It's simple, Talk

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Grian pov:

I woke up at Scar's place and I sat up, looking around and saw that Cleo was one the floor, then saw that where I was, Scar was spread out on the seating. I felt my face heat up. 'Was I sleeping on Scar?' I had my face in my hands. Then I could hear chuckling, I turned to Cleo slightly embarrassed.  "What's so funny?" I asked softly, as not to wake up Scar. "You" Cleo pointed at me, before laughing even more. "What about me?"  I asked slightly louder, "Realising that you were sleeping on Scar!" Cleo said while trying to not laugh. "Ugh, what time is it?" Scar sluggishly sat up, my face warmed up even more. Cleo now laughing manically. "What's so funny?" Scar hadn't clocked on to what happened, "Grian's realised that he was sleeping on you!" I looked from Cleo to Scar. Who was all red in the face, "You what now?" Cleo managed to calm down and explained what happened in the night to the both of us. Both of us we're now red in the face.

Eventually, we all managed to calm down and Scar insisted that we stayed for breakfast, which we did, While eating, I caught Scar looking at me from the corner of my eye. "Scar, It's rude to look at people while their eating." I said, I didn't move my head to Scar but I saw that he stopped and went back to eating slightly, embarrassed. I looked up to the clock, and caught sight of Cleo, she had a smug smile on her face. I ignored it, as most of the time she tends to always have a smug smile. I looked down back to my food and continued eating. As we all finished, "Sorry, lads I've got to go, I promised Joe that I would spend the day with him." Cleo said while she got up, to got to the door. W e said bye, as the door closed Scar turned to me. "Are up to anything today?" I shook my head to Scar's question. "Are you?" I asked, as it's only fair. "Umm... Don't think I do" Scar said while grabbing his communicator and checking presumably his list. Me and Scar had left the table and was now sitting on the seating.

"No I don't... That's new I've usually got something on such as meeting and yeah a few  other mayoral things.. I don't really have many days to myself" Scar sounded shaky and upset while talking. As any good friend. I moved so that I was hugging Scar, though I did feel my face warming up and my heart racing, I kept hold of Scar, as he broke into tears, after realising how much work he had on his shoulders. Eventually he had calm down. How we where positioned had changed as I was now laying on Scar (On my back) while he held onto me from my waist. Scar was sleeping from all the crying, I could feel myself slowly drifting to sleep.


I was still resting on Scar but I was on my front, Scar was slowly moving his hand through my hair. I moved my head to show that I was awake, Scar was clearly shocked by the sudden movement as his hand stopped and felt like it pulled away and moved to my waist. I sat up as I couldn't drift back to sleep. "How did you sleep?" Scar asked, slightly red in the face "Eh, it was alright..." I had my one of my hands on the back of my neck and I made eye contact with Scar. I broke the eye contact as I moved my eyes to the clock opposite from us. "I'll stay the night again, if your alright with it" Scar nodded.

We where sat in silent and it felt normal. I moved so that I was leaning on Scar and that my head was on his shoulder, I felt Scar lean his head on mine as he rapped his arm around my waist. We sat like that for a while no talking, no moving, just silent. It was nice, I felt safe in Scar's arms. Scar's communicator had gone of, he had moved to see what it was, "It's nothing important, I don't think..." He said, I looked at the message myself. "I don't think it is either" I added. I moved back to where I was and looked to Scar. He put the communicator down and looked at me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach and my face heating up. Both me and Scar moved closer to one another, I looked away as I did Scar spoke up, while grabbing my chin slightly and softly moving my face to face his, "May I?" He asked, I was confused and I could tell he knew I was as well. "Can I kiss you?" When he said 'kiss' I felt my heart jump a beat. We leaned to wards the other, "Yeah" I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, I felt Scar's lips and mine, genital but passionate, I sunk into the kiss. We pulled back to get a breath, we made eye contact and laughed a bit.

"I'm guessing where... A thing now?" I asked while shifting to resting on Scar "I guess" Scar had rapped his arms around my body. "I can't believe that I found love with in my enemy" I said aloud and Scar nodded. "Yeah... But love is love, and there's nothing you can really do about it" We looked at each other again, then realisation hit us both like a brick. Both of knew this was a challenge... "I... I think the resistance would be fine with it... They had start to suspect that we had something going on" I said, while standing up, "I don't know about HEP, they see you resistors as enemy's..." We both started thinking things through...

Soon we had a plan, we'll do a collection of games and see who would win that way with out the hassle of one of us admitting defeat, as then who ever loses had lost fair and square. We agreed and called emergency meetings to each of out teams and departed way before sharing one more kiss.

*+1045 words+*

Holy moly, THE GAYNESS NOW WILL INSUE!!! They've now kissed woooo no more telling myself off for wanting to do it earlier, you guys had to wait.

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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