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Ezara POV

"Mazavir and Arlex should be around here somewhere." I say to Vexel. We were walking through a nearby town looking for the two vampires.

"We can check the library." Vexel responds. I give him a confused look. "No one would look in a library for two vampires." He says with a shrug. "They also said they'd meet us somewhere quiet."

I shrug and navigate towards the town library with Vexel following closely behind. We open the door, revealing an amphitheater of books and tables. I had never seen a library so big, then again, I hadn't been to many libraries. My town had a small one I often when to, but nothing compared to this.

I was amazed by the sight of so much knowledge, but Vexel taps my shoulder. "They're in the far corner." He states. "But they're not the only ones here. There's someone else."

I look around the library and I saw who Vexel was talking about. It was a boy, maybe sixteen or seventeen, with long red and black hair that was tied into a pony tail. He was wearing all white which stood out to me. He was reading a book but glanced up at us. He had bright green eyes and a clean shaven face. His face went pale when he saw Vexel. I quickly advert my gaze.

"Let's make this meeting quick." Vexel stats. "Maybe we should take it somewhere else."

I shake my head. "I don't think he's our enemy." I respond. "Something about him feels... calm. He's shy, I think."

"How do you know that?" Vexel asks. "He's a stranger, and this is personal business."

"I have a feeling." I respond. "He is fine."

Vexel shrugs. "Fine, I trust you." He states, walking towards the back of the library. I glance over at the boy again. He was back to reading his book.

We find Arlex and Mazavir in the back of the library. "How is it going with the vampires?" Vexel asks. Mazavir shifts uncomfortably and Arlex shrugs.

"Rycaria is still a control freak. She wanted Mazavir to somehow prove he wasn't aligned with you anymore. I have a feeling they might've followed us here to see if we were meeting with the necromancers."

"That boy in white?" Vexel asks, glancing back towards the man quietly reading his book.

"I don't think so." I respond. "He's not a vampire."

"You never know." Arlex points out. "They could've hired a normal looking person." I look back at the boy again. He did look a bit strange. He was a little scrawny as well, but not like Vexel was. His emeralds eyes stood out against his dark hair. Something about him felt off. I couldn't place my finger on it.

He sets down his book and stands from his seat. He glances at us again but his eyes don't linger on me like they had before. It seemed he didn't notice me watching. He nervously looks at Vexel again.

Vexel and the others were still talking but I didn't pay attention to them. He holds his arms out and blood seeps from his skin, suspended in the air in front of him. I couldn't help but be surprised by his abilities. He knew blood magic just like Vayle did. He manipulates it, turning the blood into a hardened spear. He holds the spear in his hands, examining it. He quietly slashes it through the air. The others were oblivious to him but I couldn't look away.

The blood spear turns back to liquid and he absorbs it. He walks back to the table, picking up the book and flips through its pages. He opens it to a page and puts it back down on the table.

I turn away from the others. They were busy talking and didn't notice me leaving. I approach the boy. "That was impressive." I state. He freezes and glances over at me. He picks up his book and closes it. He looked scared.

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