The truth

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Grian pov:

I was sat in my chair looking down the table... I was think about my kiss with Scar, I could seem to never get it off my head. I looked down to my communicator, I had a message ready to send to the resistance, so I can tell them about Scar. I took a deep breath before sending the massage. I felt a bit dumb as they all think I have a crush and I did, now I'm dating the man I fell for. I went into the storage room and found my Mushroom cap, "Geeze I haven't worn this for a bit, but then I does get in the way of flying..."

About ten minuets after I sent the message, Doc and Ren turned up. I was in the kitchen getting a drink and removing any alcoholic drinks. "You called?" I turned to see Doc leaning on the door frame as Ren was leaning against him, "Yeah, just got to wait for the others so I can tell you all the information at the same time. Also, you two seem very close" I finished making my drink and when I turned the other two seemed slightly red in the face, "I guess we could mention something at the same time, you alright with that my dude?" Ren pushed his glasses up his nose, while speaking. "Yeah" The other two nodded and went to sit down.

Eventually, everyone had arrived. "Right, so, ummm... I called you here as, there's a few things I want to tell you, as your leader. Firstly, who the heck managed to get alcoholic drinks in here? I understand we're adults there fore we can drink but I don't want us getting wasted here in our HQ. So if you do plan on drinking, then go back your bases and drink. I don't think any of us want to be responsible for those who do get drunk here. Now that's out of the way. Don't interrupt me while speaking for this next bit. As we all know, I've had this crush on Scar... It umm.. Turns out he felt the way and... We're dating... We're planning a way to end the war so there will be a meeting between us and HEP" When I looked to each of the members, I could tell that they where happy with my announcement. "So... Does this mean you'll have power like Scar or..?" Etho spoke up, I could only shrug.

Doc then announced that he and Ren where dating and after calming down, we all planned one last attack before me and Scar where going to do the meeting.


After finishing up a few things in the HQ, I was locking up the doors. When I turned to fly off, I collided into Scar, "Scar! Why would you stand there?" I said as he placed his arms around my body, and I placed my hands onto his chest. "What?" I asked. Scar smiled, "Nothing, I just saw you and thought to come and give you some love" He had his iconic smile on and that went as I gave him a kiss. We broke the kiss, "Love you, G" Scar said as he placed his forehead onto mine, moving my mushroom cap out of the way at the same time, "Since when did you have a mushroom cap?" I moved back from Scar as I held onto my cup, "Since the resistance became a full on resistance, so around six months" I placed my Mushroom cap on, "I've just never seen you wear it, that's all" I laughed a bit, "No no, It's fine, I can't blame you. I don't really wear it due to it's size, but I do every now and again" I moved onto my toes so I could give Scar a small kiss on the check before flying off.

When I landed, I heard another set of feet land on the ground. "Why did you follow me?" I turned to see a Moss person, "What are you doing to Scar?" the other pointed a finger at me as he got closer, all I could do was move back as I didn't want to fit the shorter other. "I don't know what your on about Bdubs" Now my back was pressed against the wall as Bdubs stood in front of me. "You know what I mean!" Bdubs was now shouting. "Seriously, I don't" I was confused as he started squaring up to me out of no where. "Kissing Scar! What are you trying to do?" I now knew what he was on about, I gentaly moved his hand down as I straightened myself, "You'll find out when Scar's ready to tell-" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Cub. I looked around to see the rest of HEP, but no Scar. "Why are you all here? You cannot do anything to me unless I'm in the shopping district"

Cubs grasp was getting tighter, I didn't show any sign of pain. "Please answer my question... Why are you all here?" Everyone didn't say anything, I was more than ready to call for my little spores. "What do you want?" I asked again but more aggressive. "Well? I need to know so I can compromise with you!" I managed to get Cubs hand of me. I pulled out my sword. "If I have to fight I will" I moved the blade so that it was pointing at Cubs neck, but I didn't move my face nor gaze to him, but rather the others. Who backed of a bit. "Answer the question." I pointed to X. "We want to know, what are you doing to Scar that's all, just please put the sword down" X seemed to act like a dad.

"G, please, I kind of want my reinforcer to be alive..." Scar had walked through the wall of HEP members and stood to the side of me and placing a hand onto my shoulder, I did as I was asked. "Listen, I was going to tell you this, next week or so, but I guess I'll have to now." Scar moved his hand so it was around my waist. "We're dating. If your not happy with it, then deal with it." He then moved his hand that was on my waist to hold onto my arm and dragged me into my hobbit hole. "Scar-" "I don't want to hear it... Bdubs... Now all of you go" He finished as he closed the door be hind us.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know that they saw us kiss..." Scar was now resting his head onto my shoulder. "It's fine" me and Scar stayed like that for a bit, before we got changed and went to bed. sleeping in the same bed as we were dating.

*+1132 words+*

AAAAAA... OMFG this was done quicker then I thought... huh... Oh well...

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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