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Chapter Twenty-Nine:


It's been another couple weeks, and now I'm flying with Bellamy back home. For a Thanksgiving holiday with our families. We decided after much arguing, to go home and be with our loved ones. We're still young, and have news about the last few months to share with them. I never knew how to tell my mother on the phone, and she'll be hurt to know after all this time, but it's okay, because I'm better and that's good news.

After arriving at the airport, landing safely, getting our bags and moving on to the pick-up, I notice my mother standing eagerly, looking around. Bellamy points her out, and I nod, smiling. He takes my carry on from my hand, and motions for me to go ahead. Isn't he just the sweetest?

I made a little skip in my step as I rushed towards her, and pulling her into a tight hug. I never spent time away from my mother before, these last few months have been quite difficult and unlike anything else.

She laughs," You scared me! I thought I was being robbed!"

I laughed," It's just me, Mama."

She notices Bellamy approaching, and she smiles," And my future son, hello Bellamy."

He nods," How are you, Abby?"

She blushes," I'm great, come on, I'm sure you two would like some lunch? Kane is outside with the car, we can get lunch? Or maybe you'd like a home cooked meal? I'll make anything you'd like, dear."

I laughed, looking at Bellamy. He shrugged, making his way to the car. I took my mother's hand as we followed Bellamy. " It doesn't matter, Mom. We're up for anything."

" Lunch it is, then!" She cheered.

In the car, driving for lunch, Bellamy played with Charlotte in her booster seat. He was very good with her, and she wore a smile whenever he was around.

Kane asked," So, Bellamy, do you know your mother's plans for Thanksgiving? We'd love if she'd join us. Octavia too, of course."

I smiled, looking at Bellamy.

He nodded," I'll let her know."

My mother asked, curiously," When was the last time you talked to your mom?"

" Just the other day," he answered," She's been busy. I do believe she's spending the evening with my grandmother."

Abby smiled," She could be invited too, dear!"

" She's in a nursing home, doesn't really get out often."

I took Bellamy's hand, rubbing it softly. He looked at me with a warm smile.

" I'm sorry to hear that, son." Kane remarked.

Abby smiled, changing the subject," How's life been at the new place, guys? I know we're not at lunch yet, I'm just so excited to hear all about it! Tell me everything."

" Maybe not everything," Kane adds.

Abby laughs, lightly hitting his arm.

I blushed, glancing at Bellamy who wore a cheeky smile. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged, causing me to blush more.

I responded," Life in the apartment is great, Mom. We cook together, watch tons of movies, we clean together, and he keeps me on schedule. If I fall asleep on the couch, Bellamy will carry me to bed, and he doesn't let me over sleep, no matter how much I want to. We go out to coffee sometimes down the road, and whenever I have a take home project, he's my inspiration. It's a nice apartment too, you'd love the decor. Bellamy let me pick everything out, he was a real gentleman at the furniture store."

Bellamy watches me speak, smiling softly.

My mother smiles at us, trying not to shed any tears.

Kane speaks for her," You two sound very happy." Arriving at the restaurant, the parking lot is packed. Kane says," Any other suggestions?"

" What about that mexican place just up the road," Abby suggests.

Bellamy says," Why don't we just go back to your place. Clarke and I have some personal things to share with you, and it'd be more comfortable to deal with it just between our family."

My mother spins around in her seat, grasping the chair," Personal things? Oh, Clarke, what's the matter?"

" We can wait till we go home, Mom. Please, don't worry."

Kane nods, making a turn," We'll go home, then. This sounds serious."

Bellamy squeezes my hand," We'll get through this, okay? I'm right here," he whispers.

After getting back home, unloading our luggage to my old room, and Kane making lunch on the grill; we all sit down, and stare at each other in silence.

My mother smiles nervously," Please share now, Clarke. I can't wait for the news." Her foot taps quickly on the ground, and her hands tremble in excitement. I shook my head and made her aware it wasn't very good news, and she would be upset. Quickly her face turned upside down, and she looked at me with worry, wondering if Bellamy and I were okay, health-wise.

" We're okay, now," I assured her.

After sharing about my failed surprised pregnancy, her eyes filled with tears and she sat quietly, holding her napkin to her eyes. Kane lowered his head, looking upset and surprised. Bellamy's hand was laid on my knee, for support. I explained the situation and everything that had happened afterwards, and my mother stared at me with hurt in her eyes.

" I can't believe you went through all of this, and on the phone, I had no idea at all. I'm a horrible mother," she cried.

I shook my head," I didn't have the heart to tell you over the phone, Mama. It's not your fault you didn't know, I painted a good picture everytime you asked how I was doing."

She closed her eyes for a long time, processing this information.

Kane asked," Bellamy, what was your role in all of this? I'm hearing about Clarke, but what happened to you?" He stared at Bellamy, an angry look on his face, and a harsh tone in his voice.

I touched Bellamy's shoulder," He was by my side through it all."


A short little filler chapter. Thought this was necessary to share with everyone! Still figuring out the last chapter (or two) so be on the look out for that in the next upcoming days!

XOXO Lanie!

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