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Ezara POV

"Where is he?" Mazavir asks as I ride into camp. It was only me even though I said I wouldn't return until he was coming with me. I get off my horse without saying a word. "Ezara? What happened? Did Lilith attack him?"

"No, Mazavir." I say. "He's gone."

"What do you mean, he's gone?" Vayle appears behind Mazavir. Now she wasn't scared to show herself. Mazavir probably told her what Vexel said.

"He left." I state, shooting Vayle a glance. "He... learned things and he needs time to process things. You should probably continue to train Mazavir." I say with a sigh. I didn't trust Vayle but Mazavir needed to continue learning.

"I'm not the teacher Vexel is." Vayle says, leaning against a tree. "He is patient with people. He knows how to teach people. I don't."

"Vayle is right." Mazavir states. "If anyone can get Vexel to come back, it's you. I don't think Vayle is the right person to teach me."

"I don't think he'll come back this time..." I say, sitting down on the logs that were set up by a now quiet fire. "Even if I knew where he was going, I don't think he'll want to come back."

"Do you know where he might be going?" Mazavir asks.

"I have a feeling he's going to Hell." I state. Vayle raises an eyebrow.

"Hell? Why would he go there." Mazavir asks, sitting beside me.

I just shrug. "I think it's something he should tell you himself. It's not my place to tell you his reasons.

Vayle sits next to Mazavir. "Well, Mazzy, wanna take a trip to hell? Learn necromancy in the moment?" She says to him.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Vayle." Mazavir's says, looking at the ground. I could see that the thought of going to Hell scared him.

"The demons won't bother us." She says. "They still think I work with Lilith. They'll leave me be. I could pretend like you're my prisoner. They'll also tell me where Vexel went and all that."

I cross my arms. "I agree with Mazavir. It's not a good idea for him to go to Hell with you."

"I'll go." Mazavir says.

"Nope." I state. "No you're not."

"You taught me how to defend myself, Ezara. Vayle will be with me as well. We both know she's a strong necromancer. If I'm going to learn how to fight, I need Vexel to teach me." Mazavir says, looking at me. "I don't want to go to Hell, but it's the best chance I've got to help you beat Lilith."

"He won't be in any danger." Vayle says. "He'll be with me the whole time. I am on your side now, Ezara. I know you don't trust me, but we need Vexel. He's stronger than any of us hope to be. I'll teach him how to harvest essence, but the rest us up to him and Vexel."

"I'm going with you then, if I can't change your mind." I state, looking at the ground. I was scared to go to Hell myself. No matter what Vayle said, I don't think any of us are safe in Hell.

"No." Vayle responds. "It can only be us. The demons will know somethings up if both of you are with me. If it's just Mazavir, they'll think he's my prisoner."

"Look, I don't trust you." I state.

"But I do." Mazavir says. "And it's my choice if I go with her or not." He stands up from the log and looks at Vayle. "Let's go. We're more likely to find him if we go sooner."

Vayle nods. She glances at me, then stands up and goes to to the horses. There were three horses... I suppose Vexel didn't need his anymore. Mazavir and Vayle each mount a horse.

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