Chapter Thirty-One: Transformations

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They say that curiosity can kill the cat, gentle readers, and satisfaction doesn't often bring it back. But when it comes to Quez and Bridget and what they've heard so far while hiding out in the guestroom of Bay'Vion Copeland, they knew that there was more than what met the eye regarding the all-male teenage organization John Dandy Boys Club and their older counterpart John Dandy Men's Club. And they knew that when it came down to the welfare of Vion, his uncle Donovan Booker, and the Thompson father-son duo; they knew that the time had come for the teen spies to get some answers. "What do you think is going on?" Bridget asked in sign language as she and Quez followed the cloaked figures through the maze-like hallways. "This is getting weirder and weirder by the minute."

Quez, knowing that talking would give them away and lucky enough to be an expert of sign language, only shrugged before signing back with "I don't know, Humphries, but we gotta make sure to get every moment of this right here. Then again, trying to record what's going on could be a risky move. So we only watch in silence and then get out."

They continued their silent tailing behind the hooded figures before they reached the basement area. Staying at a safe distance, Quez and Bridget heard some beeps and clicks before they heard a door being opened with a groan.

Two minutes later, the teens soon found themselves in a spacious and high-tech laboratory that resembled something from the Divergent movie series. At the center of the room were four casket-like pods that were as big as soda vending machines and had glass doors. In each of the pods was a cot that had hand and foot restraints as well as a lone IV drip. Three of the pods held the sleeping bodies of De'Andre Thompson, his father, and Donovan Booker- each male stripped down to a pair of black spandex briefs as they were strapped down and hooked to the drips.

As for Vion, he was being placed into the fourth pod next to his uncle by two of the hooded figures.

"Wow," signed Bridget as she took in what was going on. "Who are these guys?"

"Damned if I know, but I don't like any of this," Quez replied before noticing a simple closet that was closer to the entrance. He motioned Bridget to follow him as they deftly ducked inside without detection. "Hold tight, Humphries, because something tells me that there's a lot going on."

"Right," Bridget signed before the teens peeked through the cracks. "Looks like things are about to begin, Houlton."

Gentle reader, neither of the teens were prepared for the sight that would haunt their minds the moment that the cloaked figures were soon revealed as none other than the male members of the John Dandy Boys Club and the John Dandy Men's Club- all of the men looking athletic and domineering in only spandex briefs in various colors with matching wristbands and knee-high boots.


"Gentlemen," Mr. Westley intoned as he and his son Brian (both wearing identical deep-blue briefs and looking like perfect supermodels) took to the front of the laboratory. "As the sun goes down and we soon take in the arrival of the night, the time has come for us to induct our newest members of the flock: Bay'Vion Copeland, his uncle Donovan Booker, De'Andre Thompson, and his father Adam Thompson. We've heard their stories and how they look to begin anew while seeking guidance, companionship, and purpose with us. They are worthy of joining our flock despite the efforts from the extremist-minded girl Kenya Halliday. But more importantly, tonight is when we fulfill the promise that we made to the late Angelica and Antonio Copeland, the parents of Bay'Vion Copeland. The time is now that he and the others let go of the past and embrace the future as part of our flock- as John Dandy Men and Boys...and as fellow Sons of Joneus as they will be gifted with powers of immortality, supernatural abilities, metahuman skills, and so much more. Many still wish to discredit us and those who try and vainly gain our favor soon end up being scorned by the Guardians and the global government whom we all work with to ensure that what we do is never uncovered. We've been the best-kept secrets of not only this town but also the world."

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