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Chapter Ten:


Coming home around lunch time, I slowly step through the front door. I hear chattering coming from the living room, a quiet argument.

I stop in the family room, looking at my mother and Kane. They look at me with an embarrassed look, as I just caught them fighting. My mother crosses her arms," I don't suppose you're going to share with us where you were?"

I drop my head, looking at the floor. I look back up to my mom," I was with Bellamy." I prepare for the lecture, but there's no response.

My mother un-crosses her arms, and nods slightly," Okay."

Kane nods in agreement and he doesn't say anything.

I look at the both of them," Just okay?"

My mother shrugs," You may carry on."

Kane nods," That's okay, that you were with him."

My mother smiles," I've always liked your...friendship. Are you just friends, or has it changed now that you're both older?"

I laugh," Okay, I'm off the hook, thank you, I'll be upstairs." I turn, walking away.

Kane coughs," Uh Clarke?"

I stop," Mhm?"

My mom finishes," We'd love to have him for dinner, and his Mom or whoever he would like to come with."

I turn around, flashing a smile," I'll think about it."


Saturday morning, I wake up from a rustle next to me, and a small squeal. I laugh, rubbing my eyes. I look over, touching Bellamy's cheek.

He opens his eyes, coughing. He covers his face with his pillow, groaning. I tap on his bare shoulder, laughing," Wakey wakey."

" Can't we just lay here all day?" He pulls me close, wrapping his arm around my waist.

I laugh," What would you say to having dinner with my parents?"

He stops laughing, and looks up at me from underneath his pillow," When?"

" Tonight." I say with a nod.

He shakes his head," No, I'll definitely pass."

My jaw slowly drops," Are you serious?"

He laughs," You can't be seriously asking me that?"

" Why can't I?"

" Clarke, that's too much to ask of me so soon in our relationship, whatever we are."

" I'm not just some other girl to you, am I?"

He sits up, taking my hands," No, of course you aren't, but that's not my point, Clarke."

I pull away, dropping my feet to the floor. I pull my jeans on under Bellamy's t-shirt, and grab my things.

He rolls his eyes," Don't be like this."

" Be like what?" I say, angrily.

" We were having a good time, come on."

" Everytime you convince me that you've changed, you always manage to screw it up and prove you really haven't. Leave me alone." I walk to the bedroom door, pulling it open.

" Clarke."

I stop, turning," What?"

He points," My shirt?"

I scoff," Yeah, you can have it." I pull it over my head, revealing my bra and bare chest. I throw his shirt, and he lets it fall next to him. I walk down the hallway, taking my shirt out of my bag and put it on, heading down the stairs.

Bellamy's mother sits in the living room, drinking her tea. She sees me on the stairs and smiles," Oh, good morning, Clarke! Would you like some tea?"

I smile politely," I'm sorry, I can't stay. But thank you."

" Anytime, dear. I'll see you..."

I frown, looking up the stairs," I don't know when we'll be seeing each other again. Your son, he's really confused on respect."

She laughs," You're telling me. I hope you two can work it out soon. This pairing of you both has been really nice. I've enjoyed seeing you around."

I smile," We'll see, Mrs. Blake. I have to go." I open the front door and head down the porch steps. As I pass through the dividing grass line of our two houses, I look up at Bellamy's window, seeing him watching me below. I roll my eyes and continue my way to my home.

Back at school, I stand with Raven and Finn at my locker in between classes. The two make plans for dinner while I stand there rushing to finish my studying before a big Trig test next period.

With a minute till class starts, I smile," Okay, wish me luck. See you guys later." I shut my locker and walk off towards my class room.

While I walk through the hall, my hand is tugged and I'm pulled to the side of the hall, where questionably soft lips make their way to mine in a soft, but desperate manner. Oh, Bellamy.

I pull away, and he holds my hand, not letting me go. I groan," I'm already late, can we talk about this later?"

" Talk about what?" He asks with a smile.

" Whatever you want to talk about?"

He laughs," I just wanted to make sure you still...I don't know, liked me or whatever."

" Just because I kissed you back doesn't mean I'm not still upset with you."

" You're talking to me?"

" You have me pinned up against the wall. And may I add, we're at school. And I'm running late to class."

He kisses me quickly, letting me go," We'll talk later."

I shrug," Okay, pick me up after school."

" I'll meet you in the parking lot out front."

I nod," Okay." I slowly walk off to class, holding my binder nervously, wearing a smile.

He smiles back," Alright."

" Fine." I say with a laugh.

" Cool." He responds with a laugh.

I roll my eyes, waving my hand," Go to class!"

He laughs," I love you."

I stop in my tracks, and he laughs, his cheeks blushing a little. He hurries off to class, leaving me in the hallway with a faint smile on my lips. The bell rings, and I can't move. I'm in a soft daze.


Fluffy bellarke just kills me

I'm starting to re-watch The 100 on netflix, starting from the beginning. I'm so happy, but this is also an almost suicide for my feels. I miss it too much!!

Lanes XOXO

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