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Ezara POV

It has been over a week since Mazavir was healed. He insisted that Vayle could take care of him, so I left. I returned home. We had no new leads on Lilith and we had no one capable of fighting her. As far as I could tell, there was nothing left we could do.

Mazavir couldn't fight Lilith and I wasn't confident I was strong enough to either. He seemed to have no more interest in fighting anyone. He was traumatized by Vexel. Either way, I had no reason to stay in Kyovashad.

"Ezara! You're back!" Nafina greets me as I ride into town. I had missed the young woman. I dismount and give her a hug. "Did you beat Lilith? What happened to the necromancer?"

I shake my head. "Lilith is still out there, but I don't know what her next move is. There's nothing I can do. She's to powerful for me to fight her alone and Vexel... he's got his own things going on. How are you?"

"It's been quiet without you here. I think we were all worried about Lilith attacking us without you here." I just shrug.

"I'm not sure now if it would help. She's powerful and she has a lot of followers." Nafina nods.

"You should get back home and settle in. I'm sure you're tired." I nod with a smile.

"I sure am. I've been away too long and it was a long ride back." I state, guiding my horse through the town. Nafina follows me. Many people saw me and waved, smiles spread across their faces. Ever since I got here, I had been protecting these people. They all felt safe with me here. We sometimes would get attacked by wildlife and the occasional bandit but I was always there to help them fight.

I make it back to my house, leading my horse to the stables first. I enter my home with my clothing and armor from the trip. I set my stuff down and walk through my home. It wasn't much longer that I heard a knock at the door.

I open the door. Nafina was there. "The necromancer is back." She says, worry lined her face. "Samine saw him in the distance. He was riding fast and will be here soon." I curse under my breath.

I close my eyes. "If he asks, I'm not here. If he threatens anyone or attacks you, come and get me." Nafina nods.

She disappears and I shut the door. I take a deep breath and try to listen. I hear voices in the distance. Not long later, another knock comes to the door. I frown and open the door. I was expecting to see Nafina, but Vexel stood there. I just stared at him.

"I don't want to cause any trouble." He says softly. "I just want to talk." I sigh and open my door. He steps into my home. "I don't want to be the demon everyone now thinks I am."

"Not everyone knows you're a demon." I state. "Just a few people."

"You're who I'm talking about." He says. "I don't care what everyone else thinks. I care what you think." He pauses, looking around my home. He looks at each decoration and piece of furniture. "Either way, you look at me differently now. At first you were curious, you wanted to know more about me. You saw me as a necromancer, but not as evil. Now that's all you see me as."

"I don't think you're evil." I say. "I just don't trust demons."

"I want you to be able to trust me." He says, turning his attention back towards me. "I don't want Mazavir to be terrified of me. Mostly, I don't want you to see me as the person who would've killed Mazavir. I healed him because I saw the look on your face when you saw me kill Velsha. You resent me."

I turn away from him. "She didn't deserve that. You killed her without remorse. What did you expect me to think?"

"I know Velsha. She would've killed you if I didn't kill her first. I thought I was better at hiding my emotions but she's always seen right through me." He takes a deep breath. "She knew I would protect you, but she also knew you were an easier target."

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