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Scar pov:

When me and HEP got back to the HQ, those who where running after Grian was tired, I chose to stay in the sky and land as we where cornering him. I was annoyed at the fact we trusted Grian to have a quick fly, and didn't think that he would have such a floorless escape. "Ugh, how did manage to contact his followers!?" I looked to Bdubs and sighed, "He hadn't, they saw him flying around trying to lose us, and when he landed, as we knew he was tired so did them. They watched us slowly cornering him and then stepped in. I saw it in Grian's face that he wasn't expecting it to happen, so they did it on their own a chord" I was slightly shouting but it was due to having some rubbish nights and the lack of sleep catching up with me. "Then why didn't you tell us?" False added to the conversation. "By the time I saw them and was getting my communicator out, Grian was running into the corner, so I had no chance in saying" Again I was shouting a bit. "Listen, we're all tired and need to recover from that fight... So all of you are dismissed" I went to my seat and flopped in as I watched as each HEP member took their leave, Bdubs was about to speak before I stopped him. "Just go Bdubs, I- I don't really want to hear it" I said as softly as I could. He nodded and then he left. I waited till I couldn't hear any more rockets.

I pulled my legs to my chest, and rested my head on my knees "Why am I like this?" I said aloud to see if anyone was still here. There was no response. I got up and went to the portal under town hall, and went to Cleo's base. I knocked on the door and waited for Cleo. When she soon opened the door. "Scar? How can I help you?" I felt myself brake as I couldn't hold my tears back and then I collapsed into Cleo's arms. "Come, on lets go in" She said in a soft tone as she partially dragged me into her base. I sat down and grabbed a pillow and cuddled into it. "What's the matter?" I sighed before speaking. "I don't really know, I guess I'm fed up with my role as mayor, as I feel like I've been pushing my chances to get to know Grian outside of the war away and I've just been really tiered as I regret doing something" I looked at Cleo who had an eye brown raised. "What are these things you regret?" I gulped then took a deep breath, "Well, we found the mycelium HQ and it was the propper one, and then we managed to arrest Grian, then to day he managed to escape, then HEP got peeved with with me, I lashed out at Bdubs and now I feel like a bad friend" as I spoke I couldn't keep eye contact with Cleo and when I finished I looked at her, not making eye contact but, she knew I was looking at her. "Well, one, you care for Grian, to such a level you can't stand hurting him, and then since you've put him be hind bars, it might have help as he was 'out of sight out of mind' but since he secaped everything's came back" I looked down to my hands and remembered how soft Grian's wings felt. "I think the feelings getting stronger Cleo" I said as I looked at her, this time, making eye contact. "Right... Well first apologise, for anything you might have done to upset him. After that give it a week or so and then if you want confess to him" as Cleo finished her sentence I felt my face warm up 'Confess?' I thought to myself. I shook my head and nodded, and got up, "Thanks Cleo, you make it easier to talk to compared to HEP, Yes they keep me happy, but you will let me talk and then try and get an understanding without making jokes that could make things worse." Cleo gave me a soft smile and placed her right hand on the chest. "Scar... I- I don't know what to say..." I smiled at her grabbed her other hand in mine. "You don't need to say anything, I just wanted you know" I then pulled her into a hug.


I was laying in my bed the next morning. My head was hurting like crazy so I went down to my barrels to see if there was any healing, health potion or any kind of pain killer. I managed to find something to ease the pain. As I sat down, I heard knocking at my door, I got up and went to see who it was, "How can I help you?" I didn't see who it was till they spoke, "Umm Scar? Can I have a word with you?" I looked slightly shocked as Grian had his left hand resting on the back of his neck sheepishly. "Of cores, come in" I moved aside so that Grian could come in. Once he came in I closed the door. "I just wanted to know... Why did you look satisfied when I was first injured? When you came into the  cell I was in?" I heisted slightly as I took my hand of the door knob. I knew when he was talking about but I didn't know how to explained myself to him. "I... Guess it was so that HEP didn't suspect anything, I mean to them we're enemy's and that if I was sympathetic to you, they would question me. I would've been backed up into a corner if I hadn't done so" I turned to Grian and placed my hands onto his shoulders. "Grian, look I'm sorry if I'm giving you the wrong impression or anything, but I don't want HEP getting subspinous about things. The best way a the moment is to make it look like we're enemy's in a battle field." I moved a hand so that it was holding Grian's chin getting him to look at me. "You're genuinely giving me mixed signals" Grian said with a light chuckle. "But it is the same with the resistance. They would be suspicious if we were seeming to be getting along."

I let go of Grian and went to sit down as G followed me and sat down as well. "How do you want to end the war?" I looked over at Grian who shrugged to my question, "Well it would be nice if the war was over" Grian looked at me with a slight smile, "yeah, it would make a lot a bit more easy" I nodded to Grian's response. Soon the room fell silent. We sat looking at each other in the eyes, I could feel my face heating up and we sat like that for a few minutes. Before there was a knock at the door. Me and Grian looked at it worried. If it's a loyal follower of either of us, things could be awkward, I ushered Grian to hide as I went to the door to see who it was. "Hay Scar" I was pleased to see it was Cleo, I welcomed her in. "It's fine Grian it's only Cleo" G came out of his finding place. "Why is Grian here? Not that it bothers me" Cleo asked looking from Grian to me. "I came to have a word with Scar" I looked at Cleo who had a smug smile on her face. "Right... Anyway, Scar just so you know, more flowers have been growing but their..." Cleo then handed me some pink carnations? I looked at Cleo,  who could only shrug, I put them into a box. Then asked Cleo if she wanted to stay for a bit and she accepted the invite. Then the three of us, talked the night away.

*+1340 words+*

Ok... This was the only thing I got done during my... Brake..? Oh well

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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