adult arguments

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Chapter Thirty-One:


I ran my fingers through my hair, paying bills and focusing on work, while Aurora sang along to a Disney movie. She hummed and attempted the lyrics. I laughed, and redrew my attention to my work.

I glanced at the clock, it was almost eight. Where was Bellamy at this time? He ran out during family dinner for an emergency meeting. What could be an emergency at five?

It was his night with Aurora, so I could focus on my work and not stress myself out for this baby.

I stood up and paused the tv, I picked up Aurora," Are you ready for a bath, babygirl?"

She frowned, and then yawned," Yes, mommy."

I touched her nose," How about some ice cream, then a bath? Does that sound good?"

She smiles, brightly," Ice cream!" She practically jumped from my arms and ran into the kitchen, as fast as her little feet could take her. For only three years old, her vocabulary and just everything is amazing. She's got my beautiful curly hair and Bellamy's soft eyes. I only hope our baby boy looks like Bellamy, he needs his own boy.

After a half hour of eating ice cream while watching our Disney movie, Bellamy rushes in. He seems stressed out, and he's tired. He pulls off his tie, and sets down his papers. He groans," Clarke, why is she still awake?"

" It's fine, Bellamy. She took a longer nap today."

He shook his head," Come on, Rory, let's get you to bed."

" Bellamy, she's gone to bed at 9 the past couple nights, she's okay. I'm going to run her a bath. What happened at your meeting?" I ask, taking Rory.

He falls behind me onto the couch, closing his eyes then rubbing them. He sighs," Well, I got that promotion I wanted."

" That's great! Did your hours change?"

" No, Clarke. They're expanding, they want me, us, to move to New York. Only twenty minutes from your parents. It's temporary but it could end up being permanent."

I breathed," We'll talk about it later." I walked to the bathroom, sitting Aurora on the toilet cover.

Bellamy called out," Clarke?"

" Yeah?"

" I accepted the offer already."

Rory asks," Mama, why don't Daddy give me bath?"

I fake a smile," Daddy's in a bad mood, sweetie."

After giving Aurora a bath, I wrap her in a towel and start drying her off. She laughs," I have bubbles on my toes, Mama!"

I laugh," Oh my goodness!" I brush them off with her towel and she yawns. " You tired, baby?"

She nods, closing her eyes.

" Let me take her," Bellamy says behind me. I pick her up swiftly, keeping her wrapped in her towel.

" Goodnight, babygirl. Mommy loves you." I hand Aurora to Bellamy, and he leans forward to kiss me. I turn away, allowing him to kiss my head. I walk away, returning to my work.

Once he returns, I turn off the lamp and shut my laptop. He sits on the couch beside me, touching my knee," Clarke. I want to go back, you've known this. We talked about moving back, and this just makes it official."

" I've always talked against it, Bellamy. I know our families are there, but I like it here. Daycare is here, work is here, and I'm not ready to move back yet."

He sighs," New York is better for the kids. Better schools, our family, we'll find work and things will be better. I'll have more time for you and our kids."

" We can't just pack up and leave just like that, Bellamy. We don't have the money for a house, I like my job here, it's just not that easy." I walk away.

" I moved here for you, Clarke. I followed you. Do this for me, do this for us! Our kids will be with our family, and you'll be away from work anyways."

" I go into labour any day now, it's not the right time," I explain.

" Doctor said you had two weeks, Aurora came later than expected," he states.

" We'll discuss this in the morning. The rest of your dinner is in the microwave. Goodnight." I leave the room before he can say anymore. I change out of my jeans and sweater, grabbing my pjs, a slim nightgown. Bellamy steps into the room, and I hear him walk towards me. He wraps his arms around my bare waist, and sets his chin on my shoulder. He leaves a trail of kisses.

" It's not that I don't want to move back with Aurora and Will, I just like it here. It's just us, we're in our own world. I'm happy here, Bellamy."

" I know," he whispers.

" But you're right, our family is there. And it's better for the kids."

" Yes," he mumbles.

" So, we're moving then?"

He spins me around, kissing my lips. " I love you."

" Yeah, yeah, you like getting your way," I joke, pulling my nightgown over my head. I sit down on the bed as I brush through my hair.

" There's more I have to tell you, baby."

" Oh god, okay, give it to me honestly."

He sighs," I have a flight to New York tomorrow at six."

" Six...?"

" In the morning," he answers.

" And what about when I go into work? How long will you be gone? What are you going for?"

" I'm going to train new people, it'll be one night and I'll even check out some houses while I'm there."

" And Aurora?"

" Daycare, Clarke. That's what we pay for."

He walks towards me, standing between my legs. He leans down and kisses my nose, smiling at me.

I sigh," I want to come with you," I whine.

" You're pregnant, no way, Clarke."

I frown," What if he comes when you're gone?"

" He won't come early, and if so, don't let him!"

I laugh," Easier said than done, silly."

He stares at my stomach for awhile, then touches it carefully. " Hey, my little man, just listen to me, okay? You stay in there, got it? Your Mommy doesn't need that stress right now. If you come out early, you'll be punished."

I shriek," Bellamy!" I hit his shoulder and he laughs, stepping away.

He nods," I'll be back before you know it."

" Okay and promise me you won't tell my parents yet. They'll be too happy. When they were here to visit, it's all my mother talked about. Charlotte and Aurora this, Charlotte's elementary school that."

He laughs," That'll be you soon enough."


I love writing them as adults!!! I should've done this sooner!!!

Posting at 4 in the morning, sorry for the short note! Haha.

A very tired, Lanie XOXO

P. S. Is it normal to see letters moving? (Must.Get.Sleep!!!)

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