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Chapter Four:


Raven, Lexa and I danced in the corner of the room; after a couple drinks and a couple of games. We were tipsy and I swear I'm seeing double, but it doesn't matter, we're having fun. And finally for the first time, I feel free. I feel like I just got out of ten year marriage. I was always held down by Bellamy, I was hurt watching him flirt with other girls, I was ashamed hearing rumours about him, and now...I'm free. And he knows that.

But that doesn't stop him. He watches from the stairs, drinking and sitting. He has a scowl on his face. He slowly rises his drink to his lips, sloppily pouring it into his mouth and letting it drip over his shirt.

A long-haired guy walked over, asking," Would any of you like to join for another game of beer pong?" He smiles casually at me, sharing a slight wink.

Raven nodded," Oh, I'm so in!" She sways her hips to the beat and holds up her hands in a cheerful way.

I laugh," Yeah, I think I'll pass. Go, have some fun." I touch her arm, patting her on the back.

She looks at me and frowns. She stops dancing, taking my hand, asking me curiously," You okay here?"

I glance at Bellamy and nod," Yeah, I'm all good." She smiles proudly, and stumbles off with that guy. He gave me one last glance, flashing a smile. I bite my lip, smiling at the ground.

Bellamy walks over, crossing his arms," Who was that guy?" He angrily glances at the direction that guy and Raven went in.

" He was asking if someone wanted to join for a game of beer pong. Not like it's any of your business." I said, taking a sip of my drink.

He rolls his eyes," Whatever." I look around, feeling his eyes keep landing on me.

I laugh," Okay, I'm going to go, this is not awkward at all." I gave him one last nod and started to walk off around everyone.

He takes my arm, holding it forcefully," Hold up, where are you going?"

" Away." I say, pulling on my arm.

I get stuck behind some people, this place is just too crowded. I hear Bellamy behind me," Lexa, do you want to head upstairs?"

I turn around, seeing Bellamy holding onto Lexa's waist. She smiles up to him and takes his hand, leading him upstairs. I watched him take step by step, and he stared back with a sort of guilt. I shook my head and drank the rest of my drink. Who cares, Clarke? Remember? You've dropped him. He never cared and he still doesn't.

I roll my eyes looking for Raven. I spot her talking to that long-haired guy. She sits on top of the beer pong table. She smiles," Hey, where's Lexa?"

I shake my head," She's upstairs with someone. Anyways, I'm going home."

" What? You've only been here for an hour?" She stutters her words and wiggles back and forth through each word.

I nod, holding back tears," I forgot that I hated parties." I scratched my arm, feeling cold and uncomfortable.

Raven sighs, looking at that boy," Clarke this is Finn, this is actually his party."

I laugh," Sorry about that. I'm not much of a party-person."

He shrugs," That's okay, they're not for everyone. I understand."

" It's nice to meet you." I turn back to Raven," I shouldn't drive home."

She nods," I can't drive you."

Finn places his hand on my back," I'll drive." He stands there, smiling at the both of us.

I look at him, growing nervous," I hardly know you."

I start to move aside, but he offers," Then you can take my room upstairs, to sleep. There's no way anyone else is sober here. So no way to get home." He shrugs," It's up to you."

I roll my eyes," Okay, mister know-it-all. Let's go, you can take me home."

In his car, I lay back and close my eyes. He coughs, and I peek at him, with one eye open. He smiles," Wake up, I don't know where you live."

" My head is going to explode."

He laughs," That's what alcohol does to you."

" Alcohol is a bitch sometimes." I say, sitting up, resting my head in my hand.

He laughs again," So, do you go to Mount Weather High?"

" Yeah, I'm a senior there." I mumble through my fingers.

He laughs," No kidding, I'm transferring there in two weeks."

" Oh wow, so you can stalk me."

" What? Who said anything about stalking you?"

" You offered me a ride when you barely know me."

He laughs," I'm trying to be a nice guy."

I nod," Whatever, I honestly don't care. I just need...my bed."

He laughs," Are you always like this when you're drunk?"

" I don't get drunk often, it's been a rough week. I don't know why I'm telling you."

He shrugs," It's okay, you're rambling is kind of cute."

I look at him," Okay, turn down here. My house is the third on the left." We pull into my driveway and I jump out, unable to step out since it's one of those large trucks.

I walk around the car to the other side, grasping my bag. Finn hops out, and follows me to the door. I stop at the door handle, holding my key," What are you doing?"

" Making sure you get in safely."

" My parents are home, well my mother is, so you have to be quiet."

He nods, and we step inside. He whispers," Lovely house you have here."

" Thanks..." I say, slowly slipping out of my shoes.

He asks," Can I use your bathroom?"

I laugh," Yeah, it's down the hall to the right." He jogs off quietly to the bathroom and I head into the kitchen. I flick the light on, reading a note on the counter:


Your mother and I took Charlotte out to Gram's because she has the flu, there's money in the cookie jar for food etc. Will call in the morning.


I sighed, crunching up the paper as Finn walked out of the bathroom. He asks," What's that?"

" My parents went to my grandmother's. Well my mother and sister."

He jumps onto the counter next to me. He asks," Where's your dad?"

I grasp the counter top, fumbling with words to explain. I glance at his wondering eyes, opening my mouth nervously. I felt my fingers trembling and my throat growing dry.


Hey, Finn, what's up!!!! Who likes their relationship so far? Finnarke or Bellarke? Hmm....

I don't think Octavia is going to be included in this story yet, but for right now, she's younger and not involved.

Sorry for the long wait, I couldn't exactly get anything written down )-: but, all good now!

- Lanes XOXO

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