dark days

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:


I was awoken by a large shattering sound. I quickly pushed the covers back, realizing Clarke wasn't in bed next to me, as she hasn't been for the past couple nights. She's been skipping classes, and she's not herself.

I raced into the kitchen, just in only boxers, quickly flickering on the light. She stood in the light, her eyes squinting.

" What were you doing?" I ask, taking a breath.

The cupboard above her is wide open, and she steps away from the counter," I was going to make myself something to eat."

I nodded," Allow me." I reached for her, to pick her up over the shattered plate. She hits my hand, and steps around. I sigh, loudly.

" Nevermind, I'm not hungry. I'm going to the bathroom," she whines.

" I'll make you something, Clarke. You need to eat, you haven't been eating," I explain with worry.

She glares at me," Give me space! I feel like I'm suffocating with you around!"

I kneeled down, picking up broken pieces. She hurried to the bathroom, and I hear the lock sound. I finished cleaning up the plates, and didn't bother cooking.

I knocked on the bathroom door, softly," Hey, Clarke. Won't you come to bed? It's late, and your doctor says you need sleep. I think you need sleep, it'll be good for you."

" I'm sleeping on the couch, remember?" She opens the door, and brushes passed me to the living room. Her sheets and blanket are made on the couch, and she carefully lays down.

" I hate that you don't feel comfortable in our room," I explain, standing in the doorway.

" I need my time alone. We should've gotten a bigger apartment. We didn't even have room for a baby. I guess it's a good thing it didn't-"


She stops, and rolls over to sleep. I touch my forehead, and head to bed. Unable to sleep with Clarke being like this. I thought it would wear off, but this is obviously not good at all.

In the morning, I'm woken by loud rustling. I rub my eyes and stretch, noticing Clarke shuffling through the closet. She hurriedly grabs a stack of clothes straight from the hangers and sets them into a large suitcase on the floor. I sit up," What are you doing, babe?"

" Don't call me that!" She yells.

I shut my eyes and remember her weird behavior, I repeat," What are you doing?"

She stops and stares at me," I have a flight back home in an hour. Don't you try and stop me, I need a break!"

" Clarke, what the hell?" I shout, sitting up," Are you being serious?"

She nods," Of course I am, why would I joke at a time like this?"

" Clarle, settle down. You're not suppose to be flying! You...you just lost a baby. And you're acting out! Sit down, and talk to me. You're not the only one who was affected by this, Clarke!"

She shakes her head," When I leave, you'll have time to yourself to think about...the baby. And we'll meet up again in time, and talk-"

I interrupt her, rising from the bed,"-There's no way in hell I'm letting you go, Clarke Griffin."

She rolls her eyes," You don't own me!"

" Why are you being like this?"

She sighs," I've lost something very important, and I don't know how to cope!" She begins to cry, and she falls into the ground. Before she meets the carpet, I rush to her side, sitting down and holding her in my arms. She cries and breaks down, the normal Clarke slowly returning, beatened down and tired. Her cries are interrupted with a yawn, and she closes her eyes, resting her head on my shoulder.

After awhile, my knees grow weak and they fall asleep beneath me. I rise, holding Clarke in my hands. I carry her to bed, tucking her in. I stroke my fingers against her cheek, moving a lock of hair from her face. I leave the room, planning an appointment with her doctor and cancelling her flight to New York. It'll cost a little money, but it's worth it if she doesn't escape on me.

I return to the bedroom, standing in the doorway and leaning on the door frame, my arms crossed. I watch her chest rise and fall, and listen to her little sniffle from her little nose. I'm so glad she finally cracked, and now she can get better. And recover.

I'll be by her side, for as long as I can. I turn and leave the room, picking up my phone once again. I dial the number from the business card, the women answering cheerfully," Hello, Wedding Sisters, would you like to plan an appointment?"

I smile to myself," Yes, my fiancé and I would like to meet with a consultant, and gain help for planning our wedding."

" Okay, what are both of your names?"

" Clarke Griffin, and Bellamy Blake. When's your nearest appointment?"

" We're pretty booked for the next month-"

"-I need this now, we're trying to get married as soon as possible. But we need help so everything is perfect for Clarke."

She laughs," I can fit you two in next week, and our best, Waverly, will be available for you two."

" Thank you, have a nice day," I said, hanging up. I did a little jump, and returned to the bedroom.

A quiet whisper made me smile," Are you going to watch me all day or will you join me at some point?"


This chapter was very UP AND DOWN, but overall very heartfelt. I always imagined Bellamy caring for Clarke no matter what, and with their past, nothing changes the way he feels about her.

A couple chapters left of this story! I'm sad to see it end, but it was so nice to write a different style of fanfiction with Bellamy doing a little chasing & now it's time to say goodbye.

I love you guys a lot! Thanks for the voted, and comments, and following, it means SO much to me, and I don't think I thank you guys enough! XOXO LANIE

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