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Chapter Two:


After three days, Friday finally comes rolling around. That last bell before the weekend is always a treasure. Weekend parties, all-nighters, and no teachers for two whole days. You can hear the excitement in everyone's voice.

I gathered my books slowly, not rushing out like all the eager teenagers. I head into the hallway, surrounded by students everywhere.

It's the final bell, go home, children.

Everyone was gathered around a group of boys, chanting," Fight! Fight! Fight!" And then I heard everyone cheering, so I assume they're throwing punches now. Who's the fools this time?

I find Raven and Lexa in the back of the huddle, watching in. I tapped on Raven's arm," It's the third day of school. What's going on?"

Lexa laughs," Maybe you should save him, princess." She pursed her lips and batted her eyes. What's gotten into her over the summer?

" What's going on?" I continued to press for an answer. I wasn't at a good view to look inside the crowd. Raven's eyes shifted nervously.

She touched my arm," Let's get out of here. You shouldn't save him." She frowned and her eyes looked guilty.

" Save who?" I peeked through the crowd, catching a glimpse of Bellamy's black curls. I breathed, feeling upset. Raven knows about Bellamy and I. Our complicated relationship. She knows I find him good, and he's good to me, but she also knows his reputation. She thinks I hurt myself that I care about him, even though he really doesn't give a damn about me.

I use to save him a lot. When we were close. His father would stumble into the house, drunk as ever, and would instantly be pissed off. Bellamy was his target, but not when I was around. He would escape from the back door, climbing over my fence and sneaking up to my room. We would watch movies all night, and sometimes I would have to patch up his wounds. Another reason Bellamy and I drifted apart, his father left at one point in time.
He never had an excuse to sneak in every again. So he didn't. But I still leave my window unlocked.

Raven sighs," He's not worth it."

" I know. Let's get out of here." We turn around and walk around the crowd, passing by. I looked into the circle, watching in a daze. Deja vú hit me, and I had to force my legs to keep walking on.
I catch a glance of Bellamy. He's being punched. I watch in slow-motion, the other guy's hand brushes his cheek, and blood trickles from his lips. He falls to the ground and everyone cheers. He looks emotionally dead. I remember watching him hurt, made me hurt. He use to be so damaged. He looks the same now.

I push through the crowd, falling to my knees next to him. Raven calls after me but Lexa pulls her away. They don't understand.

I whisper to Bellamy," Come on, get up." I help him up slowly, rising to his feet and walking away from the crowd. I pull him into the girl's bathroom. A few girls surrounding the mirror gasp and rush out. Bellamy lets out a short laugh, sitting on the window sill. He lays back," I wasn't done yet. Just a couple more seconds, and oh, I would've had him crying."

I travelled to the sink, to help clean up his face. He stared at the floor. I think he's on something. Or he probably had a little something to drink before last period. I saw him in the parking lot. My chest burned. My heart throbbed. Why do I feel like this?

" Bellamy, look at yourself." I wet a paper towel, kneeling next to him. I slowly wiped away the dripping blood and the drops of sweat. He watched me, the corners of his lips were tilted in a slight smile. His breaths calmed and slowed.

He raised his hand, touching my cheek. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything at that moment. He smiled," Just like in the golden days of recess. Clarke Griffin to save the day."

" Have you learned nothing since? You can't just keep getting into trouble like this." I said in a gentle voice.

He rolls his eyes, shrugging me off," Whatever. I'm fine." I almost dropped to the floor.

" Who was that guy?" I ask, rising to my feet, watching him hesitantly.

" No idea."

" What'd he want?" I watched him in the mirror. I slowly washed my hands looking at my shaking fingers.

He leans against the wall," I guess I slept with his girlfriend." He rested his head back, closing his eyes. He feels pain, I know he does. He won't ever admit it, but he's hurt.

" Did you?" I ask, leaning against the sink. A disapproving look on my face. I dried my hands with a paper towel, crinkling it up and tossing it away.

He shrugs," Probably."

I roll my eyes," Why do I even try with you?"

He scoffs," I don't know. You tell me. You're not my girlfriend, never was and never will be." He just stood there.

I shake my head," I'm sorry." My voice broke, I feel pain too.

" What for? Shouldn't I be apologizing?"

" I'm sorry I couldn't fix you. I've always tried, and I've always been there. But maybe some people aren't meant to be fixed."

" What's that suppose to mean?"

" I would put ice on that black eye, you know, stop the swelling." I shrug, picking up my bag," See you at the party later." I walked out, never again will I let my judgement or feelings be crowded by him. I'm over it. I'm over him. I'm over it all.


I like these characters more than my other Clarke & Bellamy's, to be honest!!

I hope you all enjoy this new story (((((-;

-Lanes XOXO

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