Chapter Two: Moving Preparations and Unhappy Divas

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A/N: Most of this story will be in Vion's POV after the last chapter, but a good bit of this story will also be in third-person POV. All the same, you're going to love how this story pans out. I guarantee it. And now, on with the show.

The next four days after I made the declaration to move to Virginia and stay with AUnt Mona and Uncle Donnie were full of chaos as I was getting my clothes cleaned and packed up, attending farewell get-togethers (including one farewell party held at church abd hosted by the Barkers and Thalia's parents), and even random visits from the folks who lived on the block- almost everyone saying that I made the right decision to leave the Ward and ditch Kenya for good. And it was now Friday afternoon as all of my belongings were packed and the apartment was thoroughly cleaned for the newest tenants that were soon to move in the following day.

Heaving a sigh, I took one last look at the place that I grew up in- remembering Dad playing his favorite country records that gave him some playful flak from the neighbors, Mom cooking some of her family's Brazilian food for weekend dinners with Gilberto playing on the stereo, me doing my homework and vainly dodging Kenya's nagging visits.

And speaking of divas, I made sure to tell her parents and her boyfriend Andre (who was a really cool guy despite him dating my godsister) that I was leaving the neighborhood and I wouldn't be around to play housemaid and whipping boy. That earned me more support and love, them knowing that me leaving my main bully was the biggest gamble that I would make. "You really deserve to live a better life, Vion," Andre had said as he and his mom and grandmother stopped by and dropped off some new clothes that would fit me. "I know you and I didn't talk much when she was around, but even I knew that Kenya was out of control and being too damn domineering around you. All the better for you to leave this neighborhood and find your own path."


I looked up to see the newly-arrived Newmans with Thalia holding shopping bags in hand. "Hey, guys," I said, snapping out of my thoughts. "I was just taking one last look of the place."

"Thinking about how everything's changing?" Mr. Newman asked.

I nodded. "And saying one final farewell to my past before moving on to the future. I'm a little nervous because this is my first time traveling outside of the state of Louisiana, much less moving. And if you know, Kenya would make sure that I-"

"Forget abut her," Talia interrupted sharply, holding up a manicured hand. "I know it's a but much for you, but I don't wanna see you rethink everything and let her send you on a guilt trip into staying here."

"I'm not, seeing that I'd face an early death if Kenya did bully me into staying here," I defended. "If anything, I know that a change of scenery is WAY overdue and I am looking forward to this. But I will miss the time that I'd spent with Mom and Dad. I was looking forward to welcoming my brother into the world and help him grow up into a real man."

Mrs. Newman smiled as Aunt Mona and Uncle Donnie arrived with food from Rasta's Jamaican/Italian Diner in hand with Mom's personal lawyer following suit. "I bet that you would've made a great older brother," she commented. To the lawyer, "And how can I help you, Ms. Lopez?"

The female lawyer- an Amazon of a woman with coffee-colored skin and a mini-Afro- reached into her purse and handed me an envelope. "Mr. Copeland, I want to extend my sympathies," she said in her Brazilian accent. "Before you read the letter, I'll be giving you the basics of your inheritance. You have a decent trust fund that your parents left behind for you, but it's only for your access once you turn eighteen in three months and it's to be used for your college funds."

I nodded. "Sounds fair," I replied.

"Secondly, the letter has her final wishes for you, especially regarding your welfare. I strongly recommend that you read it right now."

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