can't look away

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Chapter Nineteen:


I held Bellamy's hand while we walked through the town, we traveled into different little shops and tried samples from cute restaurants. It was just an easy Sunday, before we left tomorrow afternoon. It was eating me up inside that I haven't share my news with Bellamy yet, but I couldn't bare it to ruin our little weekend getaway. He'll know when the time is right, and we'll make everything work out, as we always do.

He smiled down at me, kissing my nose in a quick action. He gave a simple squeeze to my hand as he pulled me into a little alleyway in between buildings. He pressed me up against a the brick wall, placing his hands at my cheeks. He kissed my lips softly, and I held my hands at his waist, kissing him back. A side door from the building opened, and a heavy man stepped out, catching us. Bellamy and I pulled apart, and the man started screaming at us in a different language. Bellamy took my hand, and we sped off in a hurry run. We both laughed hysterically once we stopped to catch our breaths.

He stared at me for a long time, tucking a hanging piece of my hair behind my ear.

" Why are you looking at me like that," I laughed.

" You're beautiful, that's all," he shrugged. We took each other's hands once again and walked on again.

Later that night, Bellamy and I found ourselves in a pretty heated make out session in the hot tub. We finally convinced Raven and Finn to cook dinner, so we could have alone time. In exchange, Bellamy and I promised them breakfast in bed tomorrow. Bellamy reached a little too high on my back, almost completely pulling off my top. I pulled myself away, getting off his lap and fixing my hair," Slow down."

He groaned, setting his head back on the headrest. He covered his face with his hands, clearly annoyed. " You're being distant, what's wrong?"

I shook my head," I'm not being distant at all, I just thought we were going a little too fast. We're in a hot tub, for one, and our friends are right inside."

He sighed," Clarke, it's our weekend getaway," he explained, upset.

I rubbed my hand along his chest, nodding," And we'll have our time for that, we just can't do this right here."

He looks around," I don't care who sees!" He pulls me close to him, pushing his lips to mine. He's completely joking.

I laugh, pressing on his body, I forced him back.

He drops his head," You're teasing me, baby." I motioned to the cabin, and bit my lip. He smirked, swiftly picking me up and carrying me out of the hot tub.

" Our towels!" I yelled.

He turned back, picking them up and throwing them on top of me. We practically inside, and he rushed us into our room. He dropped me on our bed that we currently shared, and I shrieked," We're wet, Bellamy!"

He nodded," Even better."

We kissed a couple times before I pushed him away, laughing. I stood up and stepped towards the bathroom," Let's dry off, I don't want our bed to be soaked."

He groaned from the bedroom," Can you give me my shirt? I'm going to check on dinner."

I saw his shirt on the dresser. I stepped out of the bathroom, from fixing my hair, and I pointed," This one, right?"

He looked up at me, and his eyes widened," No, wait, I'll get it."

" Don't be so silly," I laughed. I picked it up and tossed it to him, something falling from the shirt. I kneeled down, picking it up nonchalantly," What's this?" I focused on it in my hand, realizing what it actually was. I quickly opened it, confirming my suspicions. I closed it, without another look. I tossed to Bellamy, and he now sat up straight on the edge of the bed, no expression on his face. It fell next to his leg, and he didn't bother catching it. " What is that, Bellamy?" I asked, angrily. Surprises were never my thing.

He shook his head, mumbling," Nothing."

" Bellamy," I continued to press, crossing my arms.

He didn't budge, nor look at me. He just stared forward, blinking only a couple times a minute.

" Bellamy! What the hell is that?" I continued, raising my voice.

He rolled his eyes," It's absolutely nothing, don't worry about it."

I began to cry. He tried to get up and leave the room, but I forced him back, my hand on his chest. I looked up at his angry expression, and I felt the same way. I explained," You better kneel down and do something about that, or else you can leave and go home, and I'll never want to hear from you ever again."

He looked at me, now surprised. He took my hands and spoke softly," Clarke, I just ruined our night."

" You did not, okay? I ruined your surprise."

He sat me down next to him, sighing," I don't think it's the right time. There was a time when I did, and that's why I had it, but I've changed my mind. Your reaction to finding it, it verified the timing was wrong."

" I was shocked, I didn't expect to find that! But Bellamy, nothing would make me happier than to be engaged to you." I took his hand," Now, propose, Bellamy, I'm growing impatient."

He laughed," Clarke..."

" I'm serious, I will make you leave right now if you don't ask," I whine, half-joking.

He picked up the box, slowly kneeling down to the floor. He coughs," Clarke, I'm with you because I really love you and I have not been able to love in years. And to finally get that feeling again and be happy is a feeling I don't ever want to let go of. I want to be with you forever and I couldn't picture my life with anyone else. You make me a better person, and I need you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me, Clarke Griffin?"

I smiled, and nodded frantically, tears rushing to my eyes. He opened the black box that held my ring, and it was absolutely beautiful. He smiled," I already had it sized for you."

I covered my mouth with my other hand, shaking. He slid the ring up my finger and then met me with a couple kisses.

A knock sounded at the door, and Raven cheered," Dinner's ready! Get your clothes on and get downstairs before the food grows cold!"

Bellamy and I laughed, rising to our feet.



Currently like a quarter after one in the morning, so time to close my laptop and sleep!
XOXO Lanie!

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