Chapter 37: History Is Now.

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[Title: History Is Now - Natalie Holt.]

"Sam, hold on tight!" Clara shouted at him. The two of them gripped onto the guns tightly as the gunship crashed into a building before spiraling toward a street. Bumblebee struggled to avoid any humans and Clara believed more damage might've been done with him trying to do that. The gunship flipped, throwing Clara and Sam off of it onto the ground before it finally screeched to a stop. "Ow..." She groaned in pain as Sam crawled over and helped the doctor to her feet.

"You okay?" Sam asked immediately.

"Oh, I'll be sore later, but I can currently move my appendages," Clara replied sarcastically and Sam couldn't help the small laugh that left his lips. "What about you?" It was now her turn to worry and ask him.

"Been better." Sam shrugged which made her hum.

"Let's make sure they're okay." Clara patted his shoulder but the sound of engines quickly took her attention away and she looked back to see Optimus, and the others driving toward them.

"Go, I got them." He nodded to her before making his way over to the crashed gunship. Clara turned and let out a loud piercing whistle to get the autobots attention, knowing their sensitive audio receptors would hear it. The familiar blue and silver porsche sped toward her before transforming into his bipedal form.

"Oh, Sam. Oh. You found me." Carly breathed and Clara glanced back to see she and Sam hugging each other tightly.

"I'd follow you anywhere," Sam promised her which made Clara smile before she turned her attention back to Mirage.

"Damn, Ripley. Hurt my audio receptors." Mirage joked when Arcee and Sideswipe transformed behind him.

"When'd you learn to whistle like that?" Sideswipe frowned, knocking his head slightly with his hand.

"Lived in Brooklyn for a little as a kid." Clara shrugged which made Arcee chuckle.

"Well, don't worry, we heard it." Arcee remarked when the rest of the autobots finally reached them and Optimus transformed and stepped over to the three autobots. "Boss here would hear you anywhere." She teased which made Clara and Optimus roll their eyes and optics.

"Arcee." the two said warningly and that made the autobot spy and sharpshooter share a smirk while Sideswipe's lips twitched. They were interrupted, however, when Epps and his friends climbed out of the autobots alt modes and immediately began assessing the area around them.

"Form a perimeter! Let's go, let's go!" one of Epps's friends shouted while the man in question approached Clara and Sam.

"We make it through this, there's a lot to do, Blue." Clara exhaled and looked at the Prime who nodded.

"We will make it through this." He promises which makes her smile before she turns to Epps when he reaches them.

"Continue this later." She told him, glancing back at Bumblebee for a moment. "You good, Bee?" Clara called out to him and the scout whirred before giving a thumbs up.

"Fine and dandy." He assured through his radio which made her smile. They hadn't been gone long, but she missed them all.

"Well, you're crazy." Epps blurted out, giving Sam and then Clara a quick hug as she smirked.

"Exactly, that's why you like us so much." Clara quipped, patting his shoulder while Epps rolled his eyes. Sam and Carly snickered as the three young autobots chuckled and Optimus sighed. "Are you okay, Carly?" She moved over to the young woman and asked.

"Yeah. Better that you and Sam are here." Carly smiled before the girl swallowed hard. "Can you look at my memories? See everything, I think you need to." She told her and Clara frowned, taking Carly's hand. Carly watched as Clara's eyes went white before a few moments later returning to their brown color.

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