Nearing the end?

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Xisuma pov:

I finished making my game for the final. I was happy with the result and now I just need to wait, so in the mean time I can look at the basic coding and find any problems. There was no change, but as I got to the names, one stood out. Great, just what I needed... I found the coordinates of them and I took the easy way to get to them, I teleported to behind them. "What do you need?" I crossed my arms as the other turned to face me, "H-how did you find me?" I rolled my eyes, "Move it now" I pointed to a portal that I opened for the other to go through, "Where does it go?" I was tempted to push them through, but I chose not to. "Where you belong" I scoffed, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Good luck, I'm not going till I'm done with you..." I managed to get them off my shoulder, "Well, what do you want?" I managed to give some space between the two of us as, I can get my sword out if I need to. "Well... I just want to talk, cause I don't get to see you as often as I used to. When we where kids and growing up. Also, I just wanted to be a thorn in your side for a bit as any good-" I cut the other off quickly, "Well, your present, gives me a thorn in my side. I can't really talk right now, I've got to try and win a war, no you cannot come before you ask, nor can you know what it's about" I managed to swindle my way out of where I was and go back to where the war would eventually conclude. Then they put a message into the chat which had alerted the other hermits.


-Evil Xisuma:     10:56 am
XISUMA GET YOU BUTT BACK HERE NOW!! I just want to talk like brothers!!!!

-Goodtimewithscar:     10:57 am
When did you get here? And how??

-Docm77:     10:58 am
X... Can I punch him???

-Evil Xisuma:     10:59 am
Ummm... I'm still here, not doing anything Evil for once in my life...

-Xisuma:     11:00 am
Guys it's fine, no need to worry no need to panic, and no Doc you cannot punch my brother, EX I won't talk till I'm done with the war stuff...


I rolled my eyes and put my communicator on silent so I wasn't bothered by the messages. I sat by the water edge while the other war attendees gathered for the war in about 3 hours. I got up and joined the group. I sighed before speaking, "Hi guy-" I was cut off as the others turned to me and seemed very annoyed... "Why is he here?" I looked at Scar who had just finished his game and was walking over to the group, "One, I've got access to the code of the game so I can decide who stays and who doesn't, and two I actually want to talk to him like actual brothers." Everyone rolled their eyes. "How would you guys feel if your sibling only comes to the world you're in just to take over the world, then that goes on for a few years and when they actually want to talk to you like relatives, how would you feel?" The others seemed to look sympathise with me, "I guys you have a point, X... I mean I don't think anyone else have brothers, sisters or anything in-between apart from you, though..." I just smiled and gave a hug to False. We all wait for the games to start again.

Soon everyone arrived and we started of with games that required one or two people to play. After half the day went by, we took a brake, and HEP were in the lead with two games. Now we all had to move onto the team games, that needed all players for, so my games, plunge, and Scar's show down game.

Finally, the games concluded and it was time to see who the winner are. Scar and Grian stood in front of us all.  "Soo... Ummm... The winners are-" "HEP!" Cub shouted with a smile, cutting G off, as we all laughed about it.  "The resistance, I kind of can't be bothered to add onto the leader board, for all the games we won... Unless any of you want to do it." Grian looked from the resistance across to Scar. "I'm not... I don't think any of us want t-" "SHOW YOUR BOYFRIEND WHAT MUCULES YOU HAVE!" Doc seemed to be pleased with what he said and Scar was annoyed? or something like it.  "Excuse me??? I'm not doing that... He- he..." Grian started losing his entire composure, "What's so funny G?" Grian tried to stop laughing, but wasn't able to, then he eventually clamed down and looked at me, "Just that Scar always flexes his muscles when either I'm at his or he's at mine, and then for him to act like that just made me laugh" When G finished he stood up straight and continued.


Me and EX were just sat talking to one another and talking like brothers, and it was nice, we had both taken our helmets off, "Just a pre-warning, the hermits will take your helmet if you don't keep it close to you, but then they could just do it to me..." "So just be careful? Got it, thanks bro" EX had finished my sentence of and I nodded to his response. We had decided that we would watch some childhood shows and just get along of once in our lives. While we were watching a random cartoon, my communicator went off, "Who needs you?" EX asked as I grabbed it to answer his question, "The server... Somethings happened and I'm needed..." EX seemed annoyed but, "They are a were that you've decided to spending time with your brother" I nodded, "It's not often then ask for me when I'm with someone, especially with the server... So I'm sorry brother but I'm off to see what they need" I got up grabbed my helmet and walked out of my base before EX could say anything.

When I arrived I saw a part of the shopping district slightly bugged out. "What happened?" I said as I walk to the hermits, "X love!  We don't know what happened but we're thinking it has to do with EX... considering that he's no good..." Stress spoke up, "Well, it's my brother, and I'm sure of it. Let me see what's going on with the chunk..." As I checked the chunk I knew what it was immediately, "Just a loading error, just hadn't fixed itself yet so don't worry I'll do a server restart in a bit and see if that'll work, if not then I'll ask some other admins of other servers on how they fixed it if they had it"  Everyone seemed to relax but I brushed it off and told them all to go back to their bases and not to worry. Once everyone left I messaged EX;


Xisuma:     2:00 pm

-I need you to come to the shopping district, I'll need help with something.

Evil Xisuma:     2:01 pm

-On my way now.


"So... Why do you need me? Oh, I took an elytra to get here" I looked at over at the other, "Well... I kinda need you to prevent the other hermits from taking my helmet, and as you know I'm somewhat insecure with my face... Plus none of the other hermits, have seen my face without the helmet..." I started to sit down and getting ready to enter the server's code to restart the server. "Yeah I can... But why do you have to do it here?" I looked over the the other, "Ummm... I d-don't know why..." EX looked at me, we noticed a few hermits watching, then we looked back at each other, I could tell that EX wasn't believing me, "I'm adding something into the code for funs and spawn had been set to be here, in the shopping district" EX nodded and looked away and scanned looking at each peeping hermit in turn.

I had entered the server's and went to the the server's restart button.


Xisuma:    2:51

-Ok guys, I'm restarting the server, make sure you have everything on you or in chests


I pressed the button, and waited in the code, for it to finish as well to make sure that if there's an error I could fix it. Thankfully, everything went smoothly and I managed to get back to the world and EX seemed to be fine, and I still had my helmet. "There were a few attempts to get your helmet but I managed to ward them off" I thanked my brother, and we headed back to my base.


Ummm.... So the word count on my phone includes the numbers where as my laptop doesn't... How interesting is that?

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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