new year shenanigans

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Chapter Thirteen:


I haven't spoken to Bellamy since our fight. He's never the one to reach out first, and he hasn't called or anything. Maybe this is it, we gave it a shot and it wasn't meant to be.
I hope I didn't loose him forever.

As midnight comes strolling around, and my texts to Bellamy are still ignored, I get drunker and drunker. Which means, I get more stupid and I think a little less and less with each drink.

I wake up with a splash of water poured all over me. I spring up, hitting my head on the bathtub faucet.

I groan," Why the fuck am I in the bathtub?"

I notice Raven looking at me with a scowl on her face, and her arms crossed," Finn carried you in." Finn waves from behind Raven.

I touch my forehead, feeling the throbbing pain. I'm definitely hung over. Big time.

Raven continues," You refused to wake up when we tried nicely, so here we are, in the bathtub."

I stood up, my head throbbing more and my body sore. I struggle out of the bathtub, looking into the mirror. My makeup was smudged everywhere, and my hair was a wet mess.

Raven asks," Do you remember anything from last night?"

I shake my head," Not one thing. I guess that's a good thing, what was I doing? Dancing on the tables? Loosing beer pong? Did I jump into the cold pool?"

Raven glances at Finn, and he sighs.

" Just tell me, I'm sure it wasn't that bad. Did I get a tattoo of a dragon or something?" I joke, looking around my body.

Raven blurts out," You slept with someone."

My jaw drops, and I look back up at her," Are you being serious?"

She shakes her head lightly," I wish I was, Clarke."

I pull my fingers through my hair," Raven, no, I couldn't have."

Raven laughs," Clarke, the whole school knows about it."

" How the hell does everyone know?"

Finn drops his head," You announced it."

I cough, widening my eyes," What?"

Raven avoids eye contact," Do you remember John Murphy?"

I push passed Finn and move towards the toilet," I think I might throw up."

Raven pulls me away," Come on, we have to get you home. Your mother is coming home from you grandmother's today."

I hide my face," I can't go home like this, Raven."

" She's going to know you were out all night if you're not there when she gets home, Clarke."

Finn says," I'll drive you, Clarke."

" Where's my car?" I ask.

Raven says," Finn and I already took it home for you, we didn't want you driving, and you refused to leave."

" I'll wait outside." Finn says with a sigh.

Raven takes my hands, fixing my hair," It's okay, Clarke. It was just one night. And you still have the weekend till we return back to school."

I whisper," Was Bellamy here?"

She drops her head," No, I never saw him."

I breath," Okay."

" Let's get going, kid. Everything is going to be okay."

The next week at school, I look for Bellamy after every class, but there's no sign. After the last bell rings, I give up.

I head to my locker, putting away my books and walking off towards the doors. I see Bellamy, walking out with a cardboard box. He catches my stare and turns away. I chase after him, calling his name.

I meet him in the parking lot, crashing into him. He drops the box and all the contents, his binders and everything else in his locker.

He groans," Clarke, just stop."

" Talk to me, please." I beg, squatting down to help pick up his books.

" I really don't want to talk to you right now."

" Bellamy." I plead, holding back tears.

" I'd just appreciate if you kept your distance for awhile."

" Why are you taking home all your school things?"

He shakes his head," Doesn't matter, Clarke." He picks up the box, hurrying off.

Raven comes up behind me," Hey, you okay?"

" Not really."

" Did you tell him about Murphy?"

" I'm sure he already knows."

She nods," He does, actually, I was just wondering if you talked about it."

" We didn't really talk at all. How do you know he knows?"

She laughs," That shiny black eye on Murphy."

I breathe," Maybe he still cares about me."

" Of course he does, Clarke. He's just confused, and probably angry. You just gave away your virginity to some guy, and one of his close friends."

I nudge her arm, looking around.

" When does he leave?" She asks, watching him pull out of the parking lot.

" What do you mean?"

She shakes her head lightly," He don't know?"

" Know what, Raven?" I ask, raising my voice.

She starts walking away," Well I wasn't suppose to tell you." She gets into her car," I'll talk to you later."

I quickly get into the car, the passenger side, pressing for information. " Enough with the secrets, what's going on?"

" Bellamy's mom got a great job in South Carolina or something; which is close to her family. So they're moving before spring break."

" Wow. Why wouldn't he tell me this?"

She frowns," You two had a pretty big fight, huh?"

I roll my eyes," A lot of misunderstanding...on my part."

She sighs," Let's get some pizza or something."

" Okay."

" I'm driving?"

" I'll get my car later, I can't drive like this!"

She laughs," Maybe some ice cream too? And what do you say about a movie?"

I shrug," Sure, I'm up for anything. Just take me away."


Well, WOW. Lots of twists & turns. I'm very sorry about Murphy (I actually like his character, but I needed someone)

I'll see y'all next week, with some updates and unanswered questions, answered! Leave some comments for me to respond to and stay tuned to see what happens next! XOXO LANES

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