Sugar coated

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Etho pov:

After winning the war, the resistance had hardly anything to do that would annoy HEP... Most of these days I'm often annoying Bdubs, in hopes that he would take my hints but he's so caught up in his little fantasy with Scar he often doesn't notice. The other hermits see my attempts even Scar, who's known to never take hints. It often hurts to see him crush over someone who he doesn't love him in the same way... When I'm right here... I can give him the affection and love he oh so desires.  "Etho!" I looked to see the small moss boy, stood at the base of the tree looking up at me, "I'm coming, I'm coming" I eventually got back down so that I was stood in front of the other, "How's my best friend!" His smile seemed wider than usual 'I wish he'd call me his boyfriend...' I thought to myself, "I'm good, and you?" I asked with a slight pian in my heart, "I'm good... I kind of kissed Scar in front of Grian the other day..." He looked away from me and had his hand on the back of his neck. "You need let Scar go... There's other people in this world who likes you!" The other looked at me as if I was insane, "Like who?" He asked, I felt my heart racing and my face getting hotter and hotter, 'Etho this is your chance... Tell him' I took a deep breath, "Like me... I like you Bdubs and not just in a friend way... I love you, okay? I have for ages... It hurts to see you crushing on Scar who obviously  doesn't like you they way you like him... And most of my jokes I make are suttle hints but soon the hints where so obvious that the other hermits noticed them, Bdubs you need to open your eyes... And see the amount of pain I'm in." I hadn't broken eye contact with the other for the entire rant, "Wait you like me?" I felt my heart brake, "Yes!" Bdubs took a step back from me... His face showed no signs that he sorry for the amount of pain he's put me through or anything to reinsure me that I hadn't messed things up.. "I'm sorry but... I can't" when he said those words it hit me like a truck... I stood there holding tears back, as I watched Bdubs fly off. "I- I just had to mess things up..." Thankfully I was near my base. I turned and headed straight in and went to bed.

I managed to get some sleep but it wasn't enough for this chaos of this world. I thought to stay at home and not come out for the... Day..? Week..? Month..? Possible the year... I wasn't sure, I guess it depends on how well the others convince me. I zoned out looking up at my ceiling, I wasn't sure on how much time had passed, put I was brough back to reality when I heard knocking at my door, as much as I didn't wanted to answer the door I still got up to answer it. "How can I help?" I leaned against the door as I looked at the other, "Etho, the hermit meeting started 10 minuets ago" I looked at my calendar to, realised I had put a reminder down about it, "Oh... I forgot about it..." I looked back to the other, "You don't say, luckly they hadn't started the meeting with out you... Well us but you know what I mean, and not jokes about that" Wels pointed at me to make his point clear, I put my hands up in a surrender like manner, "Lets get going then..." We both took off and got to the meeting everyone looked at me then back to X, "Now that everyone has arrived I can begin the meeting".


As we were all heading back to our base from the meeting I walked around the shopping district stop see what was new and if I had any sales at my shop. As I was walking into my shop, Grian dashed by, "ETHO! I need you to point Scar in a different way, I will pay you!" I nodded as Grian darted into my shop as Scar came around "Have you seen Grian? He's not finishing the back of our mansion" I felt the tip of sword poke into the my back, "I have seen him, I think he went that way, to Ren's place" As I finished, the sword dropped as Scar took off to head to ren's as Grian walked out from behind me, "Thanks Etho, How much do I owe you?" I looked at the other then changing my gaze to the near by trees to see Scar on them, a smile grew on my face, hidden by my mask. "Nothing, just realisation" I said as I looked down to the other, who slowly turned to see Scar stood on a tree, "Traitor..." The other whispered, "No... I'm no traitor, just someone who understands the pain Scar's dealing with" I slipped into my shop, got the diamonds and left as Grian and Scar had disappeared, I chuckled to myself and continued walking to the nether portal. 

As I approached the portal I saw Bdubs, as I walked past him. Trying not to make eye contact due to what happened the other day, as I passes him I felt Bdubs grabbing my arm, still not making eye contact I spoke up "Please let me go" "Etho please, I- I didn't mean to hurt you the other day... I was just shocked with it because I didn't realise that everything you was doing was due to you liking me" I turned to look at the mossy boy, "Well... You're going to have to prove to me that you mean what you say" I pulled my arm away from him and walked through the portal. I flew to my portal, and went through. As I walked to my room, again I felt someone grab my arm, but this time I was pulled to look at the other, "Etho, listen... I thought about it, I realised everything... Please give me a chance to show you that I'm sorry!" I looked away from the other then back to him, "Fine, but please make it quick" "I kind of need your permission..." I sighed, "Why?" I noticed that his face was turning red "A-are you okay?" I asked, for all I know he's got a feaver, then he suddenly pulled down my mask, and kissed me on the lips. when he pulled away, I was confused on what to do. "W-what?" The other took a deep breath before talking, "I've realised how much you mean to me and how I need you by my side... And that I've got feeling for you... So I just want to know... Would you take me still?" I fealt my heart race, and my face getting warm... "Yeah" was the only thing I could say, as I was still in shock from him kissing me. Bdubs then jumped onto me nearly knocking me over, "Thank you" Bdubs repeated, getting quieter and quieter as he slowly fell asleep on me. 'I'm pleased I waited for this moment'

*+1222 words+*

Ummm... Well opinions and thoughts??? well anyway, for the time being this will be the only chapter out for now, as my exams start like next week (Being finished on 30/04/24 [I'm british so... American's day before month] sooo yeah...) But yeah, I've got some this week, other than that thanks for the support so far! I love you, my lil' shooting stars {If you haven't read my bio, you'll are now my lil' shooting stars}.

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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