Chapter Thirty-Seven: Planning for a Memorable Weekend

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Third-Person POV

Earlier, at Slade's Diner in downtown Stonehaven Pointe...

"I still can't believe that Vion and De'Andre alongside their respective uncle and dad are going to be part of those John Dandy guys," Tahira gushed as she and Felicity dined on salads and milkshakes with Nelly and Tim McGraw playing on the stereo. "With all that they've been dealt with regarding Halliday, they really deserve it."

"That's for sure," the cheerleading captain replied, pausing to take a sip of her milkshake. "And with the beautillion ball wrapping up the weekend festivities, you already know that they're going to be the talk of the town for quite a while."

"For all of the right reasons, I hope. Girl, you already know that Westley and his dad never play around with any scandals or shit like that. You remember that guy who tried to discredit them?"

Felicity nodded, waving hello to a few friends from the marching band. "Who can forget it? Robby Beckham was a paranoid little shit who believed that the John Dandy guys are some kind of cult and would pull pranks to try and expose their identities. Everyone put up with him until he went too far by pouring ice water and paint on Superintendent Westley last year, and at a pep rally in front of everyone no less! His parents were pissed and his sister Kaci was humiliated to the point where she almost ended her life."

Tahira shook her head in dismay. "Poor Kaci," she muttered. "She was close to joining the dance team until her brother goofed it up. Thank God that he got shipped to military camp. But his family left town in total disgrace. No one could fault Kaci because she didn't know what was going on, but Robby was a total douche."

"Exactly," Felicity commented, biting into her salad. "And with four new members, who can say if anyone else will be around to try and disrupt the John Dandy Boys Club and the older male version? Not only that, De'Andre and Vion will be the talk of the town for a while and they're going to need a lot of help to make sure that they stay grounded."

"And how can we do that?" Tahira asked.

Felicity hummed. "It may be a long shot, but maybe I can talk to Mr. Westley to see if you, Chasity the guys, and I can help with keeping the new members level-headed," she replied. "Maybe start a little organization as allies for the all-male clubs."

"That can work," Tahira replied. "We might have to ask him tomorrow during the beautillion, though, if not by Monday at school."

"That won't be necessary," came a man's voice as the girls saw a middle-aged man dressed in a three-piece suit. "Tahira Givens and Felicity Braun?"

"Who wants to know?" Tahira asked.

The man smiled faintly. "Mr. Westley has requested your presence at the manor as he has something to discuss with you two alongside Mr. Copeland's aunt as well as De'Andre's mother and grandparents, your male friends Mr. Erskine and Mr. Rozier, and even the Houlton family," he explained. "Your friends save for Miss Erskine are in the limousine already while another limousine will be picking up the others."

"Then let's go," Tahira said, placing a twenty-dollar bill on the table before she and Felicity followed the man outside and ducked into the limo where Damon and Quintarrus were waiting for them. "I wonder what's this about?"

"Damned if I know, but if it involves Vion, Mr. Booker, De'Andre, and Mr. Thompson; then it means that something is about to go down," Quintarrus commented just as Felicity shut the door before the car pulled away.

"Chasity's still down with the flu, but the man told me and my parents that she'll know on Monday," Damon piped up. "I wished she didn't get sick so she could be at the beautillion tomorrow."

And as talk of the pending ball at the Westley Manor went underway, neither of the four teens (or their parents who were in a separate limousine behind them) would be prepared enough for what was ahead for them.


At the Houlton-Turner-Simmons residence...

"Quez, as your cousins, it's Maya and my duty to tell you not to go there," Marae said as she and her twin sister watched Quez get ready for his visit to the manor. "We may be in middle school and all, but even we know that there's something spooky going on at Mr. Westley's manor where those guys hang out at."

"Girls, I don't have much of a choice," Quez replied calmly as he put on his favorite green Henley shirt. "With me doing an article for tomorrow's beautillion ball and given VIP passes, today's visit is going to be crucial. Besides, I bet that this visit is all about what'll be expected for tomorrow."

And not about me sneaking around when I was supposed to stay home last night, he thought to himself.

"Yeah, but Marae and I can't help but think that something bad's about to happen if you're not careful," Maya said, handing her cousin his shoes. "I heard from Annie Yeun from tennis that the guys are cannibals and they like to eat people for a midnight snack."

Quez scoffed, giving his cousin a small smile. "Don't be silly," he replied. "Annie Yeun and her older brother like to believe in anything that comes from watching too many horror movies."

Gerald Yeun, a sophomore kid who ran the AV club at Trotter's Ridge, was a die-hard horror fan that was slated to be the next conspiracy theorist.

"Quez?" Aunt Marilyn hollered from downstairs. "The limo's here. Time to get a move on."

"Coming!" Quez yelled as he stood up and grabbed his favorite messenger bag. To the twins, "You guys coming?"

"We'll pass," Marae deadpanned. "You couldn't pay me enough to go to that place."

"Me neither," Maya agreed. "If I were you, Quez, I'd stay home with us and forget about tomorrow. Those guys at your school give me the creeps. And if your new friends are there, they're in trouble. Marae and I will be at a friend's house anyways."

They followed Quez out of his room and joined everyone else before making a beeline for the house next door. As soon as the twins were inside, Quez stepped into one of the limousines and was surprised to see Bridget waiting for them. "Humphries! What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Well, my family and I were given the summons to come to the manor alongside Mrs. Booker, the other Thompson family members, and Tahira's friends and their families," Bridget explained. "And you already know that it's not a good idea to say 'no' to Mr. Westley. Think he knows about yesterday?"

"I hope not, but it's better to confess while we have the chance and beg for forgiveness," Quez replied as the limo pulled away, the second one containing the adults. "And where's Brianna?"

"My twin isn't feeling too good due to a stomach bug," Bridget explained. "Lucky her. I wished I had the stomach bug right now."

"Me too, but no use going back now. Time to face the music."

Gentle reader, as our newest Guardians and the future Keepers of the Keys make their way to the Westley mansion, no one could truly say that they would be ready for the new versions of Bay'Vion Copeland, his uncle Donovan Booker, or even De'Andre Thompson and his father Adam. But never let it be said that they wouldn't rally to the cause of keeping one scorned femme-fatale out of the loop as she prepares for her arrival into Stonehaven Pointe. Because sometimes, the dangerous game of masquerade is only for those who are worthy to play.

The next two chapters are all about reveals, revelations, surprises, declarations, and so much more! So make sure to stick around!

Dedication: SarahQuinnMcGrath.


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