A new feeling?

196 10 4

Grian pov;

I was sat on the meeting table, in the mycelium base looking at the source block, pending on weather to call for a meeting or if I should just head home and sort out my storage then move it to the mega base. As I got up to go to one of the rooms, I heard a noise I moved back to the meeting table and scanned to were the noise could have came from, as I looked at the table thee were items on the table. I got my communicator out and see who just died.

'IJevin hit the ground too hard'

I laughed a bit, I collected his stuff and put it into a chest. Jevin then messaged me in private as not to raise suspicion with HEP, 'Grian... Can you place some water or a Slime block down by were we land?' I rolled my eyes and placed water down then replied to Jevin. 'There water has been placed for ya' not long after Jevin landed in the water, I pointed to were his stuff was, he thanked me and rushed to his stuff. "Oh dearest Mother spore, why are you still here and not at home? Is it because you have fallen for a man?" I looked at Jevin who now has his his things and stood opposite to me, I just gave him the most confused look I could ever give. "What do you mean oh precious spore?"

From time to time me and Jevin talk as if we're in a Shackspearian play or some form of it. "Oh, Mother spore you so sure know what I mean! You've fallen for a man who has taken your heart, oh dearest Mother spore what did he do to deserve such attention?" I was still confused with what he was saying "Oh dear spore I have no clue what you are talking about, I have not fallen for a man, and if I have which you are suspecting, who is the man you talk about?"

I could see that Jevin was going to laugh, I rolled my eyes as he regained his composure. "The enemy of course! With the leader to add to it, now awnser me how did such a man get your heart?" I felt my face heating up and my heart starting to speed up, "Oh dear spore, I don't believe I have fallen for the enemy especially the leader, I see him as an enemy" I could tell that Jevin wasn't taking what I'm saying. "What is it my dear spore? Am I not saying the truth? Why don't you believe me good sir?"

"Mother spore, oh Mother spore you blush at the thought of the man you have fallen for! Your cheeks are red, red from love and your breathing is unsteady, so tell me how as the man won your heart?" I felt my face heat up like mad and my heart rate start racing even more, "Well precious spore, I don't think I have fallen for that man, even if I did, I would not confess till the end of the war!" I saw Jevin's mouth drop as if I've revealed something, in away I guess I did, but who's actually bothered that I did or not? "Mother spore, you will confess your feelings for the man that has taken your heart, oh, its not just me but also the others can tell that you, Mother spore fell for the enemy!"

I grabbed my chest, 'the Heck is going on with me? Why does my heart race at the thought of the man that is yet my enemy? Do I like him?' I looked at Jevin who was still in a bit of shock, but not as much as before. I managed to calm myself down, "Mother spore... Your only love sprung from the only hate, hasn't it?" As Jevin spoke it made me think about it... have I fallen for the enemy? I was that confused that I could only shrug to the question. "I'm not sure if I have or not, but I don't want any of us to jump to it, I don't want any one of us believing something that just isn't true" I moved my gaze from Jevin to the source block, as I spoke.

"As you wish Mother spore, I guess this is a fair due, see you soon Mother spore" I said bye back as Jevin went up the bubble elevator. I went to my set and sat down as I pondered over what me and Jevin spoke about. All that was on my mind is the thought that I might have a possible crush on our enemy. "How did this man earn so much attention? I mean yeah, He's the enemy and also the mayor of the shopping district... But the attention that my heart starts race and my face heating up whenever he's spoken about. What is this feeling? And why am I feeling it?" I realised I said that aloud but I didn't care as I was the only one in the room, there was no one else here.

"Who were you too talking about?" I jumped out of my seat and looked to see a particular ninja, "ETHO! DON'T DO THAT! YOU CAN'TDO THAT!!" I shout as loudly but not too loud at Etho. "Sorry G, but I came in as you and Jevin were talking, and then you spoke to yourself and then it went silent, and being the man I am I had to make my present known, by scaring people" I rolled my eyes as I sat back into my seat. Etho walked over to his and sat down, then he turned to me.

"Just so you know, I'm not leaving till you do, as your not staying here for the night... Again... This week" Etho said looking away from me but when he finished he looked back at me, "Fine... since I look out for you lot, and I guess you do the same, I'll head home and sleep for once, happy?" I got up as not to show that I was just saying it. "Firstly, You guess that we're looking out for you, your our friend and your going to alot to do as much as you can for us, so let us look out for you. Secondly, good you need to go home and sleep in a bed. Lastly, who was you and Jevin talk about, you didn't awnser me the first time" I looked at the ground as Etho asked me

"Scar..." I felt Etho's eyes fixated on me, "I'm sorry what?" I looked at Etho feeling my heart starting to race and my face getting warm "SCAR!" I shouted I immediately covered my mouth, after taking a deep breath, "We where talking about me potentially having a crush on Scar..." Etho walked over to me and gave me a hug, "I won't let it change my views about you, just try and not let it get in the way too much, at best" I nodded and we walked to the exit and we went to Etho's mish mash of a base.

*+1202 words+*

Holy macaroni I got my last chapter out for this year! -and for a while... due to mock exams... Help :')

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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