mistaken relationships

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Chapter Six:


The next Monday came by very slowly; I woke up Saturday morning, alone, and I spent my whole weekend alone. No texts or calls from Bellamy, and no sign of him next door. I look forward to school to find him in the hallway and to talk to him.

I arrive to school early, making my way to my locker. I watch and wait, hoping to see him before the bell rings. Raven walks by, with a minute to go till the bell," Hey..."

I smile," Hi."

" You look happy?" She asks, surprised.

I shrug," I guess I am. Bellamy came over on Friday night, awhile after I left the party, we grew closer." I clench my binder in my hands, swaying back and forth and smiling.

She drops her head and looks around," I have to tell you something, before you find out from someone else."

" What is it? Something with your parents?"

She shakes her head," You can't trust him."

" What do you mean? Trust Bellamy? We've been over this, Raven."

She nods," I know, but stuff happened over the weekend."

" I know, he came over-"

"-Look, there's no easy way to tell you this, but he's with Lexa now. They're like a couple." She watches me, and frowns sadly.

I back into my locker, feeling a lump in my throat," Oh. How long have you known about this? When did this happen?"

" Saturday. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how."

I touch my locker door and nod, seeing Bellamy and Lexa approaching, her hand intertwined with his. She held a perfect smile, while he just looked like normal Bellamy. But they're a couple now? This doesn't make any sense.

I slammed my locker, and looked back at Raven," If you were still my friend, you would've warned me the second you found out." I walked off to first period, a pain in my chest.

As I passed the office, I bumped into Finn. He smiles," Well hello."

" Hey, what are you doing here?"

" Picking up papers." He says, holding them up.

I laugh," Oh."

" Are you alright?"

I touched my forehead, feeling a headache growing. " Not really." I responded, blankly.

" I'd love to hear about it, but my parents are sort of waiting outside. Did you hear how my party got busted? I'm on a short leash and temporary grounding."

" How temporary?" I asked.

" Till I'm dead, I think that's what they agreed on."

I laugh," That sucks."

" You have an on-looker." He whispers, leaning close.

I turn around, seeing Raven waiting by the wall. She gives a slight wave, and a short smile. I sigh," I have to talk to her."

He nods," Tell her I said hi."

I look at him, and see a gleam in his eyes. I laugh," Wait, you're totally into her!"

He shakes his head," I might be, but we didn't hit it off so great at my party. It doesn't matter."

" She wasn't in the right mind set, don't worry about it." I wave Raven over and she starts heading towards us.

" No, no I have to get going."

I whisper," Compliment her earrings, they bring out her eyes."

" Are you sure?" He whispers back before she stops next to us, smiling.

" Hey Finn, right?" She asks with a friendly smile.

He nods," Yeah, hey, Raven. I like your earrings. They bring out your eyes."

She touches her earrings and smiles," Awh, thanks Finn! That's really sweet of you!"

He smiles, and his phone starts to ring," Oh, uh, I'll be right back."

Raven and I step aside, and she smiles," I'm sorry about Bellamy, and Lexa."

" Don't be, I overreacted. I'm more mad at him than you."

She frowns," It sounds like he's just confused."

" I thought he had changed, but I guess not."

Finn waves to us and heads out the doors. Raven watches him leave, a smile on her face. I nudge her," He's into you."

She laughs," No he's not. He's into you."

" No, Raven, he's not. Trust me."

She drops her head," So what'd he say anyways?"

" He was upset because he blew his chances with you at the party. And he was trying to impress you when he took me home."

" Well my hero. He's gotta step up his game if he thinks that's going to impress me."

" Yeah, making sure your bestfriend gets home safe isn't great at all."

She shrugs," He barely knows me, maybe if he asked me out or something then I'd be interested back."

I laugh," Okay, be complicated, whatever."

" Let's get to class."

" Or...we can just skip, I mean we're already late." I stepped towards the door.

She smirks," Good idea, let's hangout with Finn."

" He's grounded."

" Oh yeah, his party got busted! Remind me to thank him for getting my car taken away by my parents."

I laugh," What an adorable way to start off your relationship?"

She rolls her eyes," Okay, you drive; and we'll sneak Finn out of the house."

I shrug," Fine, let's go." We look around, and then walk out of the doors through the courtyard.


This chapter was actually really unnecessary, but I had to start(?) the friendship between Finn and Clarke so ya know

I'm OFFICIALLY done with school, so prepare for pre-written chapters and scheduled posts!! Woo!!!

-Lanes XOXO

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