uh OH

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A/N: I changed a part in the last chapter of when Bellamy's flight was. It was originally at nine, but it's now at six in the morning. It just made more sense (-; enjoy!

Chapter Thirty-Two:


I woke up by Bellamy's alarm at four in the morning. He kissed me and jumped out of bed. He made his way to the shower and I pushed the covers away. I shivered at the cold air, wishing for the comfort of my covers. I stumbled to the kitchen, starting the coffee machine, and preparing a fresh pot. I peeked in Aurora's room, she was sound asleep. I then stepped to the bathroom, cautiously opening the door and walking in. I brushed my teeth and then brushed through my hair. I quickly undressed, pushing back the shower door, and stepping inside. Bellamy washed off the soap on his body, and I pulled him into a hug. He kissed my head and then I pressed my lips to his.

He groaned," This guy really gets in the way."

I laughed, touching my stomach," Our little William."

He smiled," William Jacob."

I kissed him once more," Are you all done? Coffee is in the pot."

He nodded," Do you want me to wake up Rory?"

" She'll be up soon enough," I answered.

He left the shower and I began to wash through my hair.

After changing into leggings and a long comfortable sweater, I stepped into Aurora's room. She breathed slowly, and silently. I sat down at the edge of her bed, and she opened her eyes slowly. She sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck," Come on baby, we need to take Daddy to the airport."

" Go for drive?" She mumbled.

" Yes, go for a drive," I laughed, carrying her to the kitchen. She slept in my arms, while Bellamy put her shoes on. He then carefully pulled a jacket over her arms and then I slipped her hat on. We kept her pjs on, and allowed her to sleep. I carried her while Bellamy brought his luggage to the car.

I strapped Aurora in, and hopped into the passenger seat. I groaned," Blast the heat."

He nodded," I am."

" Okay, wait, stop the car," I said quickly.

He stopped the car quickly, not even left the parking lot yet. I made my way to the trunk, grabbing Rory's blanket. I wrapped it around her, and she woke up for a second, before falling back asleep.

Parking the car at the airport, I got out of the car with Bellamy. We met halfway at the front of the car, and I hugged him tightly. I gave him a deep kiss, and he whispered," Don't let the baby come till I get back, okay?"

I smiled," I'll try. Hey, call me as soon as you land. Okay? Promise me!"

" I promise, don't worry."

" I can't help but worry. Be safe."

He kissed my head and then stepped around me to get his luggage. I got into the driver's seat, and Bellamy pulled his suitcase from beneath Aurora's seat. He kissed her head, whispering," I'll miss you, baby. Daddy will be home soon."

He looked up at me, and I smiled," I love you."

" I love you more," he smiles.

" No way!" I laughed while the back door closed automatically. Bellamy waved, and I drove away.

Returning home, I carried Aurora upstairs and took her shoes, jacket, and hat off myself. I brought her into my room, and we fell asleep in the bed. Before heading back to sleep, I put on the kid's channel, for when Aurora woke up. I laid my phone next to me, and closed my eyes.

I woke up to a ringing phone, and Aurora passed asleep next to me. I picked up my phone, answering happily," How was your flight?"

Bellamy laughed," It went smoothly. I had the window seat, and no crying babies aboard."

" No crying babies here either, Aurora is sleeping away."

" You're not at work?"

" I'm not going in today, thought it'd be nice to have a Mommy and me day before Will comes, you know?

" Rory is excited, Clarke."

" She doesn't know what she's in for!" I laugh.

" Okay, I'll let you have your fun, I have to get into a meeting soon."

" Alright, babe. Have a great time on your little vacation."

" I miss you, already," he sighs.

" We miss you too. See you tomorrow."

" Love you."

" Love you too, baby." I hang up, getting up from the bed. I receive a text, from Raven:

Hey, girl! I'm in town this week, would you like to have lunch? And bring that little cutie of yours!

I smile, replying:

OMG, would love to! Meet you at Lou Malnatis on North State in an hour!

I turn to Aurora, and she's jumping on my bed. I laugh," What are you doing, silly girl!"

" Jumping," she giggles.

I walk towards her, letting her jump into my arms," Do you want to go for lunch? Get some pizza?"

" With Daddy!" She cheers.

" No Daddy is at work. We're going with Raven, do you remember her?"

She shakes her head, frowning.

I laugh, tickling her stomach. " We're going to Lou Lou's!"

She smiles," I love Lou Lou's!"

I set her on the floor, and took her hand," Let's get you dressed!"


A cute little family chapter for you guys!

Sad to see this story coming to an end, hopefully a couple more chapters & possibly an epilogue. School, for me, starts up in about a week and a half, and as scared/nervous I am, I'm ready to get started and I'm excited to see all my friends! As I said before, I want to focus on my schooling, so I'll be ending this story & I won't be continuing for awhile. BUT I'll be back  soon with more bellarke, if you guys even care at all. Haha.

I love all of you who support and comment on the daily, it means a lot! I know these are only fanfictions and they're not legit but writing is a part of me that I love, and it's super sweet when you take time to read, click to vote and even type a nice message in the comments. I TRULY appreciate it! (I'm so fluffy tonight!)

Anywaaays, love you! Lanie XOXO

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