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Cub pov;

I was just sat in my office counting my diamonds that I've gained from being Mayor Scar's reinforcer. I looked to my door to see the big man himself. "Hay Scar, or should I say Mayor Scar?" He just rolled his eyes with his iconic smile. "Hi Cub" He walked in and sat down opposite me. "Your a mess..." I just got a cold look. "Seriously, you do".

"Yeah yeah, anyway how's things going?" I raised an eyebrow. "With what? My status or the economy?" I saw Scar's face showing that he knows that I know what he means. "Things are going well, and you?" After I was finished Scar seemed to perk up, "Yeah things are good". I looked down to my diamonds.

"So, what's going on with you and... Mother spore?" I felt Scar looking at me confused but aware of what I was saying. "Please Mayor, awnser my question" I put the diamond I had in my hand down and steared at Scar. "Well?" I raised an eyebrow. He cleared his throat "Nothing, why should I have anything to do with him... And his followers?" He replied in quite a sturn tone.

I looked back down to my diamonds. "Mhm, right..." I finished counting my diamonds and looked back at Scar "So anything else I can do for ya?" As I finished the sentence Scar had a smile on his face. "I've got a plan and all I need is a meeting with HEP to... Propose it" I nodded and got my communicator out and wrote out the message "what time Mayor?" I asked as I finished what I needed to type down "7 minutes" Scar got up and went to the door as he spoke. "There.... We go!" I looked over at Scar who nodded as he walked out the door and closed it.

"At least he hasn't changed" I just turned to look at the clock and wait.


After 7 minutes everyone who's in HEP turned up, slightly confused. "Cub, what's with the message? Scar wanted us here and he isn't! Did you send that for laughs?" False asked understandably annoyed, "no no, he's just taking is precious time as always" I slouched back into my seat. "Cub please sit up, your in a meeting" Scar said as he sat down at his seat. Just behind him Jellie jumped up onto her seat and curled up into a fluff ball.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll get straight to the plan."


"Lastly Bdubs can you let Mumbo know that I want to see him, that's all, do we agree?" After Scar finished the plan looked at each one of us. We all agreed, then Bdubs spoke up "What should a tell Mumbo?" Everyone who was looking at him looked to Scar. "Just tell him that I'll message him when I need to have said word with him" and with that we all set off.

I landed at the barge slightly annoyed. 'When will he pay up??' I thought to myself as I was about to walk in, a small arm reached out with diamonds in hand. "There... You've got your diamonds now please remove the barrier? It's making my precious Barge look ugly" Mother spore requested in quite an annoyed tone.

"I was just doing my job... As a reinforcer" I added. I removed the barrier and walked in to get some items. As I was Grian went to his game and to each chest restocking each. It was odd as the enemy was here with me...

I noticed that there was netherite armer and tools on sale. "Your selling netherite stuff?" I asked Grian. "Hm? Oh! Yeah I am" Grian replied Keeping his eyes on what he was doing. I walked off after seeing the amount of diamonds.


I was locking my office and walked by Scar's office. To see Scar sat at his desk looking at his map of the shopping district and tapping a red marker on his desk. "Scar... For goodness sake, forget about finding the real mycelium base, you've been at it for ages now" I said, scaring Scar as I did, "When did you get there?" Scar asked looking at me. "Just now, anyway, I'm heading of to my base and you should be as well, your not staying over night again..." I said as u walked away from his door and headed down the stairs to leave.

I waited a bit to see if Scar would follow after, since he didn't I shouted from the main doors up to him. "SCAR GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW AND GO HOME JELLIE NEEDS TO BE IN A PROPER BED! AS DO YOU!" I heard Scar lock up his office and walk down the stairs, then appeared next to me. "Thanks for actually leaving your office" Scar seemed a bit red in the face "Yeah yeah, I'm only doing this for Jellie, she loves her bed at home not here" Scar retorted. Then bent down to pick up Jellie and we closed to doors, I locked up and we went our separate ways.

Once I got to my pyramid, I went to one of the many chests that I have to place my diamonds in it, and then I went to get some food, then I went to bed before I could get any sleep my communicator went off. "Who the hell needs me at this time?" I grabbed my communicator to look at the message and it was from Keralis. "What does he want at this time?" I read the message and after reading it got out of bed and I headed of to his base.

Once I got there I called out for Scar, "SCAR YOU CALLED?" I waited by Larrie and heard him coming down the ladder. "Hay Cub!" Scar called out as he did. "What did you need me for?" I asked as he stopped in front of me. "You and Bdubs are two of my closest friends, all I need is input about something" I was confused but I shrugged it off and followed Scar into Larry.

Bdubs was sat on one of the many barrels swinging his feet. "So what did you want to talk about Scar?"


"How do I know if I'm falling for someone?"

*+1054 words+*

AAAAH OMG SORRY FOR SUCH THE LONG WAIT!!! I was trying my hardest not to waffle on and I've also got school at the moment and it's driving me crazy! Again- Sorry

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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