian's place. 'Right i asked if it was alrightif I stay the night... Where's my cloths at?' As I looked around for them, Grian's bedroom door opened. "Grian, where's my cloths?" I asked with a crocky voice, "I believe it's in the bathroom, we're you got changed" he said, he looked ever so dazed or at the he's still waking up.

I gave him a nodd and went into the bathroom and got changed. Once I was ready, I could here Grian singing a song, I chose to quietly open the door and listen to the song. Suddenly he let out a gasp, I turned to him and gave Mother spore a smile. "Lovely voice you got there" as I finished my sentence, Grian was red, I laughed as I did unexpectedly appear.

"Sorry, but honestly, you do have a good voice" Grian seemed a bit more red in the face, "thanks... I kinda forgot you were here..." As Grian spoke he had his hand on the back of his neck. "Nah its fine, Well I'm going to head off... I need to attend a meeting" I said as I walked by Grian, he grabbed my arm

"I'm guessing that whatever happens in the jungle, stays in the jungle..." I sighed and nodded "Yeah, things would be awkward if it didn't" as I finished Grian's giggle filled the room. He then let go, we said our byes and I went to the HEP HQ to talk about the resistors.


As I entered the room a Bdubs knocked me down in one swift movement. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Though confused, I looked over at the clock to see that I was late to the meeting... "Right... First, Bdubs please can you get off me" Bdubs did so, apologising as he did. "Secondly, I had to make sure Jellie had plenty of food so I didn't need to worry about it when I get home, cause i don't need an hangry Jellie when I get home. Lastly, I was just 10 minutes late, so the reaction isn't needed?" I looked between each of the HEP members as in turn they shook their heads. "Righ then, the meeting"


As we listened to Cub about the members, suddenly Grian fell onto one of the balconies.

"Ummm... Hi?" Grian seemed to be in clear shock for what just happened. Before any of the others spoke up, I did "Why are you here? And i thougt i banded you and your followers, that ypur not allowedin the shopping district" I stood up from my chair and walked over to him. "Two, things; I was looking for Decked out boxes from above and my elytra broke during flight" I knew Grian well enough to know when he's lieing, I looked at the others who looked at me. "What you going to do. He's obviously telling the truth" X said, 'so out after everyone here, I'm the only one who knows when he's lieing, good' I looked over at Grian

"Ok, just be careful next time" Grian then nodded, before he could teleport away I whispered to him "Find better ways to hide the fact that your lieing, They didn't know, but I do..." Grian then nodded. I gave him an elytra so he didn't have to pearl. "What did you whisper about?" Tango said, I turned and gave a smile "Just told him to, not bother around the HEP HQ" everyone nodded and we got straight back to the meeting.


After the meeting was over, I headed over to My office and looked at my map seeing were I should go next to hind the Mycelium base... "Mayor Scar?" I look over at my door to see Grian. "How did you get through, not that I'm worried" I went to my chair and sighed to Grian to sit down "just make sure you close the door" I came in and closed the door and sat down.

"Well I told security, that I came to have a word with you" He then pulled his legs to his knees "I just want to know, and don't think it's just me backing out. Don't you think the war is unnecessary? I mean, I'm trying to encourage the others to come up with plans but they tend to be submissive and want to know what I want to do... I don't have anything" He looked up to me as if he was about to cry "I can agree with you there... I don't have much ideas and HEP wants me to have things planned... And I don't know about the war, I guess it'll be up to who ever pulls out from the war" There was a moment of silence. Instead of it being awkward it was nice as it seems that me and Mother spore are on the same page.

"How come you came to tell me this?" I asked, fiddling with my cufflinks. "I did open up to you about my Mother didn't I?" I looked over to my books. "Yeah, but we're still on the opposite sides of the war..." I looked over at him, not annoyed or mad just confusion.

"I'm aware, its just that, I used to love reading war love stories before this. And the main characters always had ways to get along during the war" I seemed to perk up, I smiled at him "So your saying there's nothing stopping us from having our friendship back? Just we'll have to keep it a secret?" Grian then nodded. As he did, I felt my heart racing and my face getting warm 'What's going on with me??'

"Scar?" I looked up to Grian who was kinda red. "I don't mind having a secret friendship, do you?" I smiled and gave my response "no I don't, we won't try and get information about the other as well. It's only fair." I Grian nodded and we left my office, we dropped our smiles and I said bye to him as he flew off. "So what was all that about?" I jumped, but managed to catch myself on the wall. "Bdubs... Don't do that! Anyway we was talking about the rule I made yesterday. And he was asking if I could lift it as to allow him and the resistors to go to their shops and buy much needed things." I stood up straight and dusted myself off. "If you say so, but I've just got tot know... Are you falling for him?" I looked at Bdubs confused then a voice from the other side of room chimed in "Yeah, is there something going on, you and Grian seemed ever so red in the face" I looked over to see Cub sat on one of the rail guards, swinging his legs back and forth. Before I could say anything False, Tango, X, Keralis and Etho appeared. "You all agree don't you?" They nodded. "No there's not, also Etho, any updates?" I moved my attention to him and the other did as well "Couple of things, one no their just waiting for you lot to make a move, and I'm ultimately deciding to join them, because the numbers aren't exactly even if I keep to HEP" Etho then jumped to the floor and stood infrount of me "Sorry big man, I don't want to leave you lot but it was fun while it lasted." He then walked out and took off to leave.

"So one member down or..?" I collect myself and went to my office. "It's his choice, I know he won't say anything about our plans" I closed the doors and ignored any attempts of them talking to me.

*+1307 words*+

Part 3 on de way

Love found within the enemy - ScarianWhere stories live. Discover now