Dark Dance

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Ezara POV

I woke up startled. Not because I saw or heard anything, but because I felt something lurking in the shadows. I shake Mazavir awake and I stand up.

"What?" He asks, sitting up.

"Somethings here." I state quietly.

"No need to be alarmed." A soft voice says from the shadows. "My name is Evadane." A woman steps out of the shadows. I pause.

I look over at Mazavir and he just shrugs. The woman was beautiful. She had shoulder length dark hair and she wore dark clothing. She also wore beautiful dark makeup. She was a stunning and interesting sight.

"Where did he go?" She asks, looking around the clearing.

"Who?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"A man named Vexel." She states. "He was with you, was he not? I thought I saw him."

"How do you know him?" Mazavir asks. We had never seen this woman before, but something felt familiar about her. I couldn't quite put my finger on what.

"I knew him a long time ago." She states, walking closer to us. "I knew him when we were young."

"You're a necromancer?" I ask, realizing what the familiarity was. She wasn't wearing the traditional necromancer clothing though. She just wore a dark robe.

She nods. "I've always been one, since before I can remember. I met Vexel in a forest by his home. I had always lived in Necropolis with the necromancers. He was the first person I met outside of it." She gives a slight smile. "He found me practicing, that was before I ran away from him."

"Did you two talk more after?" I ask, curious. I haven't met anyone Vexel knew that didn't seem to want to kill him.

"He chased me down. I ran towards Necropolis until I realized I'd be leading him right to the necromancers. Then, I paused and decided it was better I face him then lead him to the necromancers. That was until I realized he was a kid, just like I was. I was intrigued by him. I wanted to know more about his life because all I knew was Necropolis and necromancy." She sits down on one of the logs in the forest clearing.

"Vexel as a kid?" Mazavir asks. "That's hard to picture." I almost laugh at that comment.

Evadane offers a polite smile. "He was a sweet kid." She says. "We grew close pretty fast. He was fascinated by the necromancers and I was fascinated by everything else. He was curious but cautious. He knew necromancers were dangerous. However, I think I changed his mind about that."

"Why did you decide to find him now? How did you find us?" I ask.

"I had left Necropolis long ago." She starts. "I left because I wanted to explore the world. I knew it would upset Vexel so I didn't tell him. I simply disappeared. I only returned recently because I heard about the recent vampire attack. Then I saw you three talking to Morkil. I didn't know if that was him for sure."

A fiery portal opens and Vexel steps through. He pauses when he sees Evadane. He doesn't say anything.

"Vexel?" She says, almost in disbelief.

"Eva." He says slowly. "What happened to you?"

"I could ask you the same." She responds with a slight smile. "I've missed you."

"You left without saying a word to me." Vexel says. His face betrayed no emotions.

"That wasn't fair, I know." Evadane says, almost sadly. "I had to leave. I thought you might've convinced me to stay. You only wanted to learn more about necromancy and I wanted a way out."

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