Black roses

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Cleo pov;

I was walking around the shopping district, by every resisters and HEP shop was a black rose, though the only rose every one knows that's black is the wither rose, it was strange but when I picked it up it wasn't a wither rose but an actual black rose. It was strange so I got them all and put them into a shulker box, once I had found a HEP member. "X! I found these by all the HEP and resisters shops, their not normal wither roses but black roses. Do you know why they could be growing?" I gave him one and then the shulker box. "Thanks Cleo, I'll take these to the HEP HQ and see what the others say, and if I'm allowed I'll get back to you" I nodded and went on my way, got what I needed and got done what I needed to do, and went home.


"Hay Joe!" Joe turned and gave me a smile before speaking "Hay Cleo!" We gave each other a hug then decided to catch up with each other, as we sat down by the water, a message had pinged, Joe got his communicator out and we both read the message from

Xisuma-'Please can everyone please come gather at the diamond throne, HEP as an announcement, Mycelium resisters there is a temporary truce during said announcement, again please gather at the diamond throne'

I looked at Joe and shrugged, "must be important if there's no set time" Joe said as he got up and lending me a hand, which I accepted and we walked to the mayor's office.

Soon everyone had arrived. HEP stood either side of Scar and the Mycelium resistance stood outside of the office, Grian in particularly seemed to be staring slightly love eyed at Scar, just as I was to tell Joe about it Scar cleared his throat and stood up in his seat "Right now that everyone is here, I needed to make this quick mention, if you see these roses growing anywhere around the shopping district, pick them up and put them into the barrels either side of the entrance, if they fill up then put then place some more barrels down and fill them up, now that that's done with... Any mycelium resister will be arrested on sight till all of them are behind bars... Get them" as Scar finished he pointed to the resistance as HEP lunged at them

As quickly as they went into attack the resistance ran off in different directions. After everyone else left I looked back at Scar with annoyance "Scar-" "Mayor Scar" Scar cut me off but I rolled my eyes an continued "You had X say that there's a temporary truce, but just going after them like that? Isn't unfair? You've just taken advantage of something that came in your favour..." I had looked down at my hands which where slightly shaking. "Cleo, I have to satisfy the people, there for I I need to go to any lengths to make them happy" Scar placed his hands onto my shoulders. "But..."

"But... You still have to play fair... Since you've made the rule you will have to stay by it till you realise that mistakes were made to an extensive level, and if someone dies to your actions you will regret it... Scar I know you far too well, your not one to do these kind of things, your a sweet man, a respectful person, someone who could be looked up to, and yet you've got to make an example, just playing dirty like that might satisfy people but not everyone... Now... Think about it, what matters more? A happy town and a happy life or happy people but hatred still lingers? What's more important Scar? Which is it?" I felt tears falling down my cheeks, I saw Scar's face show regret, I watched as he tried to say something back but nothing came out, his shoulders dropped and then he suddenly pulled me in for a hug. A teary hug of us both in slight tears due to the conversation and the levels of frustration and realising how the other felt, it was overwhelming

Neither of us spoke and just stayed in the hug till Scar spoke, "Sorry" Scar released the hug and went to his office without saying goodbye or at least a wave, I wiped the remaining tears as Scar did the same as he went out of view. As I was walking out if town hall, the HEP members came back empty handed and went to their corresponding offices. I went down to the portal and went home, to process everything that just happened...


There were more black roses growing, after collecting them I went to town hall and popped them into the barrels. As I was walking out the door I felt a hand land on my shoulder, I didn't bother to see who it was, I could easily tell by the grip, as it was firm but soft and it wasn't putting that much pressure on my shoulder, I knew who it was. A skill I gained as everyone is carful as I'm only held by stiches and them not wanting me cause my shoulders to fall off. "How can I help ya?" I moved my eyes to them as they spoke "Get some rest your walking all over the place" I grabbed their hand and turned to them, placing my hand on their face.\ I smiled at the other before speaking. "I always have done that, I'm a zombie what do you expect?" They gave a small laugh and their Iconic smile.

Then they made eye contact with me and their eyes showed sympathy "Not that kind of way, your ever so slightly more over the place then usual, so please get some sleep... For me at least?" I took a deep breath and pulled their head down and placed my forehead on theirs. "Fine, I'll do it for you" I let them go and started walking down the stairs and to the portal, then they grabbed my hand instead, "Can I come along, I kind of got kept up last night and I was hope that you wouldn't mind letting sleep at your place, like before I got my role" I nodded and we made out way back to by base.


I sat down as they cuddled up to me, I settled down and was slowly drifting of to sleep, I felt the other slowly get heavy I knew that they were drifting of to sleep to then the other spoke up



"How do I know if I'm doing the right thing?" I moved slightly so that they were making eye contact with me, "you'll know, as like once you say the words you want to say are said you'll instantly take them back and apologies to the person you said it to" The other gave me a nod and I went back to drifting of to sleep


In the morning the other had left, but left me a note on the table by the seating. After I read the note I sat there happy as I helped the only person who might be seen to not need help.

The note said;

'Sorry for the other day, I'm going to talk to Grain outside of the shopping district and tell him I'm sorry, also HEP had put a lot of pressure from them to say that they'll be arrested and there're other things on my mind, but I know what I did was wrong and I hope you can forgive me and if I ever need to ask someone something I know who to go to -Scar'

*+1278 words+*

Now you now who the unknown person was Scar all along, well thx for being patient, I helps me quite a bit, and I will be able to upload a bit more now that the mocks are out of the way! But it probably won't have a consistent pattern it'll most likely be all over the place.

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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