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Chapter Twenty-Six:


A month goes by. . .

Sitting at the kitchen table, I work on papers while trying to eat my cereal. Bellamy walks out of the hallway, half-naked, and stretching. I lean on my hand, and smile, admiring him.

He flashes a smile," Goodmorning, beautiful. How did I get so lucky?"

I shrug," I think the same thing every day."

" How come you didn't wake me up this morning?" He asks, looking into the fridge.

" You looked so comfortable, and I know you've been stressed lately, so I let you sleep in."

" How'd you sleep?" He asks, taking a slice of leftover cold pizza from the fridge and joining me at the table.

I shrug," Not so well, I've been feeling very out of it lately."

" Out of what," he asks, confused.

" I'm just not feeling good lately."

He reaches over, touching my forehead," You look okay?"

" I've been feeling a little ill, I wake up, throw up, and I can't sleep; I'm getting headaches too, a lot."

He frowns, taking my hand," How long have you felt like this? Why haven't you told me, baby?"

I shrug," I didn't want to worry you. And I still don't want you to worry about it, got it? I'm fine, it's just a little bug."

" How long has this been going on?" He continues.

" A couple weeks now, it's nothing."

He drops his head," It's something, maybe we should call your doctor? Just check in, see what's going on?"

I shake my head, biting the top of my pen," No, no I don't need to see any doctor. It's not that serious."

He groans," Damnit, Clarke, you need to take care of yourself."

" Fine, if it makes you feel better, I'll schedule an apointment as soon as possible!"

He sighs," It's for you to feel better, not me."

I roll my eyes," Don't you have a shower to take?"

He smirks," Why, do you want to join?"

" No, I have work to complete, silly." I rise from my chair, feeling a burst of dizziness.

" Are you okay?"

I fake a smile," Just got up too fast, I'm okay." I pick up my cereal bowl, carrying it to the sink. I start the water, running the bowl underneath the water. My head starts throbbing and I fall back, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. The bowl drops, shattering as we both meet the floor beneath us.

Bellamy jumps from his chair, running towards me. He towers over me," Clarke, hey, Clarke, wake up!" He stands up, turning off the water, and grabbing his phone. He kneels down to me, setting my head onto his lap as he calls 9-1-1.


I wait in the waiting room, while she's looked at by the doctor. On the way from the ambulance to the hospital, she woke up, confused as ever. I clenched her hand tight as the paramedics calmed her down and spoke to her softly.

The doctor steps out of her room, heading towards me," You're Clarke's-"

"-Fiancé, yes. How is she? Can I see her?"

He nods, slowly," Okay, calm down, please."

I cross my arms," Of course, I'm sorry."

" No worries, son." He flips a page on his clipboard," I have a few questions, if you don't mind."

I nod," Sure, sure."

" Did you notice the heavy blood flow before or after she was put into the ambulance?"

" I didn't see any blood?" I answer.

He nods, glancing at his clipboard. He sighs, touching his head," Well, I have some bad news for you. Your fiancé, she's fine, healthy, everything with her is okay."

I nod," Why did she faint in the kitchen? She said she hasn't been feeling good lately, why's that?"

He shrugs," Your fiancé is okay, but your baby, I'm sorry to say, didn't make it. There was nothing you or Clarke could have done, it wasn't meant to be, I'm sorry."

I stumble back, taking a deep breath, running my fingers through my hair. " You just said...my baby?"

He nods, touching my shoulder," I'm sorry, it works out that way sometimes. We want to keep Clarke for a couple hours, run some tests, and make sure everything with her stays the same. Alright?"

" How long has she been pregnant?" I ask, crossing my arms. Has she known?

" She was about five weeks, and it's too early to determine the gender of the fetus."

I nod, slowly," Can I go in and see her?"

He nods," I would keep the visit short, she really needs rest."

I nod, as he steps away. I stare at the door and then I rush in, seeing a sleeping Clarke. I make my way towards the chair next to her, pulling it closer and taking a seat. I grab her hand, kissing it softly.

She slowly opens her eyes, smiling shyly.

" How do you feel?" I ask, carefully.

" I'm fine," she breathes.

" How long have you known?" I ask, a little harshly. She swallows nervously, and tears begin to fall from her eyes," Clarke, baby, don't cry. I'm sorry to make you cry-"

She interrupts in a cry," I'm so sorry."

" Why are you apologizing?"

" It's my fault." She cries.

I squeeze her hand, kissing it twice," Don't say that, it was not your fault. There's nothing you could've done, that's what the doctor said, Clarke."

" I should have told you, you deserved to know."

I nod slowly," Why didn't you tell me?"

" It was never the right time."

" When did you know?"

" I found out the day before the wedding planning appointment; at my doctor's appointment. I wanted to be married before I gave birth, or even grew too big. I didn't know how to tell you."

I sigh, shaking my head," How are you feeling?"

She closes her eyes," Awful." I kissed her hand, closing my eyes and laying my head down. She runs her hand through my hair," I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I look up at her," I don't blame you. I'm not upset. I feel lied to, but this isn't the time to argue."

She nods slowly," I didn't mean for this to happen."

" Clarke, it's not your fault."

She continues to cry, nodding her head," I could've been better, healthier."


Well what an eventful chapter! TOOK A TURN I DIDN'T EVEN EXPECT! I hope you all enjoyed & can't wait till the next chapter (-;

& to anyone that wants to correct my medical storyline, I am NOT a doctor & have NO idea how babies really work, so for story purposes, just act like it makes sense haha

Thanks for 5K reads & 300 followers!!! Lanie! XOXO

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