sad beginnings

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Chapter One:


I tapped my leather boots against the concrete, and bobbed my head to the rhythm of the sound blasting through my headphones. What other way is there to start off your first day of senior year?

A car honk startles me, and a big black SUV pulls over to the curb in front of me, causing me to stop dead in my tracks. I walk along the side of the car, looking inside hesitantly. A pair of brown eyes surprises me, smiling," Hey, need a ride?"

The simplest words and innocent question sends me spiraling through a daze of memories. I stare at the one and only, Bellamy Blake. School's biggest-player, my neighbor since forever, and my ex-crush. Crush, I mean, the only guy since I was born to ever be on my mind 24/7 and actually having me write Mrs . Clarke Blake on endless notebooks way back when. Let me just sum up our relationship now, growing up sucks. We barely ever talk, eye contact is nothing shy of a glance, and I'm just that girl, the girl that got away. But I never really did. I was just forgotten.

I noticed another, more attractive, girl in the passenger seat. She was holding a tube of lip gloss, smothering it all over her huge, Kylie-Jenner lips. If it were my guess, she spent the last night of summer rocking his world. It made me sick. She spoke up, in annoyance," Is she coming or what?"

I stared back at Bellamy, shrugging," I'm okay walking. I need this last bit of freedom."

He laughs," You were always a peculiar one, Griffin. See you 'round." He pulled off quickly, leaving a dirt cloud in my line of walking. Yep, see you around. I continued walking, turning my headphones up into a bleeding jam.

I walked into the school building, passed all the wannabees, the nobodies, the druggies, all of those I tried to avoid all summer long. I raced to my locker assignment, seeing my friends across the hall.

I groaned, standing in an empty spot in their circle," Is it bad that I'm already awaiting graduation?"

Raven, my closest friend, laughed. She wrapped her hand around my neck," You and me both, kiddo. Rough morning?"

I shrug," It doesn't matter." Raven knows me. I know her. She's been there for everything, my father's death, my mother's second marriage; there when no one else was. We spent all summer together. Working, tanning, laughing, and overall adventuring. Living life to the fullest. She was good for that. She's reckless, she's confident, and she's lively. I wish I was more that way.

Lexa, my other bestfriend, smiled," How was the perfect household this morning? Perfect eggs? Perfect orange juice and fruit? Did perfect dad make you a lunch with a little note on your napkin?" She was obviously joking, but it bothered me. My stepfather, Kane, was someone I didn't want to deal with, nor talk about. He replaced my father, and he changed everything. First it was removing my mother's blue van, then it was the green shutters outside, and next thing you know, my mother is having surgery to be able to have children again. Little baby Charlotte comes out of no where, and I was moved to the attic, being the only reminder that my father is around once.

I get back to reality, walking away from Lexa with no other thought. Raven called after me, but she stuck with Lexa. I hurry off to my first period class, let's just escape for awhile. I turned the corner, running into a familiar face.

He smirked, grabbing my waist just before I almost fell. I coughed, looking away," Uh, thanks."

" Don't mention it." He touches my chin forcing me to look at him. To look into those eyes, the ones I wanted to forget. " You changed over the summer, Clarke."

" I did?" I ask, wondering if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

He smiles," Yeah, your's curlier than I remember. I like it like this."

" I have to get to class, I'll see you later." I rushed off, but he follows, calling after me desperately.

He tugs on my hand," Clarke, we're meeting in the gym."

I turn around," What?"

He laughs," The whole senior class heads to the gym for an assembly before first period. Why are you acting so afraid of me?"

I laugh," Because I know you."

He shrugs, whispering," Then why are you running? You know me, Clarke." His eyes look innocent and sad.

I nod," Want to walk me to the gym? Or will that ruin your reputation?" I nudge his shoulder, joking.

He laughs," You're funny, come on, let's go." He takes my hand, pulling me away towards the gym. We laughed, catching up casually through the long hallway. We sat together on the bleachers, talking and whispering through the whole assembly. After the assembly, I was pulled away by Raven, leaving him alone, watching after me. I glanced back at him twice, and both times, he was staring back, a weird look on his face. What have I started?


Slow start, but the development is going to be oh, so good. I can't wait.

-Lanes XOXO

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