car goodbyes

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Chapter Three:


I changed out of my autumn sweater, pulling on a random red and black flannel. I exchanged my light pale jeans with black ripped jeans and slipped my feet into some simple dirty white shoes. Party outfit, check.

Now, I'm not that kind of girl to wear a skin-tight dress to parties, at least not to high school parties. I don't cake makeup on my face to get drunk and let it all run down my face. I don't dance with any guy I see, and I certainly don't do any of that basement stuff. I'm just there. I mingle and socialize, but I do not party. There's a difference.

I head downstairs, seeing my mom rocking Charlotte to sleep. She stared out the window, falling asleep herself. I stepped over, hesitantly offering my help. She smiled, carefully handing Charlotte into my hands. I pick her up, supporting her head. I stared down at her, looking at her sleep. She was beautiful. She looked just like I had when I was just born. She was my sister. And this was probably the third time I have ever held her in my hands since she was born seven months ago.
I laid her in her crib, just a few feet from the living room, in her nursery. It was beautiful. I picked the wallpaper.
I rub her little forehead, and then I leave the room, turning off the light and quietly shut the door.

I turned, and was met with the presence of Kane, my stepfather. A very happy, ridiculous man. He smiled," Did you put Charlie to bed?"

" Yes, you're welcome. I'm heading out." I grabbed my keys. MY keys. Kane gave me a car last month when I turned eighteen. I have only used it a handful of times. I tried not to give him the satisfaction. But I did love it. It was a white jeep, with black interior. It was slick, and it was all mine.

Kane nodded, not objecting. He was good for that. We were on good terms. He whispers," Just call if you need anything. And don't be out too late. Your mother and I will worry." I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, turning back and leaning on the door.

I smile blankly," Oh, I'm sure. Just don't wait up for me." I left without another word, walking down the long driveway to my car. It was parked outside the garage. Bellamy walked out of his house, slamming the front door. I heard yelling come from inside the house. I watched him punch the air, and kick the grass. I accidently unlocked my car, and his head shot up. He changed his expression, hiding what had just happened.

He yells," Are you the designated driver tonight, Griffin?"

I started to refuse, but then remembered that I no longer cared. I nodded," Sure. Let's go, we're late."

He jogs towards me," Oh, the party doesn't start till Bellamy arrives."

" Right...okay." I hopped into the driver's spot, buckling in, and pulling out.

During the drive, Bellamy asked," Can I turn the radio on? It's so quiet in here."

I shrugged," Whatever."

He touched the stereo, watching me. I held a blank expression on my face, proving I was done with him. I could tell he was bothered by it.

" Is this how it's going to be forever? I mean, how long is this going to last?"

" How long will what last?" I asked, curiously, acting oblivious.

He drops his head," You acting like you hate me! Clarke, we're best friends, remember?"

" I wouldn't say best friends, I would say-"

"-Tension growing, lovers?" He asked with a smirk.

I shake my head," No, I was going to say neighbors."

He laughs," You're brutal to me. Okay, look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of made that comment about you being my girlfriend. You're always there for me and I shouldn't take that for granted."

" Alright, thanks, I forgive you."

" Great, now, I need a favor from you." He holds his hands up, as if begging.

I pull into a parking spot, and look at him," Look, I said I forgive you, but I'm still disgusted with what kind of person you've been lately. I'm not dealing with it. Stop running to me, and stop using people. And please find a different ride home, I think we should just leave each other alone now on."

He laughs," You're joking, right?"

" I don't mean to be harsh, I just know you don't take no for an answer, but this is no. This is-go away, Bellamy. Leave me alone, Bellamy." I nod, exiting the car. I shake off the negativity, replacing it with a smile and walking up to the house. I hear Bellamy get out of the car, so I stop and turn, locking my car with my keys. I smile to Bellamy, while he stands there, his jaw on the ground. He looks hurt, but I can't care anymore.

Finn is introduced soon, don't let the description throw you off.

Getting my cartilage pierced tomorrow (hopefully) anyone know if it hurts or not? I'm nervous...

Lanes XOXO

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