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Chapter Nine:


I pull into the holding center, nervous and scared. I'm nervous to see Bellamy. He's going to be a nervous wreck as well, and I'll just completely fall for it. I'm scared because this is a jail, a creepy place.

I step out of my car, locking it a million times and rushing inside. I parked close enough to watch my car through the glass doors. I fill out the paperwork and Bellamy is released. He steps out from the back door, the cop following him.

I don't say anything, or look at him too long. I head outside, and he follows, a guilty look on his face. Walking to my car he says," I know I can count on you."

" Your mother sent me, I wasn't going to come."

He sighs, closing his eyes with disapointment. He jumps into the passenger seat, looking at me," What'd she say?"

" She's overwhelmed. She didn't say much."

He looks at his hands, and I notice they're badly bruised. I hesitate before taking his hand, looking at the marks. He winces, but trusts me.

He looks up at me slowly, unable to say anything.

I breath," I shouldn't of gotten her involved. It wasn't my place."

He shakes his head," No, it's okay. I'm glad you did." He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. He whispers," I was too afraid to tell her. You did me a favor. I owe you one."

" Don't say that. I've been horrible to you lately."

" Why are acting like this? Stop beating yourself up, I'm the one who's been horrible to you."

I shake my head," We're both bad people."

He drops his head," Clarke, you're not a bad person. Not even close."

" Bellamy, there was a moment that I was going to leave you in holding."

He laughs," You know, that's what I probably deserved."

" Tell me what happened." I say softly.

He asks," Would you mind if we went somewhere more quiet?" The sounds of alarms blaring and cops heading in and out of the building overwhelm our conversation.

I nod," I know just the place."

We end up at the beach. It's pitch-black, but it's nice and cool on the sand. We park in the parking lot just above the water. We open my trunk, sitting in the back, watching the waves. Bellamy lays back, holding himself up with his one elbow. I lean my back against the car, facing him.

He laughs," I was being stupid."

" That's a Bellamy first." I say, sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes, continuing," I stole a pack of beer from the corner store and after drinking all of it, I got into a fight outside the bar on Main Street."

" Are you okay?"

He laughs," No."

" Did you ever call Lexa?" I ask, surprising him.

" We broke up. She dumped me a couple hours ago."

" How come?"

He shakes his head," She was sick of being used."

I drop my head," No surprise."

He sighs," I have to stop wasting my time, wasting my life. I have to stop this." He thinks out loud.

I lay back next to him," You're still finding yourself, it's okay."

" It's not okay, Clarke." He says, hurt.

I breath, running my fingers across his cheek," Your father...he stole your childhood."

He looks away, closing his eyes. His hand takes my hand, holding it for comfort.

I whisper," Everything is going to be okay in the end."

He opens his eyes, staring at me with hopeful eyes. I try to control myself, but I can't, I lean forward, holding his cheek and kissing him passionately. I squeeze my eyes shut, as he pulls me up against him. He rolls over, forcing me underneath him. Bellamy lifts himself up, one hand holding him in the air.

I breathe heavily, touching my lip from that kiss.

He stares at me," Clarke."

I shake my head," No, no, don't ruin this moment. Okay? I forgive you, right now, I forgive you." I tug on his shirt, pulling him back into me. His lips meet mine once more, and I feel him holding back. I mumble through the kisses," Bellamy, please." I touch his stomach, and he winces. I push up his shirt, seeing an awfully large bruise. It's purple, blue and especially red. It's a dangerous color, and by his reaction of me brushing against it, it isn't good.

He stops, holding himself up again. He pulls his shirt back down. " I'm fine. It looks worse than it is. Okay? That's it, end of discussion. I can't do this, not here, not right now."

I cover my face, and he falls next to me, laying back. I sit back up, and look at him. His eyes are closed. He peeks at me with one eye," What?"

I shake my head," You're a mystery to me, Bellamy. Always was."

He smiles," Just lay with me, let's just be here. Just like old times."

I nod, laying against his chest. The sight of his bruise, still on the back of my mind. If he thinks I'm letting that go, he's crazy.

I wake up to a place, unfamiliar to me. I move my hands, stretching them out. I sit up, realizing I'm not in my room, nor my car.

Bellamy's room. I touch his blankets, and tap on his pillows. I pick up a corner of the sheet, smelling everything Bellamy. I smile, pushing back the covers and standing up. A cold air falls over me, as I realize I'm in his t-shirt. Specifically, my favorite white tee. I walk on my tip toes to the door, the cold wood beneath my feet.

I slowly open the door, Bellamy standing right there, holding up his hand, motioning to be quiet. He pushes me back into the room, and I sit back down on the bed. He hands me a coffee mug, from the tray he was just previously holding. He joins me on the bed, sitting next to me. His knee touched mine, and I liked it like that.

I ask," What am I doing here?"

He smiles, embarassed. He shrugs," I wasn't ready to let you go."

I blush," How am I wearing your shirt?"

He laughs," I carried you upstairs, and you woke up when I accidently bumped your head in the doorframe." I gasp, hitting his shoulder. He jumps," Hey, hey, hot coffee."

I smile," I forgive you."

" Permanently?"

I nod, proudly," As long as I have more mornings like this, then yes."

He smiles," Okay."


I almost did that whole "Okay?" "Okay." thing from TFIOS. Hahaaa.

Sorry this is so late, I've literally been sleeping allllllllllll day. I'm still so exhausted! BUT I was excited for a little bellarke makeup, so I wrote this specially for y'all at almost 2AM.

Sweet dreams everyone!

-Lanes XOXO

Fingers crossed for another update today!!! (-;

P.S. Is togetherness even a word? (If not, ignore the title, whatever)

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