The end is near!

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Read with caution; there may be things that could be unsettling or set someone to be uneasy, main features: thought of being eaten alive, somewhat (I kinda can't do this much but I tried) gory detail. Again please read with caution!

Grian pov:

It's been three months since me and Scar told our teams that we're dating and the war had concluded, Scar was occupied with finishing his village of magical misfits, as I was sorting out his cloths and items from Larry, "There's the last of it... I still don't understand why the bloody hell you made me pack your clothes up... You could have done it yourself and I could've finished our bedroom..." Scar stopped what he was doing and looked at me... I felt my heart skip a beat, Scar's eyes were black like ink and was slowly dripping down his face, his mouth hung only connected by skin... His arms were so skinny you could see the veins and bones that gives the shape. The more I looked at him the more I wanted to throw up... 'What kind of mod did X add on?' I wanted to run as this thing that looked like Scar stood up it was ruffly 8" 7' tall. I tried running but I couldn't move, my body felt stiff, I tried screaming in hopes there was a hermit in ear shot and could help... But nothing... Nothing came out... Then the thing screamed, it was high pitched was nearly sounded like air raid sirens, soon more of these things appeared. Each looked like a hermit. I felt something rolling down my face, I realised I could move my eyes just a bit. I looked up a bit to see a face similar but I couldn't tell who it was. Suddenly a shiver went up my spine, a liquid like grip tightened by my waist... I watched with horror I was going to be eaten alive by these things. I looked down to see the jaws of this thing holding me open wide. Sharp, long teeth sat in rows. I managed to close my eyes, as everything fell into darkness.

"⌖⟒⌰☌⎍⏃, ☊⍜⋔⟒  ⏚⏃☊☍  ⊑⍜⋔⟒..! ⍙⟒  ⋏⟒⟒⎅  ⊬⍜⎍... ⍙⟒  ⋏⟒⟒⎅  ⊬⍜⎍!"


I  shot up in bed, with a cold sweat and scanned across the room. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked over to the own of the hand and saw Scar, he was normal... No ink like substances dripping out of his eyes nor was the jaw hanging onto skin. As soon as I was able to make sense of what was happening I started crying Scar said nothing a pulled me into a hug. He moved me so that I was resting on him, he tried to steady my breathing and was successful. Scar sat up and I moved so that I was on Scar's lap and Scar placed his hand on my face and gave me a comforting smile. I had eventually calmed down, Scar then spoke up "Want to talk about it, love?" He spoke softly, I shook my head not wanting to talk about the nightmare. "Ok, I won't force you. Do you want to stay like this for a bit?" I nodded and moved so that I was laying on Scar's chest.


I was sat in my throne daydreaming, I had came here to avoid finishing the back of my base... But I had asked Scar to do something with it as he was going to shear the mansion with me, he should at least have some contribution to the build. As I was lost in thoughts I heard my name being called, I looked to the large wooden doors to see Ren, "Hay dude!" I smiled as he sat down. "What brings you here?" I asked Ren as he looked to the doors and back to me, "I just needed a minute or two from Doc. How about you?" I held back a laugh and gave Ren my answer "Getting away from a scolding from Scar as well as doing my... Much... Much needed work" Ren sighed and looked at me, "G, my dude, you need to do the back of your base, and you know, that I know that is the job you need to do..." I laughed to Ren response, "I am very predictable" Ren nodded. Then both of our communicators went off, "Who wants us?" Ren asked and I shrugged.


Xisuma:    10:45 am

-I need everyone to come to spawn, I have something to inform you about.


"Do you think he's allowed EX to stay permanently?" Ren and I locked eyes, "Most likely" I got up Ren did as well, and we flew over to spawn. I saw Scar and landed next to him, "Hi Scar" He looked at me and wrapped his arm around me, I rested my head on his shoulder, as X looked from hermit to hermit, when he seemed satisfied, X started talking, "Ok, so... I think most of you had guess that ummm... I've aloud EX to join us as a hermit. We have made an agreement me and EX have said, that if he does anything that is an attempt to ruin Hermitcraft, he will be removed. Now onto the other reason for this, I'll be adding a mod in that will either be a nightmare or a blessing, as well as I found a mod pack that adds wedding features to the game, so that any of the couples to our world to have a proper wedding if you wanted. So, are we all ok for me adding mods in?" He looked and we all cheered, "Question! What's the other mod about?" Xb shouted from the back of the hermit crowd, "Umm... Well it's a surprise, so you've just got to wait" X acted like a dad to all of use, I was tempted to shout, but chose not to. X then dismissed us.

Before I could fly off Scar grabbed my arm, "Grian... We need to talk" all the hermits stayed were they were and looked at me and Scar, "U-Ummm... We... We don't have anything to talk about..." I slowly turned to look at Scar, "We do... So you and I are going to talk" I looked away from Scar and all the hermits had all got food and was watching this, "Keep going, we need the drama to fuel us" Cleo spoke up then the others nodded, "Are we going to talk?" Scar asked as he pulled me to face him, "Can we do this at home..?" I asked I know what was going to be said anyway but I didn't want to talk about it in front of the hermits, "No, we can do this here!" Scar hadn't let me go, knowing I would imminently take the chance to flee. "CUT TO THE DRAMA!!!" I looked over and all the hermits were waiting for the chaos. I looked back at Scar, "When we get-" I kissed Scar on the lips to cut him off, due to the sudden affection, Scar's grip loosened and I was able to get free and flew off as I did I could here hermits sighing, as they all went their separate ways.

Scar soon realised what I did and started chasing me "Get back here mister!" I started laughing but I managed to lose him. I chose to loop back and stay at the mycelium resistance HQ for the night.

*+11196 words+*

Input: I want the unknown mod to be like a baby mod just to add ★DARMA★ To the book. Would you like it added or no? The next chapter isn't about the unknown mod but something else is in the next chapter, so you will have it! And No there's no proposals or wedding plans in the next chapter... Trust me... I feel like you don't... Ummm... Just- Just take my word for it!

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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