The Sacrifice

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Mazavir POV

It has been a few days since Arlex had joined the group. I was overwhelmed with training. I had both Vexel and Arlex teaching me things every single day. Combining necromancy with vampirism made me strong but I still had to refine that strength with skill. I was progressing faster then ever before, but I was also overwhelmed with everything.

I decided to take a minute to myself and read over the prophecy to see if there was anything we had missed. A little after we left the Undercity, I took a minute to write the prophecy down. I always kept it hidden and safe with me.

I find myself in a quiet room and I lay the sheet of parchment out on a table,  sitting down to read over every line again. I had read the prophecy many times since we went to the Undercity.

I read over it, trying to make sense of the words. Some things were easy to pick a part. We knew exactly who it was referring to in part of the prophecy, "a demons heart, a necromancer's throne." It was the only person who was a demon and was once Deathspeaker for the necromancers. It was referring to Vexel.

However it also mentioned a hero rising to fight the incoming darkness. It could be anyone. It could be me, Ezara, even Vayle. However, I don't think it's any of us.

One part in particular puzzled me. "Seek the key in the necromancer's hand." The key to hell? None of us knew where that key now laid. Rathma had it before he died, then Lilith took it. Did she somehow lead back into all of this?

"The prophecy?" I jump, not realizing Vexel had entered the room. "You wrote it down?" He glances over my shoulder at the sheet of parchment.

"Yes. I've been keeping it with me. While the rest of you are ignoring it, I can't shake it from my thoughts." I look down at the table, expecting him to be angry.

"We're not ignoring it. Ezara and I have been keeping a weary eye on the war." Vexel sits down in the chair across from me. He didn't look angry or even disappointed. He just looked curious. "As long as this doesn't fall in the wrong hands, I'm fine with you keeping it. You must keep it safe."

I nod. "I will, Vexel." I state. I was still nervous around him, but he had changed a lot in the last year. "This line." I say, pointing down at the one I had just read. "'The key in the necromancer's hand.' Could it be the key to Hell? Could this tie back to Lilith?"

He pauses for a moment and glances back down at the line. "Lilith no longer has the key to Hell." He says.

I look up at him. "What do you mean?"

"There's a reason Lilith hasn't returned." He says. "I suppose it's time we no longer keep any secrets. This prophecy and this war mean more then those secrets. I killed Lilith in Hell." He states. "She won't be back for a long time. She will take time to reform, just like the other demons and prime evils."

I wanted to be angry. She was my battle to fight, but part of me was relieved that he had beat her. The threat of her destroying Sanctuary wasn't looming over us while we dealt with a war between necromancers and vampires.

"You have every right to be angry with me for not telling you." He says. "But you're strong and I wanted to give you a reason to become stronger. Lilith was your one true enemy, but you're strong now."

"I know I'm strong now." I state, glancing back down at the prophecy. "I have more to fight for now. I like Sanctuary. I don't want this prophecy to happen. I wanted to fight Lilith, but I'm glad you're the one that beat her."

He gives a slight nod. "That is why I am telling you now." He holds his hand out over the table. He opens his fingers to reveal an old key. "My father once held this key. I think it's only right that I continue to protect it. I think you may be right. The key in the necromancer's hand is the key to Hell. It may be the reason the vampires are attacking them."

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