sweet nothings

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Chapter Five:


I smiled as fake as possible," He's not around anymore."

He sighs," I'm sorry to hear that."

I nod, leaning against the counter next to him. His legs hang over the counter, touching my side. " It's been awhile, but I still feel it sometimes." He looks at the floor, while I twiddle with my fingers. I look up at him, to see his expression, and he lean slowly leans forwards. I step away," What are you doing?"

He laughs embarrassed," Don't make me explain."

I shake my head," Finn, I can't..."

He nods, hopping down from the counter," I understand. I'm sorry, I over stepped my boundaries."

" I'm into someone; and it's complicated."

He nods," Yeah, I get that. It's fine, no hard feelings."

I laugh, scratching my head," It's late..."

He checks the time," Yeah, I should get going."

" I'll walk you out." We head to the front door, and we stop.

He smiles," It was nice meeting you..."

I nod, and laugh at the awkwardness," You too. I look forward to seeing you at school in two weeks."

He nods," Maybe you'll show me around sometime?"

I shrug," Alright, I guess it's the least I can do after you made sure I got home safely. Here, give me your number." I hand him my phone and he taps it in.

He hands it back," Call me whenever."

I bite my lip, opening the door," Sure." He walks out with one last wave and I notice Bellamy walking up the steps. The two guys nod at each other and Finn makes his way to his car. I begin to shut the door, but Bellamy rushes up the steps and stops it with his hand.

I groan," My parents aren't home."

" You mean your mother and wannabe father?" I hide my smile, opening the door wider. He hesitates before stepping inside," I don't know what I'm doing here." He says with a short breath.

I shut the door and cross my arms," I have no idea."

" I'm sorry about Lexa."

" Whatever. You do you, or her, it doesn't matter to me. I know your ways."

He shakes his head," So, who was that guy? I think I don't know your ways."

I walk passed him, pushing him into the wall," He's just this new guy here. I think you just slept with Lexa in one of his guest rooms."

He scoffs," That was his house? His party?"

" Yeah, I guess so." I flick on the lamp light in the living room, sitting down comfortably on the couch. He follows into the room, plopping down on the other couch.

" Damn." He says, looking around. " It's really changed in here."

" It's been, what, two years or five?"

He rolls his eyes," How's little Charlie?"

" She still cries a lot, and keeps everyone awake."

" Normal." He says with a shrug. " If you ever need sleep, you can call me, I'm just a fence away."

I shake my head," Not gonna happen, but nice try to get me into your bed."

He shrugs," I'm just returning the favor from when I use to hide out here."

I sigh," I'm going to head up to bed, if you don't mind." I slowly get up and stop near the lamp.

" Clarke?" He asks, gently and quietly, almost in a whisper.

I turn my head," Bellamy, I don't have times for your games right now."

He shakes his head," No, no games, I promise. I don't want to go home, not with my house being like it is lately. Can I stay here?"

I slowly watch him, he's being hesitant and good. I nod, turning off the switch and motioning with my head to follow. He rises from the couch and we head upstairs. I grab a few blankets from the front hall closet, and bring them into my room. He comes inside, and I shut the door behind me. He leans against my bed, watching me stand there, watching him. I can only see his eyes, and anything illuminated by the moon peeking through the blinds.

I hold out the blankets," You can sleep on the floor, or with me, but under seperate blankets."

He nods, slowly, breathing an okay.

I washed up, brushed my teeth and returned to my room moments later, seeing him on the far side of the bed. His eyes were closed, but I could tell he was still awake. I pulled my covers back and laid down inside. I watched my ceiling for awhile, listening to the sound of his steady breathing.

He made a slight move, and I rolled over to look at him. I whispered," Bellamy?"

" Yes?" He said with a slight laugh.

I reached for his hand, rubbing my thumb across his skin," What's going on at home?"

He explained, with sad detail, and he was quiet. He knew he could trust me, and he felt good to let it out and tell someone. At the end of his stories, I kissed him. And I laid with him. Rather, we laid together. His arms wrapped around me, and my head buried beneath his neck.
I hate what this is doing to me, but I also, felt at home, and I loved that.


How touching and sweet

I can't wait for beautiful bellarke in SEASON 3. Literally, can NOT wait. It's going to be off the hook!!!

9 days until I return home, to Florida, and won't be able to post. I'm only going for a week, but I'll be spending time with family and the beach, so writing will be held off, but WILL PICK BACK UP ONCE I RETURN HOME! Just a head's up (((((-:

-Lanie XOXO

Any predictions on the relationships and twists/turns?

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